Welcome to the August 2011 edition of The GoE Newsletter!
In this issue:
** News: New Presentation Details Announced โ 2011 EFT & Energy Psychology Conference ** Video: Using Matrix Reimprinting with EFT for Phobias with Karl Dawson ** News: Complementary Therapy Success in the NHS ** Case Study: Energy Cone for Scar Tissue by Ray Manning ** News: World Energy Awareness Event a Success
AddedAug 17, 2011
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News: New Presentation Details Announced โ 2011 EFT & Energy Psychology Conference
The 2011 European EFT & Energy Psychology Conference is only a few months away, and we are pleased to announce full details on more of the Presentations, including a Keynote presentation from Silvia Hartmann โ The Third Field.
Other presentation details recently announced include the very exciting Inner Awareness Method with Dr Terry Lynch, Getting Clients to Come to You with Peter Delves and the 15-Minute Introduction Presentations The Screen Technique with Tom Wynn and Spiritus - Spiritual Marketing with Shelagh Jones.
We are also happy to announce that two more post-conference workshops are now available to bookย onto. The first is the GoE Certified Inner Awareness Practitioner with Dr. Teresa Lynch, which will be the very first training of its kind. The next is 2-day Foundation training for Using Ask & Receive for Physical Issues with Sandi Radomski.
Video: Using Matrix Reimprinting with EFT for Phobias with Karl Dawson
What's Matrix Reimprinting all about? Want to see a Matrix Reimprinting session?
This live session, filmed a few months ago, deals with an intense frog phobia. The session starts off with classic EFT - then uses one of the Matrix Reimprinting techniques to locate the traumatic event behind the phobia. Matrix Reimprinting is then used to get resolution on the traumatic event.
In a very high percentage of cases, traumatic events, regardless of their intensity and nature can be resolved within one session of Matrix Reimprinting.
Not only is it very quick and relatively painless, traumatic memories can be re-written as positive ones and negative beliefs made into new resourceful beliefs.
Lisa Richards has written an article for Positive, the magazine for the NHS in Nottinghamshire, which details the use of Energy therapies such as Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) and EMO (ET).
GoE & EMO Trainer Sally Canning has been instrumental in the introduction of Meridian Energy Therapies into the Nottinghamshire NHS, and we are pleased to include an article about Sally's involvement.
Energy Cone is an exciting new technique developed by Tom Wynn and Ray Manning over the last few years. At the last GoE Conference we were pleased to certify the very first GoE Qualified Energy Cone Practitioners.
On the 8th of the 8th at 8pm Energy enthusiasts around the world came together to celebrate Energy Healing in all its forms. The plan was to help to promote Energy Therapies to the wider world,
In anticipation of the event, Energists of all kinds sponsored the event and offered tips, meditations, articles and even songs to help inspire, and they are still available on the official Energy888 website.
Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this month's packed newsletter. As always, please do submit your own articles and case studies for inclusion in next month's edition.
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