EMO Masterclass: EMO With A General

EMO Masterclass: EMO With A General

In this EMO Masterclass, I am going to analyse a session example to highlight the specific factors that make EMO work elegantly and beautifully. This includes in-depth comments about the Even Flow, about the Client/Practitioner dance, and how to teach a client how to move energy, as well as many other key EMO features besides.

On this occasion, we are dealing with a PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) case and work with the event absolute which is a specialist application of EMO.

EMO With A General:

EMO Masterclass With Dr Hartmann

by Silvia Hartmann

Introduction To The EMO Masterclass

In this EMO Masterclass, I am going to analyse a session example to highlight the specific factors that make EMO work elegantly and beautifully. This includes in-depth comments about the Even Flow, about the Client/Practitioner dance, and how to teach a client how to move energy, as well as many other key EMO features besides.

The client in this case is someone who is not used to working with emotions, feelings, and has great reservations about the entire concept of energy, energy bodies and so forth. However, they are desperate for help and therefore willing to give it a try.

We will start this Masterclass on EMO by reviewing the transcript of the session, so you can get a feel and an overview of what happened; then we will go on to look at the session in more detail to reveal the special turning points and find many great tips on how to make an EMO session effective and a good experience for both the ETP (EMO Practitioner) and for the client.

Secret Therapy - EMO With A General

EMO Session Example

One of the greatest hurdles for people who know they need help with their emotions and feelings is the idea from old fashioned psychotherapy that they have to talk about their problems and tell all. But what if the cause of the problem is a secret that cannot or must not be told?

What if the client is a general, or a high executive, or a leader in general and cannot possibly talk about the problem? Or if the root of the problem simply cannot be talked about for any other reason?

That's when we have "secret therapy" - doing real, fast, reliable healing on the real causes of the problem without ever having to talk ABOUT any aspect of the problem at all.

Let me give you an example of "secret therapy" with EMO.

Instead of talking and talking without an end, EMO works directly with the feelings in the body that *are* what we call "emotions". This makes changing the way we feel and healing emotional scars and emotional injuries easy and profound.

So let us say the client in this case is a General who was responsible for making a decision in a war that led directly to great loss of life and was basically, a mistake.

He can't talk about this to anyone and over time, this is not getting better but worse instead. He has nightmares, can't sleep, and has recently started to tremble and find that he has breathing difficulties in many different situations, and especially when decisions have to be made. It has further affected his libido, his relationship with his wife and his children, has caused him to lose ground in his beloved sport of golf which always previously came to the rescue, there is no joy in his life left and now on top of everything else, he thinks he might have a heart attack and fail physical exams, being forced to retire early.

He can't talk about any of these symptoms, because each one would go straight to the underlying cause about which he can't talk.

So, here he is, on the telephone with an EMO practitioner.

This is how "secret therapy" EMO style would work.

ETP = EMO Practitioner, G = General

ETP: "There is a feeling in your body associated with the problem, something you never felt before, the first time you felt this feeling was when the problem started.

"Where is this feeling in your body? Can you put your free hand on the place where it is and tell me where it is, exactly?"

G: "Yes, I know exactly what you mean. It is a hot feeling that started in the center of my chest, then spreads out all over my body. I thought it was a heart attack at the time."

ETP: "Ok, that's very good. Take a deep breath. And another one. Keep your hand on the place where it started, perhaps move it around a little, keep breathing deeply.

"It's like an energy bomb went off in your energy system on that day the problem started, you felt that, and that's what's causing your problems now."

G: "That makes a lot of sense to me, that's exactly what it feels like. Can the damage that was done be repaired?"

ETP: "It was a very high energy charge that surged through your systems. What we need to do is to find the right pathways through which this energy has to travel to get out of your systems. It's easy. Breathe deeply all the while we do this, ok?"

G: "Ok."

ETP: "Think about the problem, or that moment the problem started for a moment, just enough so you can get the physical feeling back and you can feel it, but not so much it takes you over completely.

"Can you do that?"

G: "Yes ..."

ETP: "Pay attention to the physical feelings, what you can feel right now in your body. There is always a feeling of pressure, of something pushing somewhere associated with these. Where does this charge of energy need to go? Up, down, to the sides?"

G: "It feels like trying to push upwards, higher up my chest."

ETP: "Oh, very good! That's the pathway it was trying to take, and when it got blocked there, it just exploded all over the place.

"Can you put your hand where it gets blocked, higher up on your chest?"

G: "Doing that now."

ETP: "Ok, now keep massaging this erea with your hand. Breathe deeply. You work on this blockage from the inside, tell it to soften, and flow, with every out breath, and I work on it too with my intention. This is not a physical blockage, it is only energy, and energy moves when we put our minds to it.

"Breathe deeply, massage it round, think "soften and flow" in your mind.

"What is happening to the feeling now?"

G: "Feels - strange, like there is something expanding, trying to rise up into my throat."

ETP: "Yes, that's right, that's very good - and don't worry, it is just an energy, you don't have to speak any words if the energy rises higher and actually leaves your body, it's only an energy, no-one will hear it ..."

G (swallows audibly): "Ok."

ETP: "Keep encouraging the energy to move upwards with your hands and your intention. Soften and flow."

G: "It's going higher ..." (starts to cough)

ETP: "Ok, that's very good indeed. Now we need to find the exit point. All energy channels have an exit point, and once we've found that, we're nearly done. Remember to keep breathing and also use your hand, it's a healing hand you know."

G: "Healing hands? Me?"

ETP: "Everyone has healing hands. Just like everyone has an energy system, and emotions, even if they try to ignore it all their lives ..."

"How is it going?"

G: "At first I thought the ... pressure was going to go out of my mouth, but it is moving higher, into my head now. There is a lot of pressure in my head now ..."

ETP: "Yes, you've been under an awful lot of pressure. Keep breathing and follow with the movement, the path, of the pressure.

"Where is the exit point?"

G: "I'm not sure, I think it's on the top of my head ..."

ETP: "Soften and flow, it's only energy ..."

G: "Ok, yes, something is happening on my head, like a helmet ..."

ETP: "It's only energy, that's all, keep encouraging the energy to leave, go out, release the pressure ... rub your head, that helps, and move your neck, that helps the energy flow ... breathe deeply ..."

G: "Oh, yes, yes, that's better ... that's much better, it really feels now as though there is something flowing out ... and my neck is tingling, my arms ... strange electric feeling, I can feel it in my legs now ..."

ETP:"Very, very good! Keep it going! Let that pressure flow out and move in response to the feelings ..."

G: "I feel so much - lighter, as though I had just woken up ... have I been asleep all this time? Since it happened?" (A deep sigh is heard, then another)

ETP: "Now think about your problem again, and this time when the feeling starts in the center of your chest, immediately encourage the energy movement up and out to the exit you found on the top of your head.

"Can you do that?"

G: "Yes ... oh this is remarkable ... the relief ... that feels ... good, it feels good ..."

We leave the session there and let the ETP finish up in privacy; the secret is safe, and the help and healing has happened, and no-one ever needs to know what went on.


Now, we are going to analyse this session.

The original notes are on the right, and my comments on the left.

The client in this case is a General who was responsible for making a decision in a war that led directly to great loss of life and was basically, a mistake.

He can't talk about this to anyone and over time, this is not getting better but worse instead. He has nightmares, can't sleep, and has recently started to tremble and find that he has breathing difficulties in many different situations, and especially when decisions have to be made. It has further affected his libido, his relationship with his wife and his children, has caused him to lose ground in his beloved sport of golf which always previously came to the rescue, there is no joy in his life left and now on top of everything else, he thinks he might have a heart attack and fail physical exams, being forced to retire early.

He can't talk about any of these symptoms, because each one would go straight to the underlying cause about which he can't talk.


The symptoms in this case are classic PTSD symptoms, but they are not recognised as such because the General was not personally involved in any kind of physical battle.

Generally psychology doesn't understand that PTSD is caused by an *event* in the energy system; not by bombs going off around a person "for real".

The event - and this can be as "little" on the outside as a look, a snide comment, a letter in the mail, even a thought - is an energy bomb that goes off inside the energy system, and it's the energy bomb experience that causes PTSD.

This also explains why you can put 100 soldiers in the same situation and 10 get PTSD, and the rest do not - the energy bomb is an intra-personal event that is only partially related to the circumstances a person finds themselves in, and depends a lot on the fitness of the energy body at the time.

Please note that the fitness of the energy body is not related to the fitness of the physical body; this is the great surprise especially to soldiers, who have "hardened their minds" and "trained their bodies" to fulfill extraordinary tasks; their energy body was of course and as usual, not dealt with at all as no-one knows it even exists in those circles.

Much education remains to be done ...

In the meantime, and as a part of this ongoing education in the simple, straightforward ways of the human energy body, here is the annotated example of the General.


So, here he is, on the telephone with an EMO practitioner.

EMO can be perfectly well done over the telephone. It helps in some circumstances to relieve client stress as they don't have to travel, and have the power to put the phone down at any point, should they start to feel uncomfortable.

It is worthwhile pointing this out to potential clients who may be terrified of what might happen, and whether they have to "tell all" or re-live terrifying events that telephone consultations are a good option, and often a better first option to get started with EMO.

This is how "secret therapy" EMO style would work. This example was particularly written up to explain the "secret therapy" aspects of EMO to both potential clients, as well as practitioners, to understand this "unique selling proposition" that sets EMO completely apart from the usual types of talking therapy, even those that employ energy psychology methods.

Literally NOTHING needs to be said about the cause of the problem, NOTHING needs to be known about it in order to solve the problem and heal the energy system, and therefore the client.

Very important, remember this, and remember to tell your clients about this. Even existing clients; "If there is something that bothers you still, something you know you could never talk about, but that really is at the root of many of your problems, we can deal with that and no-one needs ever know what it was about."

ETP = EMO Practitioner, G = General
ETP: "There is a feeling in your body associated with the problem, something you never felt before, the first time you felt this feeling was when the problem started. In this case, where all the symptoms - nightmares, anxiety attacks, high stress, libido failure, fear of a heart attack, uncontrollable emotions and shaking - scream "PTSD" the practitioner has cut straight to the chase and asked for the "event absolute" - the moment when it all began.

This is one specific moment in time and PTSD sufferers know exactly where and when that was, because that's the moment when their world changed forever, and was never the same afterwards.

This is specific to dealing with PTSD in adults; in general EMO practice, we don't ask for the event, we just ask where it hurts in general, pardon the pun.

When dealing with a childhood trauma that is a long way in the past, things are not as simple and clear cut (any longer) as many secondary problems and tertiary problems, as well as avoidance strategies, self medication and all the problems arising from that have gotten stacked on top of each other and interwoven with each other.

When it's not clear cut PTSD as you would find with a recent rape victim, accident victim, war and disaster survivor, it is always best to just where it hurts the most right now, and work with that, and start from there.

Make a note of the phrasing used to elicit the "event absolute" when dealing with a PTSD victim, it's a short cut, and a very powerful one at that.

If the PTSD person cannot or will not give you the event absolute, revert to normal EMO practice and ask where it hurts right now as usual instead.

"Where is this feeling in your body? Can you put your free hand on the place where it is and tell me where it is, exactly?" This is the phrasing for EMO telephone consultations that replaces the normal, "Where do you feel this in your body, show me with your hands."

It is important to have the client self-touch in telephone conversations. It's a part of keeping them connected to the real feelings in their bodies, and also to keep them moving to help with energy flow later on in the session.

G: "Yes, I know exactly what you mean. It is a hot feeling that started in the center of my chest, then spreads out all over my body. I thought it was a heart attack at the time." In this case, the General immediately responded with the feelings associated with the original event.

This is often the case with people who have NOT been in therapy for years, or have attended endless workshops and trainings in all forms of therapy.

Sometimes, it takes a little longer and the person may be asked more specifically to remember that time and those feelings.

Remember that at ANY TIME, you can revert back to the safe ground of the normal EMO procedure and ask how they're feeling right now, and where is that in your body?

It is much more important to have the client experience how EMO works than it is to "get the event first time out".

That also holds if they can't or don't want to remember the original incident, simply deal with their feelings in the here and now to start and unlock the whole problem group layer by layer, and keeping the client comfortable and successful, with plenty of encouragement at all times.

ETP: "Ok, that's very good. On the topic of encouragement - in this case, the ETP is a 32 year old female holistic practitioner, and the client a 50 year old male general.

As a practitioner, don't EVER feel that it is not your place to basically treat your client as gently and supportively as you would treat any frightened child.

It doesn't matter who the person is, giving positive feedback immediately and sincerely, powerfully, evoking the energy of "Yes! That's right! You've done the right thing and I'm happy and proud of you!" is a master key to making the client feel safe, and for the client to learn to trust THEMSELVES and their feelings, as the session progresses.

Very important point, it's better to praise too much than too little, but make sure you really mean it to the point where the client can feel your sincerity in their body.

Take a deep breath. And another one. Reminding the client (and yourself!) to keep breathing deeply and steadily throughout is the second master key to a successful EMO session.

It grounds you both at the same time and often you can literally feel the emotional temperature start to drop, sighs of relief being had, and a calmness and clarity starting to descend on BOTH the client and the practitioner.

Keep your hand on the place where it started, perhaps move it around a little, Self touching especially on telephone sessions is extremely valuable on so many different levels, and if the place of the disturbance is at all within reach, encourage the client to in essence activate their own healing hands, massage themselves, start to create their own energy healing.

I think of the client's hands as my own, an extension of my own hands, to activate their healing hands as well as to keep me focused on where I direct my healing energies.

His hands become the ETPs hands, and this leads to deeper rapport between the two, and with practice, the ETP can track the energy shifts in the other person's body in this way as they are happening.

keep breathing deeply. Can't say it often enough!
"It's like an energy bomb went off in your energy system on that day the problem started, you felt that, and that's what's causing your problems now." This it the first time in the session that the ETP even mentions the energy body, and the theory of EMO.

They are explaining what happened that caused the PTSD in the simplest possible terms, in the fewest words, and words chosen that make sense to this client.

The idea of an "energy explosion" or "energy bomb" to describe an event that blew the energy system apart in an instance really tallies with the experience of PTSD clients, that's exactly what it feels like at the time, some instantaneous, unknowable, all-encompassing feeling they've never felt before.

G: "That makes a lot of sense to me, that's exactly what it feels like. Can the damage that was done be repaired?" The question the client asks here is very pivotal. Sometimes clients ask this question, mostly they don't, but to make a point at some time that it is possible to repair the damage done will have to be addressed.

We have to remember - and the longer we do EMO, the harder we have to remember this! - that the person might have been in therapy and seen a thousand different counselors, doctors, psychologists, group sessions, has taken medication and NOTHING has worked at all.

So why should this be any different?

We are not really talking "client resistance" here, more like "ongoing client disappointment and lack of faith, trust and hope" so do be gentle with them, don't argue with them, stay calm, remind everyone to breathe once in a while and most importantly, don't get involved in lengthy speeches or explanations, take both of you back to the feelings in the body, because that's the only "power place" where healing can be achieved.

ETP: "It was a very high energy charge that surged through your systems. What we need to do is to find the right pathways through which this energy has to travel to get out of your systems. It's easy. This ETP is doing a good job making a bridge from the theoretical question which could have led into all sorts of diversions and places where we don't want to go, back to breathing and to the physical body. They gave a very short explanation and now straight back to work.

That's the right way to do it. We don't want to bulldoze the client, but we also do not and never want to get involved in lengthy discussions of any kind.

Brevity and clarity is the rule of the day in all talking, make the words you speak count, make them have a purpose, and power, each and every one of them.

Breathe deeply all the while we do this, ok?" Reminding the client to breathe is an excellent way to get out of the head and back into the body.

It is also a good "stopper" if the client gets off track or starts to talk about something else instead of staying with the problem at hand.

After instructing a person to breathe deeply, there is a space of freedom which you can use as the practitioner to take the next step in the unfolding session.

G: "Ok." Asking the client if they are ready to proceed, even if it is as simple as taking an "ok?" at the end of the sentence, is very important.

It is a part of the client practitioner dance, in which the ETP asks a question, and the client answers, AND the ETP listens to what they said and act accordingly! to keep the dance going.

In this case, we can feel the reluctance - this is not a happy forward going "ok" by any means, of course, the client doesn't know what's to come, it stands to reason they're nervous and unsure.

But even such a reluctant "ok" is quite ok; we have permission to proceed, and succeed.

ETP: "Think about the problem, or that moment the problem started for a moment, just enough so you can get the physical feeling back and you can feel it, but not so much it takes you over completely.


The ETP is now taking the client back to the event absolute after the de-stressing and calming interaction of explaining and re-assuring, asking permission, telling the client to breathe, giving them positive feedback, and having the client self-touch the place where the injury resides.

Please note the phrasing here; this is specific to PTSD and working with an event absolute.

Read the phrasing a few times so you can feel what the ETP is doing - "just enough so you can feel it".

You don't ever want to ask a person directly what happened or what they felt as this can cause an abreaction with severe PTSD clients.

This is not a tragedy as they've had that happen many times before and know it well; and being steady, reminding them to breathe and with the help of EMO, there and then, you can do good work even with an abreaction, but it is much gentler and more elegant to have the client not freak out and be terrified in an EMO session.

Ask them to move in gently on the memory, just enough to get a sense of that feeling, that's all we need to work on.

"Can you do that?"

This is stabilising question and important. If the client cannot do this, get a sense of the feeling without falling directly into the feeling, further pre-work needs to be done.

We may ask the client to deal with the fear of the fear - everyone who has ever had a panic attack by any other name will be left with a fear of the panic attack itself as an event, on top of the fear of the original event that later on caused the panic attack.

Read this sentence a few more times to be sure you understand this.

There is however, no need to panic, if the client says, "No!" at this point, for we always have our failsafe of saying, "That's very good, that's right, that's exactly how it is right now, so take a deep breath and tell me what you are feeling in your body, right here and now."

Positive feedback for HONESTY is a wonderful fail safe, rather than some kind of failure happening.

We want to help this person, and their real feelings are our one and only guide on how to do this correctly, one step at a time, in such a way that it is RIGHT FOR THEM.

That's all that matters, that's all that counts.

G: "Yes ..." We have another slightly reluctant yes, but a yes it is nonetheless. We can proceed.

Sometimes, and with some clients, it is a good idea when they give a reluctant yes to commend them on their courage and to tell them that they are being very brave, and doing very well.

In the case of the general, it is possible that the ETP held this to be inappropriate or something that would break the flow of the client/practitioner dance.

But in general, when you see a client being brave even though they are afraid to proceed, it is sometimes worth commenting upon, especially when the person is someone who might have never thought of themselves as being brave, courageous or strong before.

ETP: "Pay attention to the physical feelings, what you can feel right now in your body.

There is always a feeling of pressure, of something pushing somewhere associated with these.

Where does this charge of energy need to go? Up, down, to the sides?"

This set of instructions and education is very practical, and if you note, it is strictly physical.

There is no talk of energy to start with, simply of feelings and pressure.

"Something" is happening ... and then the ETP for the first time uses the phrase, "Where does this charge of energy need to go?"

They didn't make a big fuss about talking ABOUT energy, they started to use the word as a matter of fact, and ...

G: "It feels like trying to push upwards, higher up my chest." ... it works, it slides by, and the client responds simply with what they're feeling (rather than getting hung up on "what energy is" or even if there is such a thing as energy in the first place, which they may or may not "believe in".

People do not need to "believe in" anything to make EMO work.

Arguments occur and dissonances in the rapport and the client/practitioner dance that are just based on using the wrong words at the wrong time; if we don't make a big deal about the fact that we're working with energy, EMO just slides along quite happily and the positives changes will happen.

ETP: "Oh, very good! We can literally hear the relief in the ETP as they're exclaiming, "Oh! Very good!"

They are relieved because the biggest hurdle is overcome - the client has located the feeling and the direction of the energy movements.

Now, all is well - nothing else needs to be learned, nothing else needs to be battled with, all plain sailing from this moment on.

A more experienced ETP might not respond so excitedly as they know they'll get to this point soon enough, one way or the other; but there is something nice about the honest excitement and joy the ETP is transmitting here at the client doing so well that even the old hands might to tap into and retain, no matter how often this crucial point happens or with how many people.

It is specially, really, each time, because it denotes that moment when the client becomes aware of their own energy movements and what they feel like at a conscious level for the very first time.

You could call that the moment when the idea of energy becomes a reality - and small as it may seem, it's a special moment, priceless really, that opens the door to another life, in truth and for real.

That's the pathway it was trying to take, and when it got blocked there, it just exploded all over the place.

"Can you put your hand where it gets blocked, higher up on your chest?"

The practitioner is still giving good simple, easy explanations, and they're doing this without using the word energy - it has become "it" to avoid any conflict at this point and to keep the momentum going.
G: "Doing that now." The client is doing it already - they are in rapport now, and as this deepens, we will find more incidences where the client has already done something at the same time or even before being instructed to do so.

That's very exciting and a good feeling of comradeship developing, two people now working on one problem, with one intention, one mind.

The funny thing is that even if the problem was never solved, both would remember the session fondly because it simply feels good "to get on the same page" with another human being, no matter who they are.

ETP: "Ok, now keep massaging this erea with your hand.

The ETP feels that there is now enough rapport and trust between them to come out of that energy closet and describe the process in classic EMO terms to the client.

EMO language helps here - the word erea (existing energetic reality) sounds the same as area (location) and that's fine both ways; the client needs no further explanations, but the ETP can be clear in their mind that they are dealing with an erea which is some form of energy manifestation that we don't even know yet what that is, but we're going to find out, and we'll move it in due course.

Intention and having the correct internal representations are CRUCIAL to all energy work; precision is of the essence, and it is precision by the ETP that makes EMO so seemingly simple and elegant.

Precision as in asking enough questions from the client to be sure the ETP understands the location of the erea; precision as to keep asking the client what they feel EXACTLY and respond appropriately; precision in choosing the right words and precision in keeping attention and focus on the client and their unfoldments.

Breathe deeply.

The "breathe deeply" instruction precedes the next step on the journey. It stabilises the client and makes them receptive to what comes next; this is very important as the client is about to learn how to do actual EMO - moving energy with his intention.
You work on this blockage from the inside, tell it to soften, and flow, with every out breath, and I work on it too with my intention. "You work on it from the inside, and I work on it from the outside with my intention."

There should never be an EMO session anywhere in the world where this sentence isn't spoken; and it doesn't matter if two EMO MetaMasterSuper Trainers are doing an exercise with each other for the millionth time, or if it is a mother doing EMO with a three year old in their kitchen for the very first time ever.

"You work on it from the inside, and I work on it from the outside."

This is THE statement of intent that holds the entire client/practitioner dance together, defines what both are doing, creates the doubling up effect that is more than the sum of its parts when TWO people work together.

Very important, remember that always, no matter where, no matter what!

This is not a physical blockage, it is only energy, and energy moves when we put our minds to it.

The central truth that make EMO work - the problem is made of energy, and energy moves with intention.

If the ETP had told the general this at the start, they might still be arguing right now as to whether this is true, what the evidence procedure is, why it's not on TV, and on and on ...

Here, at this moment, simply stated as a fact, it is in its rightful place and simply accepted and ACTED UPON.

The very key to doing EMO.

"Breathe deeply, massage it round, think "soften and flow" in your mind.



And here we have the soften and flow instruction given for the first time.

And it really is so easy - massage the erea and think soften and flow in your mind.

That's not difficult to do; it demands no psychic skill, no talent, all it demands is THAT IT SHOULD BE DONE - and we can ask the all important question of ...

"What is happening to the feeling now?" Keep asking this question of your clients. Ask it of yourself in self help. Ask it out aloud to keep the focus. And keep asking it even if you can literally see the energy movements in the client's body, or feel it as strongly in your own as if it was your problem, and your healing.

It is essential to the client/practitioner dance and to keep the power of the "two working together, and they are MORE than the sum of their parts!" in action that is so amazing and helps so much in healing things in the energy body, no matter what they are.

I would like to make the point that even if you are a powerful healer who could easily heal this all by yourself by laying on of hands, merging into client practitioner dance makes you into a MORE powerful healer still as you simply become MORE with the addition of the other - and no matter how high your best may ever be.

Think about that, it's an amazing thing indeed.

G: "Feels - strange, like there is something expanding, trying to rise up into my throat."
ETP: "Yes, that's right, that's very good - and don't worry, it is just an energy, you don't have to speak any words if the energy rises higher and actually leaves your body, it's only an energy, no-one will hear it ..." This response by the ETP tells me that they heard or felt a note of fear in their client and related it to the idea that rising sensation in the throat may be like being about to speak - and the brief of this particular session was to deal with something that had to be left UNSPOKEN.

The ETP responds by first of all, re-assuring the client with direct positive feedback that it's good that there are things rising up in the throat, and when they feel that's not enough, add on the bit about it's only an energy, don't worry, you don't have to speak, it's only an energy.

The sentence, "It's only an energy!" is near enough a magic spell.

If you have ever done EMO with another person or even yourself, you will know the inordinate effect that simple statement has, time and time again, to calm a person down immediately, make them go, "Oh yeah .." sigh with relief, and break an unfolding stress spiral.

This is exactly what happens here.


G (swallows audibly): "Ok." With this client, there is definitely something stuck in his throat. The energy manifestation of not being able to talk.

But it really is only an energy form, and it will soften and flow, and now we're ready to go back to work after having gotten over this stresspoint, the small zzzzt in the Even Flow of the session itself that was caused when the energy rising hit the blockage in the throat.

ETP: "Keep encouraging the energy to move upwards with your hands and your intention. Soften and flow." We are now right in the middle of the session, and the ETP is talking EMO language by now, talking of energy and intention, instructing to soften and flow, moving energy.

It is interesting to note that now it causes no discernable problems, and the client knows what's going on, they are rapidly learning not just the act of EMO and how to move energy, but also the words we use to describe this.

And all without a whiteboard, bullet points, diagrams or a laser pointer in sight ... :-)

G: "It's going higher ..." (starts to cough) Physical responses, such as coughing, swallowing, burping, yawning, tearing of the eyes and so forth are a great sign that energy is moving; it is often surprising to the client and in many ways, these physical signs and responses really make EMO and the concept of energy moving in the body very REAL.

This is important, and it's good to mark out such thing by drawing the client's attention to this, and by saying, "That's good!" to help them understand that the physical responses are normal, natural, and a good sign in energy treatments.

ETP: "Ok, that's very good indeed. Now we need to find the exit point. All energy channels have an exit point, and once we've found that, we're nearly done. The job in EMO is to get energy moving IN, THROUGH AND OUT - to make the path the energy has to take complete, and that's the Even Flow re-established.

We track the path from the disturbance onwards and clear blockages and disturbances as we follow along with the natural path.

As this ETP notes, finding the exit point is the final stage of tracing the path; when that has been found, we are indeed, nearly done and the main work has been accomplished, so that's an important moment in the session coming up.

Remember to keep breathing and also use your hand, it's a healing hand you know." The ETP takes a chance to broach the subject of the healing hands to this client.

As we noted, in energy work intention is extremely important. When someone is consciously aware that their hands are healing hands, they become more effective in their healing.

I believe that this happens because a unity is then achieved - the physical hands, hands of energy, energy mind AND the conscious mind all being on the same page, doing the same thing at the same time.

This is incredibly rare in "normal" life but it really is how we are designed to function as people in the first place; and it feels good, because it is right.

Whether or not you can put it to a client that they have healing hands depends on the client, and whether or not the ETP believes that the client will accept this, and that it won't break the rapport of the client/practitioner dance.

It doesn't have to be said, but if it can be said at all, to have a person know that they really do have "healing hands" is a precious thing, and we should give them that gift if at all possible.

G: "Healing hands? Me?" This client responds with amazement, but that's not an outright rejection. That's a good sign and ...

ETP: "Everyone has healing hands. Just like everyone has an energy system, and emotions, even if they try to ignore it all their lives ..."



... it allows the ETP to "slide in" some more basic and important information about the energy system in general.

The quip about "even if they try to ignore it all their lives" really should not have been there but ETPs are humans too and this one clearly is frustrated and annoyed by people pretending not to have emotions, or denying the idea that people have an energy system.

They recover and direct themselves back to the topic at hand, as much as they are re-directing the client's attention ...

"How is it going?" The ETP noticed they'd drifted off the point of the session, which is to discover the path of the energy, in, through and out, and re-establish the Even Flow.

This happens, and it happens frequently, that either the client or the ETP drifts off the point gets side tracked into various thoughts, ideas, hobby horses, and their personal stuff.

What is important to notice as soon as it happens, and to bring the focus back on the energy system of the client as soon as possible.

And we do this by asking the client, "What is happening in your body? What can you feel? How is the energy moving now?" or as in this case, "How is it going?"

As soon as we do that, we step BACK into that space of real healing which is unconditional, regardless of what the problem is, where there is only the desire for the Even Flow and nothing else.

That's the space of EMO healing, and as long as we get back there, that's the most important thing.

G: "At first I thought the ... pressure was going to go out of my mouth, but it is moving higher, into my head now. There is a lot of pressure in my head now ..." Please note the hesitation as the client chooses not to use the word "energy" and replaces it with "pressure".

That's fine, he is obviously not yet comfortable to believe the whole energy deal and buy into it wholeheartedly, but that is ok, and he's doing really well to have come this far, this quickly.

He's doing a good job telling the ETP about his feelings and co-operating to the best of his ability at this time.

Please remember that when we do a session with a client, we're not here to educate them about energy. We are only here to help them feel better, get them back into the Even Flow.

With some clients, talk about energy is only going to cause friction and hurt the process; and we're not a religion where you have to hear the sermon first before you finally get your bowl of soup, or cup of tea.

EMO energy healing is freely given, and as long as the client doesn't suffer any longer at the end, we have done EXACTLY what we came to do, we have done a fine job, we don't need anything else from the client.

ETP: "Yes, you've been under an awful lot of pressure. Keep breathing and follow with the movement, the path, of the pressure. The ETP has picked up the "energy reluctance" and responds very nicely by agreeing to use the word pressure, instead of energy.

By using the same word as the client, albeit in a different connotation, they are re-establishing their connection and rapport.

"Where is the exit point?" The client said that there was a lot of pressure in their head, and pressure needs to be relieved.

To ask directly for the exit point is a good move because in situations like pressure being trapped in the head, there is often an existing circular movement with no way out, and if we follow that circular movement, then we, the energy, and the whole session will go round and round in circles.

When you are near to the end of the physical body's end, such as in the head, in the hands or feet, you can always ask for the exit point because the client is close enough to sense where that would be.

G: "I'm not sure, I think it's on the top of my head ..." This is exactly what happened here - the client found the place where the pressure was the strongest, and that's the exit point.

Clients often say, "I'm not sure ..." or "I don't know ..." and immediately follow it with the correct information. This is an interesting reflex response; it also happens if pay attention when you first ask people to "show you with their hands" where they feel the anger/emotion in their body.

They will say, "I don't know ..." but their hands have already made their way to the very place the problem resides.

Sometimes it is an interesting thing to say to the client, "Stop a moment, don't move. Look where your hands are!" and that's a fabulous "Oh wow!" experience for the client, and a step towards them starting to trust their bodies, and the cause and effect of emotions and energy, a little bit better.

ETP: "Soften and flow, it's only energy ..." This is the first time the ETP has given the full EMO instruction, "Soften and flow, it's only an energy!"

If the client responds to this by just doing it, not arguing with it, accepting it as an instruction as clear cut as, "Breathe deeply!" or "Raise your arm!" then something very important has been established - you could say, this client has now learned EMO, even if they are entirely unaware of it.

They now have the option of saying this to themselves when they are not with the practitioner. They don't know that yet, but this simple sentence can be a veritable life saver in the future, and in situations that have nothing to do with the emotion we are currently dealing with.

Future fears, bereavements, shocks, traumas are now all open to being dealt with by the client themselves - it is like a seed of taking control of your emotions "in the field" that has been planted, and if the client responds correctly, has already taken root.

That's one hell of a gift, and a very powerful and unique aspect of working with EMO.

I would make the comment that every client who has managed to understand that instruction, and has been able to follow it and make it work, should be TOLD by the ETP after the session is over,

"You can say to yourself, "It's only an energy, soften and flow!" when you are experiencing powerful emotions that threaten to unbalance you, at any time, anywhere."

G: "Ok, yes, something is happening on my head, ... This client has accepted that basic, core EMO instruction of "It's only an energy, soften and flow!" that really is at the heart of EMO.

He says, "Ok ..." and proceeds to describe his sensations. That is excellent work by the client, he really is working with the ETP and putting his best effort into the session and into moving the energy, rather than wrestling with the ETP - and that's the heart of the client/practitioner dance.

Now the two are really working together on the problem.

... like a helmet ..." Now this is an important moment.

The client offers a metaphor for the first time - he describes an erea of energy on this head that feels like a helmet.

This man is an army general, and one of the old Freudian type analysts would have a field day with that metaphor.

Indeed, this is a moment you could really slide off into metaphor work of all kinds, and start thinking about that helmet on his head and how it causes pressure and disturbances in his thinking, in the freeflow of his emotions ...

But we don't need a field day with ANYTHING.

We are EMO people! We go straight towards the Even Flow, no side tracking, no metaphors, no matter how juicy, tasty, and fun in the old Freudian way such an invitation to metaphor may be.

We need to learn to resist the invitation to metaphor and focus back on the physical sensations of the energy movement.

That is the most direct and powerful path to healing ANYTHING energy related, and that's the path we take in EMO.

ETP: "It's only energy, that's all, keep encouraging the energy to leave, go out, release the pressure ... This ETP has refused the invitation to metaphor successfully and "the helmet" becomes a bit of energy, and that's all.

Well done!

rub your head, that helps, and move your neck, that helps the energy flow ... breathe deeply ..." Very important instructions here, these are instructions for MOVEMENT.

Movement of the hands, which will necessitate the movements of the clients shoulder, and then direct instructions to move the neck as well.

What happens is that clients try too hard and concentrate too hard and they "lock up" and get very tense in their bodies.

This really plays havoc with the easy, natural energy flow in the body and to instruct the client to move, keep moving, loosen up is extremely helpful to get movement into the energy flow as well.

G: "Oh, yes, yes, that's better ... that's much better, it really feels now as though there is something flowing out ... And it did the trick as it does - now the client has "unlocked" his neck and brought some physical movement in to assist, the energy flow immediately responds and starts up more powerfully.

That makes it a lot easier for the client to feel it, and track its progress.

and my neck is tingling, my arms ... strange electric feeling, I can feel it in my legs now ..." This is excellent - it may well have been the movement in the neck that unlocked the whole system, together with rubbing the top of the head where the exit point is located.

Now the energy is freed up and rushing through channels, and all over the body, and the client reports tingling, electric feelings.

That's exactly right and the perfect outcome - the energy system is coming on line, and the client is starting to feel the energized end state as it relates to the problem in hand.

ETP:"Very, very good! Keep it going! The ETP feels this too; the closer the rapport, the more the ETP will feel these energy shifts in their own bodies in response.

I say that ETPs should aim for that, it's their energetic pay off for having solved the problem with the client, they get to tingle too!

The ETP is energized and excited, and adds their excitement now to the client's excitement.

Let that pressure flow out and move in response to the feelings ..." I'm guessing this ETP started to move themselves as soon as the energy flow in the client started up, and this reminded them to instruct the client to "move with the feelings" likewise.

This is one of the cool things of the client/practitioner dance, and ETPs should notice their own bodies too, and use them as a template for what instructions the client might be needing right now.

G: "I feel so much - lighter, as though I had just woken up ... have I been asleep all this time? Since it happened?" (A deep sigh is heard, then another) This client has definitely experienced the energized end state - that tingling all through his body.

How do we know?

Because he is telling us that in his own words - I have woken up from a sleep.

Clients will comment on the change and tell you in their own words how things are different now, without having to be prompted.

The lights are brighter, I see more clearly, I feel so much lighter, or as in this case, I've been asleep and now I'm awake.

This tells us in words what we already felt in our bodies - the Even Flow has been re-established.

ETP: "Now think about your problem again, and this time when the feeling starts in the center of your chest, immediately encourage the energy movement up and out to the exit you found on the top of your head.

"Can you do that?"

And here we are, in the testing phase and the clean up phase.

We ask the client to think of the original problem and run the energy through the exact channels we've just cleared out (always think IN, THROUGH, AND OUT!) in order to make sure the channel is clear, and the original incident no longer causes a problem.

G: "Yes ... oh this is remarkable ... the relief ... that feels ... good, it feels good ..." Something to note is that when the client does this, and you are the ETP, you too feel the relief, and you too feel so good through that intimate connection with the client.

It makes the effort expended all worthwhile; it is a super-satisfying humane experience and makes "helping people" into a whole new self-satisfying and gratifying experience.

We leave the session there and let the ETP finish up in privacy; the secret is safe, and the help and healing has happened, and no-one ever needs to know what went on.

The General will learn how to handle the energy movements that cause emotions and then all the other symptoms; and might just have found something that he has been missing in life to help him with emotions in general (no pun intended) and to get a better relationship with his wife, friends and children as a bonus, and a bye the bye.


Finishing up the session would include discussing with the client how they feel things have changed now.

Importantly, don't do anything else now. Don't start another Emotrance session on another topic, no matter how tempting it may be; the client has undergone a highly unusual experience that has CHANGED THEM, and they now need time to settle down and sort themselves out.

It would be a good time to remind the client that if they should get emotional waves or responses, to give themselves the "soften and flow" instruction; that it is good practice to pay attention to the feelings in their bodies; to use the basic EMO technique to release stress as soon as possible so it doesn't get a chance to build up; and to call if there is anything else to work on.

Even with this client, there is merit in ending the session with a simple evocation of Innocent Energy. They are grateful and even if they don't believe in meditations, they will do it just to please you at this point; and might even learn something useful and change their minds about such things as you say,

"Let's take a deep breath, close our eyes and now, innocent energy is falling on this whole room like fine summer rain, washing away all debris and cleaning us inside and out, leaving us bright and sparkling, fresh and young and new ... take another deep breath, open your eyes, and there we are!"

Please try and avoid the word "imagine" in this energy evocation; we don't want to see anything, we want to FEEL the energy falling throughout the room, and feel it falling through our energy bodies, clearing them and re-charging them.

And now you have a client who had a great session, has learned some important new things not just about themselves, but how the world really works, and who might well come again to work on something else with you because it was not just helpful and healing, but even enjoyable and made him feel good.

And this concludes this EMO Masterclass Session. You might want to read through the transcript a few more times to pick out the most important things, and I encourage you to also record your own sessions and go through them, see where the "Even Flow" of the EMO session itself got disrupted, as well as noting where things went very well.

That's a part of your personal learning process with EMO and over time, will make you into a wonderful healer; but also, into a very happy person who feels extremely good about themselves and what they can do for others.

Strive for directness and elegance.

Think of the EMO session as a silver river that can take you straight from the problem, to the energized end state and the Even Flow, if you don't get side tracked and stuck in whirlpools, tributaries and swamps of metaphor, Freudian explorations, too much talk or arguing with the client.

The more focused you and the client can stay on establishing the Even Flow, which means both of you focusing on the feelings in the body and helping the energy to move and flow freely, the more beautiful, streamlined, fast and powerful the EMO sessions become.

Silvia Hartmann

Creator, EMO

October 2010

You can discuss this Masterclass with other EMO people in the EMO Forum here.

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Silvia Hartmann
Information about Silvia Hartmann
President of the Guild of Energists.
Training courses and events with Silvia Hartmann:
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GoE Townhall Meet Up LIVE - News 🌟 Views 🌟 ENERGY! with Silvia Hartmann, Zoe Hobden & Alex Kent
28 Feb 2025 - Online
Silvia Hartmann has the following products in the store:
EMO: Emotions, Energy, Information & Love, 2nd Edition

EMO: Emotions, Energy, Information & Love, 2nd Edition

Posted Nov 3, 2016
Powerful information every person on this Earth needs to hear about. Fifteen years of EMO in theory and practice have taught us so much about energy, how it works with human emotion but also with...
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Energy Dancing I

Energy Dancing I

Posted Mar 23, 2010
Energy Dancing is a completely natural and intuitive way to increase energy flow throughout the body. This causes emotions to change for the better, as well as being a very fast method to...
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Energy Dancing II: The Sacred Horse

Energy Dancing II: The Sacred Horse

Posted Mar 21, 2010
Magic Dancing: Energy Dancing with The Sacred Horse. Experience profound relief, release, de-stress and energize your mind, your body, your energy body with this brilliant NEW self help program...
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Infinite Creativity: The Project Sanctuary Story

Infinite Creativity: The Project Sanctuary Story

Posted Jun 17, 2014
Infinite Creativity: The Project Sanctuary Story by Silvia Hartmann comes 16 years after the original Project Sanctuary manual was released. If you are interested in unlocking your minds full...
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Modern Energy Tapping by Silvia Hartmann

Modern Energy Tapping by Silvia Hartmann

Posted Jan 18, 2018
Following two decades of research with classic tapping, Energy in Motion, Energy EFT and Positive EFT comes Modern Energy Tapping - a system designed from the ground up to get you and your clients...
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Star Matrix by Silvia Hartmann

Star Matrix by Silvia Hartmann

Posted Oct 5, 2021
This is the Star Matrix book by Silvia Hartmann. Purchase through DragonRising to get immediate access to gain your certificate in Star Matrix Foundation.
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The Modern Energist

The Modern Energist's Guide To The Afterlife: Soul Lessons For This Life -...

Posted Feb 1, 2018
In this Special Report, GoE President Silvia Hartmann takes us through an amazing journey to the afterlife - and beyond. If you have always wondered about the reality of the immortal soul, wanted...
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The Power of The Positives (2023): Beyond Positive Psychology, Positive Thinking & Positive Vibes

The Power of The Positives (2023): Beyond Positive Psychology, Positive...

Posted May 5, 2023
Do you want to feel better, achieve more, and live a life of meaning and purpose? If so, you need The Power of the Positives by Silvia Hartmann, the creator of Modern Energy. This eBook will...
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The Power of The Positives SPECIAL REPORT (2017): Unlocking The Extraordinary Power Of Positive Energy In Modern Energy Work

The Power of The Positives SPECIAL REPORT (2017): Unlocking The Extraordinary...

Posted Dec 31, 2017
In this special report, Silvia Hartmann takes us deep into the Power of the Positives and guides us to the next step on our journey into the undiscovered country on the positive side of the Modern...
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Trillion Dollar Stress Solution

Trillion Dollar Stress Solution

Posted Oct 3, 2017
The Trillion Dollar Stress Solution: MODERN Stress Management - From Stress To Success. Very rarely, a book comes along that has the power to change the way we see the world. Silvia Hartmann's...
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Silvia Hartmann has kindly contributed the following titles to the 🏫 GoE Library:
4 Cool Energy Hacks For Procrastination, Anxiety & Self Doubt - Video with Silvia Hartmann

4 Cool Energy Hacks For Procrastination, Anxiety & Self Doubt - Video with...

Posted Oct 2, 2018
Raise energy FAST with these 4 quick and easy techniques to overcome procrastination, anxiety and self doubt presented by Silvia Hartmann: Heart Healing, EMO Energy In Motion, Modern Energy...
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80+ NLP Neurolinguistic Programming Articles With Energy In Mind

80+ NLP Neurolinguistic Programming Articles With Energy In Mind

Posted Apr 24, 2015
NLP Neurolinguistic Programming with energy in mind themed articles by Silvia Hartmann. Includes over eighty articles on subjects including Learning NLP, NLP and Energy, NLP Essays, NLP and...
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Bereavement Healing With Modern Energy - The Immortal Beloved Protocol by Silvia Hartmann

Bereavement Healing With Modern Energy - The Immortal Beloved Protocol by...

Posted Mar 13, 2023
Help people with their bereavement with the Immortal Beloved protocol developed and written by Silvia Hartmann.
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DragonRising Radio Show

DragonRising Radio Show

Posted Jan 8, 2018
DragonRising is the publishing arm of the Guild of Energists and they've released some of the most outstanding and innovative audio products available, including: HypnoSolutions, HypnoDreams,...
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Earth Rise Visualisation Training Audio 2006

Earth Rise Visualisation Training Audio 2006

Posted Jan 23, 2017
Earth Rise is a short energy hypnosis program created by Silvia Hartmann to improve the ability to visualise in internal representations. Use the exercise repeatedly and/or use in conjunction with...
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Easy EFT, Adventures in EFT, The Advanced Patterns of EFT and EFT & NLP - Classic EFT Tapping by Silvia Hartmann

Easy EFT, Adventures in EFT, The Advanced Patterns of EFT and EFT & NLP -...

Posted Oct 22, 2019
Classic EFT Tapping by Silvia Hartmann is a compendium of some of the most important and influential classic EFT books available, including: Easy EFT by Silvia Hartmann -  Introductory guide...
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Elory's Joy Audio Recording 2005

Posted Jan 23, 2017
A rare audio recording of Silvia Hartmann telling the story "Elory's Joy" with a sound track by Ananaga Sivyer.
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EMO BeauTy T Complete

EMO BeauTy T Complete

Posted Jan 19, 2017
Follow with this fascinating transcript as Silvia Hartmann builds a brand new, shiny fresh and young body image from the ground up, step by step as this extraordinary training unfolds. Based on...
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EMO Beauty T Live Recording with Silvia Hartmann

EMO Beauty T Live Recording with Silvia Hartmann

Posted Feb 5, 2020
Members are invited to listen the complete audio recording of the 2004 BeautyT live training with Silvia Hartmann in the UK. This is a unique opportunity to listen to the complete set of LIVE...
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Energy EFT Master Practitioner Live Recording with Silvia Hartmann

Energy EFT Master Practitioner Live Recording with Silvia Hartmann

Posted Nov 26, 2019
In March 2012, Silvia Hartmann (President & Founder of The GoE) conducted a three day Energy EFT Master Practitioner live training near London Gatwick and we took along our cameras to record...
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Energy EFT Presentation by Silvia Hartman

Energy EFT Presentation by Silvia Hartman

Posted Mar 8, 2017
43 minute video recording of Silvia Hartmann presenting on Energy EFT at the Living Energy 2012 conference.
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GoE Energy Protection Course

GoE Energy Protection Course

Posted Feb 3, 2021
Silvia Hartmann's GoE Energy Protection is a free video course on energy/psychic protection for GoE Members to enjoy, be inspired by and stay protected.
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GoE Modern Energy Foundation Course (The Energy Course), 2023 Edition

GoE Modern Energy Foundation Course (The Energy Course), 2023 Edition

Posted Nov 3, 2022
Silvia Hartmann's GoE Modern Energy Foundation is a free online certified video course for GoE Members. Presented over five hours of online training, this course covers: The Modern Energy Chart,...
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GoE Visibility Course: The Modern Energy Way with Silvia Hartmann

GoE Visibility Course: The Modern Energy Way with Silvia Hartmann

Posted Feb 23, 2021
Silvia Hartmann's "GoE Visibility: The Modern Energy Way" is a free video course for GoE Members for increasing confidence in being heard and seen on YouTube, social media, video calls and more.
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GoE2013 - P01 - Positive Energy with Silvia Hartmann

GoE2013 - P01 - Positive Energy with Silvia Hartmann

Posted Nov 10, 2013
Silvia Hartmann's keynote presentation on Positive Energy to the delegates of the GoE Energy Conference 2013
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GoE2013 - P09 - Project Sanctuary - Infinite Creativity with Silvia Hartmann

GoE2013 - P09 - Project Sanctuary - Infinite Creativity with Silvia Hartmann

Posted Nov 10, 2013
Silvia Hartmann presenting on Project Sanctuary - Infinite Creativity at the GoE Energy Conference 2013
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GoE2014 - P01 - Keynote: Soul Matters with Silvia Hartmann

GoE2014 - P01 - Keynote: Soul Matters with Silvia Hartmann

Posted Nov 1, 2014
The energy system is a fascinating place with levels and layers, and so much to discover. By now, almost everybody knows that to mess with the heart centre is a very bad idea and leads to all...
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GoE2014 - P12 - Marketing for Energists with Silvia Hartmann

GoE2014 - P12 - Marketing for Energists with Silvia Hartmann

Posted May 4, 2017
In 2014, Silvia Hartmann brought together a special think tank to tackle the evergreen problem of MARKETING from the Energist's perspective and from the ground up. Modern energy work is a hugely...
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GoE2016 - P01 - Keynote: We Love Energy with Silvia Hartmann

GoE2016 - P01 - Keynote: We Love Energy with Silvia Hartmann

Posted Nov 1, 2016
Silvia Hartmann's keynote presentation from the GoE Energy Conference 2016, where she unveiled the "Big E" and we officially became the Guild of Energists.
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GoE2016 - P13 - Energy Constellations – Created by Silvia Hartmann – Presented by Ilka Wandel

GoE2016 - P13 - Energy Constellations – Created by Silvia Hartmann –...

Posted Apr 6, 2018
One hour video presentation by Ilka Wandel on Silvia Hartmann's "Energy Constellations". Also included is Silvia Hartmann's Energy Constellations Adobe PDF file to download and study at home. To...
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GoE2016 - P20 - Supermind: A New Intelligence For Energists?

GoE2016 - P20 - Supermind: A New Intelligence For Energists?

Posted Oct 12, 2018
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GoE2017 - P01 - The Love Challenge with Silvia Hartmann

GoE2017 - P01 - The Love Challenge with Silvia Hartmann

Posted Jan 20, 2018
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GoE2021 - P01 - The Miracle Expansion with Silvia Hartmann

GoE2021 - P01 - The Miracle Expansion with Silvia Hartmann

Posted Nov 25, 2021
In this opening plenary speech to the conference, GoE President Silvia Hartmann presents on the The Miracle Expansion - a new definition, new concepts, new worlds and new possibilities!
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GoE2021 - P09 - New Worlds Modern Energy Art Exhibition with Silvia Hartmann

GoE2021 - P09 - New Worlds Modern Energy Art Exhibition with Silvia Hartmann

Posted Nov 25, 2021
Join Silvia Hartmann for a virtual Modern Energy Art Exhibition.
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GoE2021 - P12 -  Closing Plenary: Tapping Into YOUR Miracle Expansion with Silvia Hartmann

GoE2021 - P12 - Closing Plenary: Tapping Into YOUR Miracle Expansion with...

Posted Nov 25, 2021
For the finale, let's come together and TAP for our new miracles! The future is what we create, right here, right now... let us together create a new field of miracles.
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GoE2024 - S1 - The Future Of Modern Energy

GoE2024 - S1 - The Future Of Modern Energy

Posted Nov 13, 2024
In "The Future of Modern Energy," Silvia Hartmann introduces a transformative vision of energy, grounded in 30 years of exploration and research into how energy flows between individuals and their...
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GoE2024 - S2 - The Future of Modern Energy Therapy

GoE2024 - S2 - The Future of Modern Energy Therapy

Posted Nov 13, 2024
In "The Future of Modern Energy Therapy," Silvia Hartmann outlines her vision for the future of Modern Energy Therapy.
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GoE2024 - S3 -  The Future of Modern Energy Training

GoE2024 - S3 - The Future of Modern Energy Training

Posted Nov 13, 2024
In the 'The future of Modern Energy Training' Silvia Hartmann emphasizes the need to create uplifting experiences that enable trainers and students alike to grow and evolve. 
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GoE2024 - S4 - Our Future Starts Now!

GoE2024 - S4 - Our Future Starts Now!

Posted Nov 13, 2024
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How A Child Sex Abuse Survivor Healed 1 MILLION Hearts - Video with Silvia Hartmann

How A Child Sex Abuse Survivor Healed 1 MILLION Hearts - Video with Silvia...

Posted Oct 9, 2018
The extrordinary story how a distraught child sex abuse survivor triggered a chain of events that has helped to heal a million broken hearts - so far! - Video with GoE president Silvia Hartmann
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How I Escaped The Trauma Cult (And You Can Too, If You Want To!)

How I Escaped The Trauma Cult (And You Can Too, If You Want To!)

Posted Jul 8, 2024
Break free from the past and embrace a future of hope and happiness with Silvia Hartmann's "How I Escaped The Trauma Cult." The Madness Of The Western World - An Exponential Curve Of Insanity...
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MindMillion 2005 by Silvia Hartmann - Complete Text

MindMillion 2005 by Silvia Hartmann - Complete Text

Posted Feb 10, 2017
MindMillion by Silvia Hartmann - Complete book has been added to the Library. In this extraordinary book, you will find the tried and tested remedies, techniques, tools and most of all, the...
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MindMillion Articles 2005 - 2012

MindMillion Articles 2005 - 2012

Posted Jan 22, 2012
MindMillion articles on business success from the energy perspective (pre-Energy EFT/Positive EFT) 2005 - 2012. Includes over seventy articles.
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MindMillion Exercises by Silvia Hartmann: The 60 Second Wealth Creators

MindMillion Exercises by Silvia Hartmann: The 60 Second Wealth Creators

Posted Apr 15, 2023
Welcome to MindMillion by Silvia Hartmann: 365 modern energy exercises for wealth, money, abundance in its widest metaphorical sense, to de-stress, re-focus and improve energy flow fast. Each...
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Mirror Charm Sanctuary - Evolving Metaphors Masterclass

Mirror Charm Sanctuary - Evolving Metaphors Masterclass

Posted Nov 24, 2022
For members of the Guild of Energists, Silvia Hartmann has gifted you a special members-only practitioner master class in evolving metaphors in sanctuary. It’s beautiful and advanced Modern...
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Modern Energy 101 - The Modern Energy Chart In A Nutshell - Video by Silvia Hartmann

Modern Energy 101 - The Modern Energy Chart In A Nutshell - Video by Silvia...

Posted Oct 23, 2018
Never heard of Modern Energy? Check out this 5 min intro that might just change your life! Here is how to do "emotional wellness" "emotional intelligence" and how to get from stress to success in...
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Modern Energy Tapping Presentation with Silvia Hartman

Modern Energy Tapping Presentation with Silvia Hartman

Posted Apr 16, 2018
27 minute video of author Silvia Hartmann presenting on Modern Energy Tapping at the GoE Positive Energy Day which took place at Sedgwick Park UK in 2014.
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NLP & Classic EFT Special Report 1999-2009

NLP & Classic EFT Special Report 1999-2009

Posted Feb 25, 2017
Classic EFT & NLP is a special report by Silvia Hartmann for NLP Practitioners on how to use Classic EFT, which covers how to use Classic EFT to enhance NLP abilities in the self; how to use...
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Power Affirmations Special Report 2008

Power Affirmations Special Report 2008

Posted Feb 26, 2017
Power Affirmations - 21st Century Magic Spells That Change Reality - 2008 Special Report by Silvia Hartmann, full text.
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Project Sanctuary III 1996-2002

Project Sanctuary III 1996-2002

Posted Jan 27, 2017
Silvia Hartmann's groundbreaking Project Sanctuary. Third edition 2002, published 2003. Complete text.  Project Sanctuary is a unique set of processes using intention, energy and metaphor,...
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Project Sanctuary: First Sanctuary with Silvia Hartmann

Project Sanctuary: First Sanctuary with Silvia Hartmann

Posted Mar 12, 2018
Project Sanctuary is easy, and fun. In this straightforward, friendly 14 minute free meditation, GoE President Silvia Hartmann guides you through the process of setting up a "first Sanctuary". Use...
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Sandra Hillawi: Wishing Silvia Hartmann A Fabulous Retirement

Sandra Hillawi: Wishing Silvia Hartmann A Fabulous Retirement

Posted Nov 19, 2024
Wishing Silvia Hartmann a fabulous retirement!
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Sex In Sanctuary

Sex In Sanctuary

Posted Jun 19, 2018
Special Report by Silvia Hartmann for all members to read free in the library, however prior knowledge of SuperMind, Infinite Creativity and Project Sanctuary is advised. Need to read Infinite...
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Star Matrix Summit 2020

Star Matrix Summit 2020

Posted Feb 18, 2021
We're delighted to make the complete inaugural Star Matrix Summit available to members to enjoy. In this video series, Silvia Hartmann interviews key members on their own personal breakthroughs...
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Sunday Live with Silvia Hartmann

Sunday Live with Silvia Hartmann

Posted Feb 25, 2020
Watch the complete collection of live streams with GoE President Silvia Hartmann including energy exercises and latest news from the GoE.
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The Energist - Vol 2014.1.1 - Voyager

The Energist - Vol 2014.1.1 - Voyager

Posted Jun 1, 2014
Summer 2014 edition of The Energist magazine.
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The Energist - Vol 2014.1.2 - Conference Special

The Energist - Vol 2014.1.2 - Conference Special

Posted Oct 1, 2014
Autumn 2014 edition of The Energist magazine.
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The Energist - Vol 2015.2.1 - New Beginnings

The Energist - Vol 2015.2.1 - New Beginnings

Posted Jan 21, 2015
Winter 2015 edition of The Energist magazine.
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The Energist - Vol 2015.2.2 - Project Sanctuary

The Energist - Vol 2015.2.2 - Project Sanctuary

Posted Apr 9, 2015
Spring 2015 edition of The Energist magazine.
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The Energist - Vol 2015.2.3 - It

The Energist - Vol 2015.2.3 - It's OUR Time to Shine

Posted Jul 27, 2015
Summer 2015 edition of The Energist magazine.
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The Energist - Vol 2015.2.4 - Harvesting From The Tree of Lights

The Energist - Vol 2015.2.4 - Harvesting From The Tree of Lights

Posted Sep 1, 2015
Autumn 2015 edition of The Energist magazine.
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The Energist - Vol 2016.3.1 - Energy EFT Foundation

The Energist - Vol 2016.3.1 - Energy EFT Foundation

Posted Mar 19, 2016
Spring 2016 edition of The Energist magazine.
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The Energist - Vol 2017.4.1 - The Best Year Ever!

The Energist - Vol 2017.4.1 - The Best Year Ever!

Posted Feb 1, 2017
Spring 2017 edition of The Energist magazine.
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The Energist - Vol 2017.4.2 - The Energy of Learning

The Energist - Vol 2017.4.2 - The Energy of Learning

Posted May 26, 2017
Summer 2017 edition of The Energist magazine.
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The Energist - Vol 2018.5.1 - The Power of the Positives

The Energist - Vol 2018.5.1 - The Power of the Positives

Posted Feb 20, 2018
Winter 2018 edition of The Energist magazine. Available to read online on smart phones, tablets and in browsers, plus also the option to download as an Adobe PDF file for printing out at home or...
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The Golden Horse & Other Fairy Tales by Silvia Hartmann

The Golden Horse & Other Fairy Tales by Silvia Hartmann

Posted Nov 15, 2022
Created by Master Story Teller Silvia Hartmann For Magical Children Aged 9 - 99, The Golden Horse is an anthology of absolutely original, highly creative stories told in traditional fairy tale...
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The Grumble Gnome Fairy Tale by Silvia Hartmann

The Grumble Gnome Fairy Tale by Silvia Hartmann

Posted Dec 23, 2022
A great traditional fairy tale to enjoy for the magical child within, or the magical child in your life in Silvia Hartmann's unique energy writing style. 
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The Magician by Silvia Hartmann

The Magician by Silvia Hartmann

Posted Jun 1, 2023
The Magician - 28 Lessons In Magic; a novel by Silvia Hartmann.
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The Orb of Prosperity by Silvia Hartmann

The Orb of Prosperity by Silvia Hartmann

Posted Feb 9, 2022
This Modern Energy Meditation is for anyone who wants to connect with the energy of prosperity, whatever that means to you. Inspired during the Energy Show "The Spirit of Prosperity," here is...
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The Real Secret How To Become A Millionaire - Video with Silvia Hartmann

The Real Secret How To Become A Millionaire - Video with Silvia Hartmann

Posted Oct 16, 2018
Do you want to be a millionaire? Check out these amazing Top 5 Tips from GoE president Silvia Hartmann
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The Star Matrix Story with Silvia Hartmann

The Star Matrix Story with Silvia Hartmann

Posted Oct 23, 2019
What is Star Matrix? Where did it come from? Why is Star Matrix so important for the people of the 21st Century? Why do we need to escape the brainwashing of the Trauma Trap? What are Star Events,...
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Video Clips From - Modern Energy Foundation 1 - Your Happiness Matters: Introduction to Modern Energy with Silvia Hartmann

Video Clips From - Modern Energy Foundation 1 - Your Happiness Matters:...

Posted Nov 6, 2018
Video clips from Silvia Hartmann's Modern Energy Foundation  online course: Unit 1: Why Your Happiness Matters - An Introduction to Modern Energy These are made available to you to watch...
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Zauberwelt by Silvia Hartmann - Auf Deutsch/German Language Edition 2004

Zauberwelt by Silvia Hartmann - Auf Deutsch/German Language Edition 2004

Posted Jan 13, 2017
Zauberwelt is an introduction to the magical world of modern energy. In this charming book, Silvia Hartmann explains in simple words and simple examples how different our world looks when we...
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Zauberwelt English Language Edition Translated by Silvia Hartmann 2004

Zauberwelt English Language Edition Translated by Silvia Hartmann 2004

Posted Jan 13, 2017
Zauberwelt is an introduction to the magical world of modern energy. In this charming book which has been translated from the original German language edition, Silvia Hartmann explains in simple...
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Contact details and membership information for Silvia Hartmann:

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