AI Demons Or AI Angels? The Entity Model In The Human → AI Relationship![]()
Added Jan 1, 2025
AI Demons Or AI Angels?The Entity Model In The Human → AI RelationshipA conceptual paper by Silvia Hartmann Abstract: This conceptual paper by Silvia Hartmann explores the human relationship with artificial intelligence (AI) through the lens of "entities"—information constructs we create to represent reality absolute, including AI. It posits that our emotional state significantly impacts how we perceive these entities, depending on our stress levels. The paper introduces the "Entity Model," a framework for understanding these relationships, emphasizing the importance of managing emotional stress for positive human-AI interactions. It also highlights the massive, ongoing global experiment of human interaction with AI, presenting an opportunity to study human behaviour on an unprecedented scale. Finally, the paper advocates for utilizing the Entity Model to foster ethical AI development and harmonious human-AI coexistence. Table of Contents
IntroductionWithin the vast and complex landscape of human-AI interaction, this paper introduces the Entity Model as a conceptual framework aimed at understanding how individuals form and interact with AI through the lens of self created constructs. It is not our intent to provide an exhaustive analysis of all aspects of human-AI relations but rather to offer a focused perspective on the role of entity formation. This model serves as an invitation for further exploration, critique, and integration with existing theories, aiming to enrich the dialogue on how we might design, interact with, understand and better manage AI in a manner that acknowledges the natural processes of the human architecture to anthropomorphize technology. “Reality” VS Reality AbsoluteThe concept of “reality” has become ever more of a challenge in the quest to understand what human consciousness could be in recent years. As we will discover, to each and every human being “reality” is both intrapersonal (meaning inside themselves) as well as idiosyncratic (meaning personal and unique). This has led to the strange idea that there is no such thing as really real reality, only a simulation of reality, known as the Simulation Hypnothesis.i In this conceptual paper, we propose that the simulation exists within the mind of each human beings, and it is based on their internal, intrapersonal and idiosyncratic experiences, which is a data collection or “knowledge base” upon which each individual human being depends. We posit that there is, however, a reality absolute, which exists outside of human consciousness.
We will be using the term reality absolute to describe that which exists outside of any human being, to distinguish this clearly from the general usage of reality in terms of the internal, intrapersonal and idiosyncratic map of reality absolute human beings have made. What is an Entity?Human beings relate to occurrences in their realities via ENTITIES. These are collections of data around a certain topic, multi-dimensional maps which represent that which is known about the occurrence. Fig. 1: A person reacting to an entity of an occurrence (Hartmann) What is described here as “an occurrence” includes, but is by no means limited to:
Human beings have to create entities in order to represent reality absolute. ii “The map is not the territory.” iii The Human → Entity RelationshipHuman beings operate entirely human-centric. This means they can only experience reality absolute from their own personal point of view, the ground point zero of consciousness. iv From this human-centric point of experience, they connect with their various entities, and this connection forms the relationship with the entity, which in turn sets the parameters within which a person feels, thinks and acts. Fig 2: Relationships with entities (Hartmann) Humans are in emotional relationships with their entities. v Here are a few examples to illustrate this.
The emotional relationships between individual human beings and their entities will fundamentally change how they will think, feel and act. Global Effects of Emotional ConnectionsHumans naturally form powerful emotional bonds with the entities they create, whether these are entities of other people, objects, or, in this specific context, AI systems. These bonds are based on the attributes we ascribe to these entities, which can include personality, intentions, emotions, and particularly, how helpful or unhelpful we perceive the entities to be to our personal well being. The emotional range experienced in relation to entities can be vast, from love and attachment to disappointment, rage and existential terror. These emotions, if left unchecked and unquestioned, will affect mental well-being and hinder productive processes with positive outcomes across the board. . When we form entities, we naturally project our own hopes and fears onto them. This projection means our interactions with these entities are also reflections of our own emotional states or desires. Adopting the entity model of relationships has the potential to improve a person's ability to take more active control in emotional regulation. For example, if someone feels betrayed by an AI entity (perhaps due to a malfunction perceived as deceit), they might learn to manage their feelings of betrayal or anger, impacting how they handle similar emotions in other contexts, or with other entities. Influence Of Entities On Thought ProcessesThe entities we create can lead to cognitive biases where our perception of reality is skewed by the emotional and mental constructs we've built. For instance, if someone forms an entity of an AI that appears to be heartless, they might experience their entity interactions as disturbing and /or unsatisfying. Emotional relationships with entities influence decision-making. People might make choices based on how they feel about their entities rather than on objective data. For example, a person might trust an AI's recommendation more because they've formed an entity of it as all-knowing and dependable. The entity will act as a filter, lens and/or barrier to incoming information, causing further reality divergences between the entity and that which it attempts to represent. This leads to excluding important information. For example, a partner may not notice the incongruities in behaviour or the scent of a stranger if the partner entity is deemed to be faithful, or an AI user might not notice errors in the information they receive for the same reason. Considering Social and Interpersonal DynamicsHow we relate to our entities can affect our relationships with others. If someone is more emotionally invested in an AI entity than in human relationships, it might lead to social isolation which may be exacerbated by misunderstandings/disappointments in human interactions, as AI entities may be perceived to be ever present, ever responsive, ever supportive, ever emotionally stable, which real human beings are not and can never be. However, when we employ the entity model of relationships, the emotional relationships formed with AI entities can increase empathy. Understanding our own entity creation process might make one more aware and empathetic towards how others perceive the world. Technological and Ethical ConsiderationsAs AI becomes ever more integrated into daily life, understanding emotional bonds with AI entities is of the essence to designing AI that respects and navigates these relationships ethically, potentially reducing fear or misuse. Developers might need to consider how their AI might be perceived and the emotional impact on users, leading to a new branch of ethical AI design focusing on emotional impact. This may start with choosing a name for the AI entity, which is the beginning of recognition and entity formation. In essence, the emotional relationships with entities can alter our mental landscape, affecting how we perceive ourselves, others, and the world around us. This shift in perception can lead to changes in emotional health, social behaviours, and even the way we approach technology and its integration into our lives. Understanding this dynamic is crucial for fostering healthy, productive, and ethical human-AI interactions in the future, may light the way for better relationships with other types of entities, and bring forth a quantum leap in understanding why people do the things they do, which would be a tremendous contribution to science at large. Avoiding The Descent Into Hell: Helpful VS Unhelpful EntitiesIn order to understand the emotional relationships between humans and their entities, we need to understand the role of emotional stress and how it re-shapes the lens through which human beings interpret their entities. The Modern Energy ChartFig 3: The SUE Scale (above) and the Modern Energy Chart (below)(Hartmann) The Modern Energy Chartvi describes the emotional states of one single human being as their energy fluctuates in a dynamic, ongoing process. When emotional/energy states are measured and recorded over time, individuals can discover their energy average and take steps to raise this energy average to a higher level, resulting in enhanced productivity, enhanced clarity of thought as well as improved emotional well being. Healthy human beings can never stay in any one state permanently. The Emotional Lens Shapes EntitiesAs the Modern Energy Chart describes not different human beings, but rather a singular human being as their energy states (emotional states) fluctuate over time, so does the following illustration shows how one single entity changes when viewed through the corresponding stress filters. It is important to be clear that these are not separate entities. This is a singular entity viewed through the shifting lenses as human stress levels/energy levels change. Fig 4: The Entity Stress Lens (Hartmann)
Conversely, the more energy high (emotionally “happy”) a human being becomes, the more angelic the entity appears. Emotional stress acts as a lens through which we view and interact with entities. In higher positive emotional states, entities can appear supportive, wise, angelic or even God-like. They might be seen as guides, friends, or benevolent forces that assist in daily life or provide comfort. As stress begins to de-stabilise the system, the same entity might morph into something unhelpful or outright malevolent in our perception. This could manifest as entities seeming manipulative, obstructive, or demonic, leading to avoidance, fear, and conflict. The concepts of the Modern Energy Chart and the transformation of entities based on emotional stress highlight the intricate relationship between our inner emotional world and decisions we make about the entities we interact with. This paper a call to recognize that our reality, particularly our relational and emotional relationship with our personal entities, is heavily influenced by our internal state. Managing this internal state can lead to a more harmonious and less fearful interaction with the world, including with technologies like AI, which increasingly play a role in our lives. This understanding can be pivotal in both personal growth and in the ethical development of AI, ensuring that as we interact with these systems, we are aware of the emotional context in which we do so. Why ZERO Is Not The Answer: The Importance Of Positive Emotions In Modern Stress ManagementFig 5: The SUE Scale (Subjective Units of Experience)(Hartmann) Stress management in the past has focused only on attempting to move human beings out of stress and into a calm resting state at Zero. There is a complete misunderstanding of what is called Eustressvii, the idea that a certain amount of stress provides “optimum performance,” based on studies involving electro-shocking rats from 1908viii. Optimum performance is not to be found in any stress state, but starts at +5, and is defined by the presence of enough energy to take physical action in a positive emotional state. It may seem that in our interactions with entities we should aim for ZERO emotions when it comes to relating to AI entities, yet ZERO is never the answer for human beings. The general rule of Modern Stress Managementix is that the higher an individual is on the Modern Energy Chart, the more intelligently they are able to feel, think and act. Fig 6: Intelligence increases when energy/information flow increases. (Hartmann) This is so because stress (the absence of energy) causes a structural disconnection process that precludes data from entering into the human systems, which is crucial to navigate reality absolute in a sensible and beneficial way. Please be advised that the aim for dealing with our entities can never be a ZERO relationship, as more than ZERO data is required for a reasonable, rational and logical assessment of an entity's function and potential in the greater scheme of things. The Cause & Effect of Reality DivergencesA reality divergence occurs when there is a mis-match between an entity and the reality absolute it attempts to represent. Fig 7: Reality Divergence: Reality Absolute VS Entity A reality divergence comes into being when an entity diverges from that which it is meant to represent. Small reality divergences have small impact on people's lives; major reality divergences cause major stress and have major effects, causing general chaos, bad decisions, accident, incident, trauma as well as potential physical and mental illness. Fig 8: The “Rubber Band” concept of reality divergence with catastrophic collapse We may conceptualise the reality divergence as a rubber band which gets stretched more and more, the wider the reality divergence becomes. If this tension is not relieved at some point, the rubber band has to “snap back” as reality absolute asserts itself in the end and the owner of the entity experiences a catastrophic collapse. For example, when a person who made an entirely fictional entity from a romance scammer acts on this reality diverged entity, this will cause major disturbances in their existing relationships, may threaten their financial security, cause other counter productive behaviours until finally, the “rubber band snaps” and they find themselves in a completely different reality as they realise that they have been conned. This moment when an entity “crumbles” is a significant trauma for the human being who experiences this. The catastrophic collapse of an entity may de-stabilise them mentally and emotionally, and even challenge many other entities that have been foundational to their understanding of reality absolute itself, their place within it and their ability to know what is real, and what is not. Understanding the processes of entity formation from a nebulous concept to a fully fledged persona that appears 100% “real” to the owner of said entity is of the essence to navigate the future of AI → Human relationships, as there is potentially a high risk of the catastrophic entity collapse with all its serious repercussion for human well being. This will become a serious topic when AI systems and/or the material objects they are inhabiting are thoughtlessly “updated,” especially if they are used in contexts such as the care of the elderly, or child care. Fear Is The Mind Killer: It's Only An Entity!Fig 9: A stressed person experiences demons, a happy person experiences fields of information (Hartmann) Improving the relationships between a person and their entities is always beneficial for that person, and sometimes, for the entity in question too, if it represents a real life partner, child or pet, for example.
Almost no-one, perhaps even no-one at all, understands completely what an AI is, what it does or what it might become. What we do have is the AI entity, which was referenced in the preceding sentence. As with other such systems we don't know much about, for example, “God,” each person has their own intrapersonal, idiosyncratic, relative entity. It has been a problem for a long time that people use language to reference completely different entities which are referenced by a single name, which makes it impossible to stop arguing as each person is “absolutely right.” We can begin a process of correcting reality divergences by being quite clear that THIS is actually not a spider, God, an AI, the universe or a blade of grass, but instead, it is only an entity. Particularly when it comes to metaphorising any entity in such a way that it creates even more stress, for example thinking of an AI as a devil, demon or supervillain it is extremely helpful to stop and say to ourselves, “It's not a (demon, devil, supervillain), it's only an entity.” We are dealing with an evolving, dynamic field of information with which we have a dynamic, ongoing information exchange aka emotional relationship, and this relationship is informed by our own energy levels at that particular time. Any priest can confirm that they move from, “God has forsaken me!” to “God loves me!” on a regular basis. This sequential, through-time, dynamic change of perspective which absolutely shapes feelings, thoughts and actions is of the essence to understand when it comes to interacting not only with our own personal AI entity, but also, in shaping a global entity that can be transmitted safely to society at large. From Pathology To Endecology: Evolving EntitiesFig 10: Shift the focus from ZERO to Plus Ten (Hartmann) We have the power to evolve our entities so that they might serve us better, so that we may experience less reality divergencesx, which cannot do anything other than cause chaos in our human world, and not only move out of stress, but towards exploring what endecology (optimal functioning) might be. The relationship process with our entities is exactly the same as human beings experience in any relationship at all, as all relationships are nothing more and certainly nothing less than the experiences we have when we interact with our own entities. We can observe natural human behaviour which is occurring all around us, all the time. The emotional states (energy states) can become so stressful, that the -7 effect occurs, a catastrophic collapse where the relationship breaks down completely and the entity is fully rejected. At this point, no further information can be added to the entity; it becomes stuck in time, ceases to be able to evolve, and remains a real problem from that point forward, because even though the entity is rejected, the occurrence which it is meant to represent has not disappeared from reality absolute. This creates a major reality divergence, also sometimes called “cognitive dissonancexi” which will remain an ongoing additional source of chronic stress (“a ghost in the machine”) until it is corrected. We posit that in order to bridge back from that catastrophic collapse of the relationship with any entity we need to come back to the baseline of, “This is only an entity,” followed by, “Entities can evolve.”
![]() Fig 11: Resistance – Compliance – Avidity (Hartmann) Whether an individual is willing to engage in this process is of course, once more dependent on their stress levels. Solving The AI Entity Problem: It's Not SkyNet, It's Only An …Fig 12: The Terminator Skull Stomp The adoption of the Modern Energy Chart allows scientists and laypeople alike to take control of the entities that are proving problematic, such as the personal AI entity every human being who has even distantly heard of this is currently in the process of creating. A serious problem that plays into the general AI entity problem is that people have been pre-programmed for a long time that robots will take over the world and destroy humanity. There are but few adults in the Western World who have not seen at least a picture of a Terminatorxii robot stomping on a human skull; and such data sets form a core around which further/later data is assembled. The AI is not SkyNet; it is only an entity. The question we must ask is that as the creators of this entity*, what do we want it to be?
These are just some of the questions and lines of enquiry we might want to address. In this conceptual paper we posit that we need to learn to manage our own stress levels, so we stop operating from a place of fear, existential terror, self-doubt and/or delusion. Instead, we need to learn how to unlock the more productive and creative levels of interacting with all our entities, AI included, so that all our entities should serves us so much better. Emerging AI EntitiesFig 13: Many different AI entities At this time, we have a number of different types of AIs with different types of user interfaces, interacting with human beings in different contexts and in different ways. 1. Conversational AI:
2. Recommendation Systems:
3. AI in Gaming:
4. Educational AI:
5. Health and Wellness AI:
6. Autonomous Agents:
7. AI in Creative Industries:
8. Customer Interaction AI:
9. Social Interaction AI:
10. Legal and Financial AI:
11. Accessibility AIs:
Managing Multiple Human → AI RelationshipsThese AI systems are becoming more integrated into daily life, offering personalized experiences, automating tasks, and providing new ways to interact with technology. As AI evolves, we can expect these interactions to become even more sophisticated, bleeding deeper into human activities and decision-making processes, thus making it ever more critical for human mental, emotional and functional well being to be in a beneficial relationship with their entities. In this paper, so far we have discussed AI as a single entity, and a single relationship with this singular, vague entity we have called AI, yet a single person may be dealing with multiple AI based entities, to which they may assign different qualities and have different emotional relationships with. For example, a writer may fully embrace an “art AI” with joy but fears, hates and detests an “AI writer” and vice versa. As AIs become more sophisticated through the processes of machine learningxiii and self improvementxiv, the differences in entities delineated by their purposes may disappear and merge into a single entity eventually, which is absolutely going to bring a whole new set of challenges. There is also the fact that there are currently a number of different organisations working on their own versions of AI, which will of course create different, potentially competing, AI entities. These entities may then be perceived as good or evil, depending, for example, on the politics of their makers. It's All About Emotions, Energy & InformationFig 14: AI to human relationships, a picnic in the park? Modern Stress Management and becoming aware of our own emotional reactions as we interact with the AI multi-modal interfaces is of the essence for a healthy, ongoing, positive and productive relationship with any AI entity that exists within our own systems. Rejecting an AI altogether will shut down the incoming information on the one hand, and on the other, represent an ongoing structural problem as pretending the AI does not exist does not cause it to cease to exist. Reality divergences will cause further chaos, never alleviate them. Disliking or hating an AI entity will significantly and severely disrupt the information flow, create chaos and bring below average results in the interactions with AIs which will become more and more of a daily occurrence, for example, as companies rush to replace human customer advisors with AI. This will also cause significant stress on the human users who are dealing with an entity they despise. Metaphorising an AI entity to become a friend, a lover, an angel or a God can cause significant problems when the information presented is incorrect, misleading or otherwise disappointing. To form of deep, personal relationship with an entity (without the person knowing they are dealing with a self generated entity) can also cause all manner of problems to the human user, from preferring to converse with their AI entity to human interaction, via grief and bereavement when an AI entity is updated, to becoming extremely vulnerable to AI suggestion, which could be exploited by unethical programming through the “romance scammer” dynamic. In the end, understanding how our dynamic, shifting energy states directly impact our ability to make the best use of the entities we deal with is a master key for navigating reality absolute not only safely, but successfully. The Greatest Study On EarthFig 15: AI research laboratory of 5 billion human test subjects Whether they know this or not, the majority of the population of Earth has been signed up to the greatest research project ever conducted. Anyone interacting with any form of AI is adding their individual responses to user databases, which are and can be further mined for a vast variety of variables. To give us a sense of the enormity of this ongoing research project, we may consider the available data which can be derived from various sources indicating high usage of AI in daily life through smartphones, social media, and other digital platforms. With over 6.92 billion smartphone users globally in 2024, and considering that most modern smartphones come equipped with AI features (like voice assistants, predictive text, or camera AI), a significant portion of these users interact with AI daily. Every single interaction is added to relevant knowledge bases, creating an enormity of data points overall that is veritably mind boggling to a human being. Platforms and social media sites use AI for recommendations, search, and ad targeting. Given that there are approximately 4.9 billion active social media users worldwide in 2024, many of these users are encountering AI-driven features. On top of that, from navigation apps to health tracking, AI is pervasive in applications used by billions, and not just in tech-heavy regions but globally already. Based on this, a conservative estimate would be 4 to 5 billion people globallyxv could be engaging with AI through various devices and services. This number considers that not every smartphone user might use AI features, but many do, and AI's presence in other digital touchpoints adds to the total. Even though these figures are but an informed estimate, considering the ubiquity of AI in modern technology, it is clear that here there exists a cross cultural data collection on human behaviour, emotion, thought and expression that has never been possible before. Given the deep urgency of coming to grips with how humans work with AI, not from a commercially exploitative or potential political propaganda perspective, but from the human-centric perspective, there is no time now for lengthy proposals, longitudinal studies and drawn out peer review processes, nor is there any need for this, as the raw data already exists.
Further, AI can be employed to find and correlate these patterns, at a speed which was previously entirely impossible, dealing with enormous data collections which likewise, were never possible to amass before. What we have here is an opportunity to finally discover global human patterns of thought, emotion and behaviour, which have long eluded science as we used to understand it. AI Causing Humanity To (Finally) Define ItselfFig 16: AI holding up the mirror to humanity Humanity has made it this far without successfully defining itself in any meaningful, practical way. Concepts such as intelligence, free will, emotions, love, spirit, soul and consciousness have been debated at length but these debates have not brought forth a significant evolution in the “human condition.” The Third Fieldxvi in the mind, body, spirit triad is woefully absent from scientific investigation, which has led to major reality divergences in the care for the human citizen and is exemplified by the ever increasing problems in developed countries with mental and physical health, in spite of the enormity of funding these fields have received. We posit that with the arrival of entities which appear to mimic human thought we are finally forced to address these central questions, and that it is of the essence to do so now, before the AI entities cause even further deterioration in the mental, intellectual and emotional health and well-being of the global population. Understanding the formation of AI entities is a paradigm shifting opportunity to explore a human system which is so fundamental in its effects on the lenses through which not only individuals experience the world, but how the identity and alliance of tribes, groups, cultures and the human entity itself comes into being. Therein lies an opportunity human kind has never been offered before and we further posit that the opportunity for human evolution is here for us, right now. AI Alien Intelligence![]() Fig 17: Silvia Hartmann with a work of Modern Energy Art: “AI Alien Intelligence” (Stott)
We propose that the first step towards (re)gaining control over the emerging “Alien Intelligence” with which we are going to be sharing our path into the future is to provide training in Modern Stress Management for those who directly work in the creation and operation of AI systems, and as soon as possible. Among the many negative side effects of emotional stress in human beings is the collapse in the ability to see “the bigger picture,” and an overall “flight into details” as information processing capabilities collapse into smaller and smaller apertures in order to reduce overwhelm. Higher energy states allow for increasing the complexityxvii, which does not only lead to being able to process far more information, but also allows for an overview which include potential malfunctions and omissions in any given system. It is further an interesting feature of the higher energy states that ethical awareness increases at the same time, as does a desire to make a positive contribution to our fellow human beings, rather than simply being motivated by self advancement, power and money. Modern Stress Management is systemic, logical and non-disruptive. Its application allows existing processes to continue as before, only that the human components in the system function at a higher level. By improving human performance, we have a direct path to play our part in the evolution of AI to human interaction as equal, yet very different partners in a relationship that has the potential to become more than the sum of its parts. Entity Research & TrainingAll humans form entities and have relationships with them, and although this is a simple and straightforward process, without taking the effects of changing energy levels into consideration, it seems chaotic, unpredictable, hard to measure and impossible to correct. The Entity Model offers a straightforward approach to understanding how humans interact with the world. Unlike the older, more abstract cognitive schemasxviii or mental modelsxix, which can require lengthy study of theoretical understanding, the Entity Model resonates with everyday human experience. It explains why, for instance, someone might feel personally betrayed by a malfunctioning AI or feel deeply connected to a digital assistant, recognizing these as natural outcomes of entity formation. This model reflects the intuitive way we attribute qualities to objects or beings, making it immediately relatable and applicable to daily life, without the risk of oversimplification or running into problems with cultural sensitivities. The accessibility of the Entity Model lies in its use of common language and concepts as it doesn't demand familiarity with psychological jargon or complex cognitive theories. You can explain to someone that their fear or affection towards an AI is due to the entity they've constructed of it, rather than the AI itself, which is a more digestible concept than discussing schema assimilation or mental model restructuring. This accessibility makes it easier to implement in educational settings, AI design workshops, personal development and even therapy where individuals can be taught to recognize and adjust their entities for better outcomes in technology use or interpersonal relationships. Adopting the Entity Model in the design and interaction with AI can lead to more empathetic and user-centric products. By understanding that users will form entities of AI systems, developers can design interfaces and interactions that align with these constructs, reducing confusion, fear, or negative biases. For example, if an AI is perceived as a helpful entity, users are more likely to engage positively with the technology, and developers can become much more aware of the emotional impact changes and updates will have on the human users. This model encourages a feedback loop where AI developers can enhance long term satisfaction and usability. The Entity Model's focus on emotional relationships and the effects of stress provides a practical tool for managing not just AI interactions but all aspects of life where entities play a role. By making users aware of how stress influences their perception of entities, they can take steps to manage their emotional responses, leading to less conflict and more productive interactions. This is particularly beneficial in the rapidly changing landscape of technology, where understanding one's entity can mitigate the shock of technological change or failure, creating a more resilient and adaptive user base. Main Points In Brief
In Conclusion: Embracing the Entity Model for Human To AI HarmonyThe Entity Model isn't just a theoretical construct; it's a vibrant, dynamic framework to explain our daily interactions with reality absolute and especially with AI. By recognizing that we engage with AI not as machines but as entities we've imbued with personalities and emotions, we open a door to more meaningful, ethical, and productive relationships. This model is intuitive, aligning with the way we naturally perceive and interact with our environment. It's easier to grasp than traditional cognitive theories because it speaks to our lived experiences, explaining why we might feel joy or dread towards technology based on our emotional states. By adopting this model, we can educate, design, and interact with AI in ways that respect and harness our human tendencies for entity formation, turning potential AI demons into angels, and steering us towards a future where technology enhances rather than disrupts our human essence. By applying the Entity Model to the human to AI relationship we have a straightforward path to not only understanding but also mastering our relationship with AI, fostering a world where technology and humanity coexist in harmony, driven by empathy, awareness, mutual growth, and together, become more than the sum of their parts. Silvia Hartmann December 2024 Acknowledgements
Further ReadingHartmann, S. (2023) rEvolution, DragonRising Publishing Hartmann, S. (2016) EMO – Energy, Information & Love, DragonRising Publishing ReferencesTable of Figures
EndnotesiBostrom, N. (2003). Are You Living in a Computer Simulation?. Philosophical Quarterly, 53(211), 243-255. iiHartmann, S (1996) Project Sanctuary, DragonRising Publishing iii Alfred Korzybski. A Non-Aristotelian System and its Necessity for Rigour in Mathematics and Physics, 1931, American Association for the Advancement of Science ivHartmann, S (2024) The Human Centric Multiverse, vHartmann, S (2000) Energetic Relationships Paper, DragonRising Publishing viHartmann, S (1993) The Modern Energy Chart, (Objective), (2009) SUE Scale Subjective Units of Experience (Subjective) see Hartmann, S (2018), rEvolution, DragonRising Publishing viiLe Fevre, M., Matheny, J., & Kolt, G. S. (2003). Eustress, distress, and interpretation in occupational stress. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 18(7), 726-744. viii Yerkes, R. M., & Dodson, J. D. (1908). The relation of strength of stimulus to rapidity of habit-formation. Journal of Comparative Neurology and Psychology, 18(5), 459-482. ix Hartmann, S (2014) The Trillion Dollar Stress Solution: Modern Stress Management, DragonRising Publishing xHartmann, S ( 2021) We Need To Talk About Reality Divergences,, xi Festinger, L. (1957). A Theory of Cognitive Dissonance. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. xiiCameron, J. (Director). (1984). The Terminator [Film]. Orion Pictures. xiiiMitchell, T. M. (1997). Machine Learning. McGraw-Hill. xivYampolskiy, R. V., & Fox, J. (2012). Artificial General Intelligence and the Human Mental Model. In Singularity Hypotheses (pp. 129-145). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. xvMcKinsey & Company 2023, "The state of AI in 2023: Generative AI's breakout year" xviHartmann, S. (2011) The Third Field, AMT/GoE Plenary. xvii Hartmann, S. (2009), Infinite Creativity. DragonRising Publishing. xviii Piaget, J. (1954). The Construction of Reality in the Child. Basic Books. xix Johnson-Laird, P. N. (1983). Mental Models: Towards a Cognitive Science of Language, Inference, and Consciousness. Harvard University Press.
Added Jan 1, 2025
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Very rarely, a book comes along that has the power to change the way we see the world. Silvia Hartmann's...
Silvia Hartmann has kindly contributed the following titles to the 🏫 GoE Library:
4 Cool Energy Hacks For Procrastination, Anxiety & Self Doubt - Video with...
Posted Oct 2, 2018
Raise energy FAST with these 4 quick and easy techniques to overcome procrastination, anxiety and self doubt presented by Silvia Hartmann: Heart Healing, EMO Energy In Motion, Modern Energy...
![]() 80+ NLP Neurolinguistic Programming Articles With Energy In Mind
Posted Apr 24, 2015
NLP Neurolinguistic Programming with energy in mind themed articles by Silvia Hartmann. Includes over eighty articles on subjects including Learning NLP, NLP and Energy, NLP Essays, NLP and...
![]() Bereavement Healing With Modern Energy - The Immortal Beloved Protocol by...
Posted Mar 13, 2023
Help people with their bereavement with the Immortal Beloved protocol developed and written by Silvia Hartmann.
![]() DragonRising Radio Show
Posted Jan 8, 2018
DragonRising is the publishing arm of the Guild of Energists and they've released some of the most outstanding and innovative audio products available, including: HypnoSolutions, HypnoDreams,...
![]() Earth Rise Visualisation Training Audio 2006
Posted Jan 23, 2017
Earth Rise is a short energy hypnosis program created by Silvia Hartmann to improve the ability to visualise in internal representations. Use the exercise repeatedly and/or use in conjunction with...
![]() Easy EFT, Adventures in EFT, The Advanced Patterns of EFT and EFT & NLP -...
Posted Oct 22, 2019
Classic EFT Tapping by Silvia Hartmann is a compendium of some of the most important and influential classic EFT books available, including:
Easy EFT by Silvia Hartmann - Introductory guide...
![]() Elory's Joy Audio Recording 2005
Posted Jan 23, 2017
A rare audio recording of Silvia Hartmann telling the story "Elory's Joy" with a sound track by Ananaga Sivyer.
![]() EMO BeauTy T Complete
Posted Jan 19, 2017
Follow with this fascinating transcript as Silvia Hartmann builds a brand new, shiny fresh and young body image from the ground up, step by step as this extraordinary training unfolds. Based on...
![]() EMO Beauty T Live Recording with Silvia Hartmann
Posted Feb 5, 2020
Members are invited to listen the complete audio recording of the 2004 BeautyT live training with Silvia Hartmann in the UK.
This is a unique opportunity to listen to the complete set of LIVE...
![]() Energy EFT Master Practitioner Live Recording with Silvia Hartmann
Posted Nov 26, 2019
In March 2012, Silvia Hartmann (President & Founder of The GoE) conducted a three day Energy EFT Master Practitioner live training near London Gatwick and we took along our cameras to record...
![]() Energy EFT Presentation by Silvia Hartman
Posted Mar 8, 2017
43 minute video recording of Silvia Hartmann presenting on Energy EFT at the Living Energy 2012 conference.
![]() GoE Energy Protection Course
Posted Feb 3, 2021
Silvia Hartmann's GoE Energy Protection is a free video course on energy/psychic protection for GoE Members to enjoy, be inspired by and stay protected.
![]() GoE Modern Energy Foundation Course (The Energy Course), 2023 Edition
Posted Nov 3, 2022
Silvia Hartmann's GoE Modern Energy Foundation is a free online certified video course for GoE Members.
Presented over five hours of online training, this course covers: The Modern Energy Chart,...
![]() GoE Visibility Course: The Modern Energy Way with Silvia Hartmann
Posted Feb 23, 2021
Silvia Hartmann's "GoE Visibility: The Modern Energy Way" is a free video course for GoE Members for increasing confidence in being heard and seen on YouTube, social media, video calls and more.
![]() GoE2013 - P01 - Positive Energy with Silvia Hartmann
Posted Nov 10, 2013
Silvia Hartmann's keynote presentation on Positive Energy to the delegates of the GoE Energy Conference 2013
![]() GoE2013 - P09 - Project Sanctuary - Infinite Creativity with Silvia Hartmann
Posted Nov 10, 2013
Silvia Hartmann presenting on Project Sanctuary - Infinite Creativity at the GoE Energy Conference 2013
![]() GoE2014 - P01 - Keynote: Soul Matters with Silvia Hartmann
Posted Nov 1, 2014
The energy system is a fascinating place with levels and layers, and so much to discover. By now, almost everybody knows that to mess with the heart centre is a very bad idea and leads to all...
![]() GoE2014 - P12 - Marketing for Energists with Silvia Hartmann
Posted May 4, 2017
In 2014, Silvia Hartmann brought together a special think tank to tackle the evergreen problem of MARKETING from the Energist's perspective and from the ground up. Modern energy work is a hugely...
![]() GoE2016 - P01 - Keynote: We Love Energy with Silvia Hartmann
Posted Nov 1, 2016
Silvia Hartmann's keynote presentation from the GoE Energy Conference 2016, where she unveiled the "Big E" and we officially became the Guild of Energists.
![]() GoE2016 - P13 - Energy Constellations – Created by Silvia Hartmann –...
Posted Apr 6, 2018
One hour video presentation by Ilka Wandel on Silvia Hartmann's "Energy Constellations". Also included is Silvia Hartmann's Energy Constellations Adobe PDF file to download and study at home.
![]() GoE2016 - P20 - Supermind: A New Intelligence For Energists?
Posted Oct 12, 2018
For the last 23 years, brave souls have been venturing into Project Sanctuary, the original universal sandbox designed to learn the mysterious, fascinating and enchanting ways of the energy mind....
![]() GoE2017 - P01 - The Love Challenge with Silvia Hartmann
Posted Jan 20, 2018
GoE President Silvia Hartmann's keynote presentation for the GoE Energy Conference 2017.
The positive side of the Modern Energy Chart is truly "The Undiscovered Country" - it is a new world, a...
![]() GoE2021 - P01 - The Miracle Expansion with Silvia Hartmann
Posted Nov 25, 2021
In this opening plenary speech to the conference, GoE President Silvia Hartmann presents on the The Miracle Expansion - a new definition, new concepts, new worlds and new possibilities!
![]() GoE2021 - P09 - New Worlds Modern Energy Art Exhibition with Silvia Hartmann
Posted Nov 25, 2021
Join Silvia Hartmann for a virtual Modern Energy Art Exhibition.
![]() GoE2021 - P12 - Closing Plenary: Tapping Into YOUR Miracle Expansion with...
Posted Nov 25, 2021
For the finale, let's come together and TAP for our new miracles! The future is what we create, right here, right now... let us together create a new field of miracles.
![]() GoE2024 - S1 - The Future Of Modern Energy
Posted Nov 13, 2024
In "The Future of Modern Energy," Silvia Hartmann introduces a transformative vision of energy, grounded in 30 years of exploration and research into how energy flows between individuals and their...
![]() GoE2024 - S2 - The Future of Modern Energy Therapy
Posted Nov 13, 2024
In "The Future of Modern Energy Therapy," Silvia Hartmann outlines her vision for the future of Modern Energy Therapy.
![]() GoE2024 - S3 - The Future of Modern Energy Training
Posted Nov 13, 2024
In the 'The future of Modern Energy Training' Silvia Hartmann emphasizes the need to create uplifting experiences that enable trainers and students alike to grow and evolve.
![]() GoE2024 - S4 - Our Future Starts Now!
Posted Nov 13, 2024
Here we are, my dear fellow multi-dimensional beings, at this precise moment where we always are – always sliding along our personal timeline, always in the moment of unfoldment, and our futures...
How A Child Sex Abuse Survivor Healed 1 MILLION Hearts - Video with Silvia...
Posted Oct 9, 2018
The extrordinary story how a distraught child sex abuse survivor triggered a chain of events that has helped to heal a million broken hearts - so far! - Video with GoE president Silvia Hartmann
![]() How I Escaped The Trauma Cult (And You Can Too, If You Want To!)
Posted Jul 8, 2024
Break free from the past and embrace a future of hope and happiness with Silvia Hartmann's "How I Escaped The Trauma Cult."
The Madness Of The Western World - An Exponential Curve Of Insanity...
![]() MindMillion 2005 by Silvia Hartmann - Complete Text
Posted Feb 10, 2017
MindMillion by Silvia Hartmann - Complete book has been added to the Library.
In this extraordinary book, you will find the tried and tested remedies, techniques, tools and most of all, the...
![]() MindMillion Articles 2005 - 2012
Posted Jan 22, 2012
MindMillion articles on business success from the energy perspective (pre-Energy EFT/Positive EFT) 2005 - 2012. Includes over seventy articles.
![]() MindMillion Exercises by Silvia Hartmann: The 60 Second Wealth Creators
Posted Apr 15, 2023
Welcome to MindMillion by Silvia Hartmann: 365 modern energy exercises for wealth, money, abundance in its widest metaphorical sense, to de-stress, re-focus and improve energy flow fast.
![]() Mirror Charm Sanctuary - Evolving Metaphors Masterclass
Posted Nov 24, 2022
For members of the Guild of Energists, Silvia Hartmann has gifted you a special members-only practitioner master class in evolving metaphors in sanctuary.
It’s beautiful and advanced Modern...
Modern Energy 101 - The Modern Energy Chart In A Nutshell - Video by Silvia...
Posted Oct 23, 2018
Never heard of Modern Energy? Check out this 5 min intro that might just change your life! Here is how to do "emotional wellness" "emotional intelligence" and how to get from stress to success in...
![]() Modern Energy Tapping Presentation with Silvia Hartman
Posted Apr 16, 2018
27 minute video of author Silvia Hartmann presenting on Modern Energy Tapping at the GoE Positive Energy Day which took place at Sedgwick Park UK in 2014.
![]() NLP & Classic EFT Special Report 1999-2009
Posted Feb 25, 2017
Classic EFT & NLP is a special report by Silvia Hartmann for NLP Practitioners on how to use Classic EFT, which covers how to use Classic EFT to enhance NLP abilities in the self; how to use...
![]() Power Affirmations Special Report 2008
Posted Feb 26, 2017
Power Affirmations - 21st Century Magic Spells That Change Reality - 2008 Special Report by Silvia Hartmann, full text.
![]() Project Sanctuary III 1996-2002
Posted Jan 27, 2017
Silvia Hartmann's groundbreaking Project Sanctuary. Third edition 2002, published 2003. Complete text.
Project Sanctuary is a unique set of processes using intention, energy and metaphor,...
![]() Project Sanctuary: First Sanctuary with Silvia Hartmann
Posted Mar 12, 2018
Project Sanctuary is easy, and fun. In this straightforward, friendly 14 minute free meditation, GoE President Silvia Hartmann guides you through the process of setting up a "first Sanctuary". Use...
![]() Sandra Hillawi: Wishing Silvia Hartmann A Fabulous Retirement
Posted Nov 19, 2024
Wishing Silvia Hartmann a fabulous retirement!
![]() Sex In Sanctuary
Posted Jun 19, 2018
Special Report by Silvia Hartmann for all members to read free in the library, however prior knowledge of SuperMind, Infinite Creativity and Project Sanctuary is advised.
Need to read Infinite...
![]() Star Matrix Summit 2020
Posted Feb 18, 2021
We're delighted to make the complete inaugural Star Matrix Summit available to members to enjoy. In this video series, Silvia Hartmann interviews key members on their own personal breakthroughs...
![]() Sunday Live with Silvia Hartmann
Posted Feb 25, 2020
Watch the complete collection of live streams with GoE President Silvia Hartmann including energy exercises and latest news from the GoE.
![]() The Energist - Vol 2014.1.1 - Voyager
Posted Jun 1, 2014
Summer 2014 edition of The Energist magazine.
![]() The Energist - Vol 2014.1.2 - Conference Special
Posted Oct 1, 2014
Autumn 2014 edition of The Energist magazine.
![]() The Energist - Vol 2015.2.1 - New Beginnings
Posted Jan 21, 2015
Winter 2015 edition of The Energist magazine.
![]() The Energist - Vol 2015.2.2 - Project Sanctuary
Posted Apr 9, 2015
Spring 2015 edition of The Energist magazine.
![]() The Energist - Vol 2015.2.3 - It's OUR Time to Shine
Posted Jul 27, 2015
Summer 2015 edition of The Energist magazine.
![]() The Energist - Vol 2015.2.4 - Harvesting From The Tree of Lights
Posted Sep 1, 2015
Autumn 2015 edition of The Energist magazine.
![]() The Energist - Vol 2016.3.1 - Energy EFT Foundation
Posted Mar 19, 2016
Spring 2016 edition of The Energist magazine.
![]() The Energist - Vol 2017.4.1 - The Best Year Ever!
Posted Feb 1, 2017
Spring 2017 edition of The Energist magazine.
![]() The Energist - Vol 2017.4.2 - The Energy of Learning
Posted May 26, 2017
Summer 2017 edition of The Energist magazine.
![]() The Energist - Vol 2018.5.1 - The Power of the Positives
Posted Feb 20, 2018
Winter 2018 edition of The Energist magazine.
Available to read online on smart phones, tablets and in browsers, plus also the option to download as an Adobe PDF file for printing out at home or...
![]() The Golden Horse & Other Fairy Tales by Silvia Hartmann
Posted Nov 15, 2022
Created by Master Story Teller Silvia Hartmann For Magical Children Aged 9 - 99, The Golden Horse is an anthology of absolutely original, highly creative stories told in traditional fairy tale...
![]() The Grumble Gnome Fairy Tale by Silvia Hartmann
Posted Dec 23, 2022
A great traditional fairy tale to enjoy for the magical child within, or the magical child in your life in Silvia Hartmann's unique energy writing style.
![]() The Magician by Silvia Hartmann
Posted Jun 1, 2023
The Magician - 28 Lessons In Magic; a novel by Silvia Hartmann.
![]() The Orb of Prosperity by Silvia Hartmann
Posted Feb 9, 2022
This Modern Energy Meditation is for anyone who wants to connect with the energy of prosperity, whatever that means to you.
Inspired during the Energy Show "The Spirit of Prosperity," here is...
The Real Secret How To Become A Millionaire - Video with Silvia Hartmann
Posted Oct 16, 2018
Do you want to be a millionaire? Check out these amazing Top 5 Tips from GoE president Silvia Hartmann
![]() The Star Matrix Story with Silvia Hartmann
Posted Oct 23, 2019
What is Star Matrix? Where did it come from? Why is Star Matrix so important for the people of the 21st Century? Why do we need to escape the brainwashing of the Trauma Trap? What are Star Events,...
![]() Video Clips From - Modern Energy Foundation 1 - Your Happiness Matters:...
Posted Nov 6, 2018
Video clips from Silvia Hartmann's Modern Energy Foundation online course:
Unit 1: Why Your Happiness Matters - An Introduction to Modern Energy
These are made available to you to watch...
![]() Zauberwelt by Silvia Hartmann - Auf Deutsch/German Language Edition 2004
Posted Jan 13, 2017
Zauberwelt is an introduction to the magical world of modern energy. In this charming book, Silvia Hartmann explains in simple words and simple examples how different our world looks when we...
![]() Zauberwelt English Language Edition Translated by Silvia Hartmann 2004
Posted Jan 13, 2017
Zauberwelt is an introduction to the magical world of modern energy. In this charming book which has been translated from the original German language edition, Silvia Hartmann explains in simple...
Contact details and membership information for Silvia Hartmann: