EMO's Gifts To EFT

EMO's Gifts To EFT

Silvia wrote in November 2011: I've spent the last 6 months doing nothing but writing the new GoE EFT Master Practitioner training courses for live trainings and distance learning certification. Why? we may ask, seeing that in EMO we already have highly advanced modern energy work at our fingertips. This is a good question.

As the chairman of The GoE, I have to look after all modern energy modalities and techniques, not just my own; that's one part of it.

Another part is that there are a lot of people out there who want EFT trainings, and The GoE trainers wanted a state-of-the-art, brand new EFT training for all the people who are asking them for EFT courses. And this is a good thing in every way. I too really enjoyed EFT when it first came out and certainly did my bit to publicise it in the UK and through the Internet worldwide.

I made the leap to EMO after five years of intensive EFT work. EMO is not so much a healing modality (although it can do that too, and very well indeed at that) but primarily, EMO is a tool for finding out more about the principles of real energy work across the board.

As a result, we did find out a great many things that simply were not known or as clearly described as they are now in the practice of EMO. Now, when it came to the new EFT training, I could have withheld these and left them for EMO exclusively; but that's not in the spirit of the thing. My purpose is to improve energy awareness; that's my major mission. To have people understand that energy work is either entirely real, or it's a metaphor that works so well for human beings, we simply can't be doing without it in order to understand reality *at all*.

So I did say that I would agree to spend that much precious time of my life on writing a new EFT course - but only if it was going to be an EFT course which would incorporate what we had learned about real energy work through the practice of EMO.

As you can imagine, that radical approach produced a few gasps and still does; but if I weigh up stepping on a few toes against taking EFT to the next level of effectiveness, of precision, of predictability and of *sheer enjoyment,* then so be it.

Here is a short round up of the "gifts of EMO" the new EFT course has received.


First and foremostly amongst all, it is the declaration that EFT is not psychology, it is not psychotherapy, it is not hypnosis, it is not kinesiology, but instead, it is ENERGY WORK.

  • Even though we are tapping our faces, bodies and hands with our material fingers, it is the energy fingers touching the energy body that creates the changes in EFT, pure and simple.

This is a complete game changer when it comes to how we approach every aspect of the treatment flow of the EFT session, from the practitioner preparing themselves to receiving the client, every step of the way, to the final farewell at the end and beyond into the ongoing client/practitioner relationship.

When we think in terms of energy work, and energy flow through the session itself, then through the practitioner and the client and how all of that works together, we naturally come to different ways of thinking about the EFT session.

We begin to notice where there are ZZZTs in the treatment flow itself; we can pinpoint blockages, reversals and disturbances in the treatment flow and take them out to produce a far smoother and more elegant (and in the end, more effective) EFT treatment experience.

That was the starting point to forward-engineering EFT into its new future as a proper energy modality, designed to create changes in the energy body.

The first thing that underwent consideration from this standpoint was the actual EFT protocol. The new energy based EFT protocol, called the Heart & Soul Protocol, is designed for maximum energy flow and ease of use, whilst retaining the essential tapping procedure that makes EFT what it is.

* For further details on the development of the EFT Heart & Soul Protocol, please see https://energyeft.com/change_classic_eft_heartnsoul.htm

Heart Healing

The new EFT protocol includes a major gift from EMO: the Heart Healing posture. It provides centring at the start of the EFT round, and just as importantly, at the end, to give a space for the person to find their bearing after changes in the energy system took place. The Heart Healing posture also has some other interesting features.

As a "global reversal" cure, it is second to none; but it also draws out the healing hands, sets up a natural energy flow so that even people who have no idea and have never thought about their healing hands will be using their healing hands when they start to tap. This obviously improves the results of any single round of EFT considerably; and in the hands or fingertips of an experienced practitioner who knows what they are doing, improves results dramatically.

Having the Heart Healing posture to centre, stabilise and focus the person/client also allows us to drop the very confusing "Even though ... I deeply and profoundly love and accept myself," which was originally put in place to avoid abreactions as people start to tune in on their problems. It also caused a lot of conflict with many clients, and in neuro-linguistic terms really confuses the tuning in procedure, as we are no longer sure if we're focusing on "my fear of spiders" or "whether I profoundly love and accept myself."

The Heart Healing posture is also an excellent "mini energy moment" in its own right and EFTers who have learned to use it in conjunction with the tapping points as a part of the EFT round can use it to de-stress when they can't tap a full round.

I'd like to add that the feedback from people testing this out on themselves and EFT clients has been unanimously highly positive; beginners and experienced EFTers alike really appreciate the additional stabilisation framing the EFT round with the Heart Healing posture has brought.

The next important gift from EMO to EFT is:

The SUE Scale & The Healing Event

The SUE scale shows in a nutshell the difference between "old EFT" which was used with the then existing SUD scale (Subjective Units of Discomfort) and the new energy based EFT.

In the old paradigm, Zero was "as good as it gets" - pain cessation, not to be in pain anymore.

This is fine when used for medical treatments; but in energy work, Zero is not as good as it gets. In fact, Zero is quite literally, nothing. In order to work with the energy system correctly, we need to improve energy flow into the POSITIVE range - this is the realm of positive emotions, high logic, full functioning, and full expression of a person's resources across the board.

The old SUD scale measures discomfort from -10 to 0 and there it stops.

The new SUE Scale, which stands for Subject Units Of Experience, has an additional wing and so it goes from -10, maximum negative experience, to 0, feeling nothing, and then towards +10, which is a profoundly charged state of joy, love and happiness.

SUE Scale Subjective Units Of Experience Hartmann 2009

We have learned through EMO that when energy flow is increased to the point where it flows fast and powerfully, an "energized end state" comes into being - and the problem is solved, cured, it will never come back.

This "healing event" is achievable in EFT also, simply by evolving the energy flow from the original negative starting point further and further, one round of EFT at a time, until the healing event is reached.

The healing event, what it is and how it works is a gift to EFT in so many ways. Firstly, its existence alone will now inspire EFTers to keep tapping and not stop too soon, just having shaved a few points of the pain is not enough any longer!

Secondly, we have now an explanation of the so called "One minute wonder" or "EFT miracle" occurrences. A healing event was reached quickly and that's what happened.

Thirdly, we can now say to EFTers that they don't have to feel out of control as far as these healing events are concerned any longer. Simply keep tapping the rounds and keep improving the energy flow. If you're lucky, you can get a surprise healing event along the way. If you are not, but you keep evolving the problem and improving the energy flow, eventually the healing event MUST happen - it can't not. And the healing event will happen when you have increased energy flow enough so it is in the high positives on the SUE scale.

This gives EFTers for the first time a clear, easy, doable and predictable path to the healing event; that is something I would also consider to be an important gift.

The Client/Practitioner Dance Becomes The EFTeam

The next gift from EMO to EFT is our learnings about the client/practitioner dance. We have learned that in energy work, you can't hide behind shields and "detach" yourself from the client and have it work as well as it should.

Indeed, the more engaged the practitioner and client can become, the more powerful the energy work becomes; and it also becomes a fantastic experience not just for the client, but also for the practitioner.

This is a super win/win/win/win situation as practitioners really do want to relate to their clients; as clients really do want to feel loved and supported, especially when they are scared and troubled; as clients begin to feel relief and relax, and the practitioner experiences this first hand, directly, in their own body and then also experiences together with the client the pure joy of the eventual resolution, and the wonderful energy sensations of the healing event shared by both equally.

The non-hierarchical, "team" based approach of EMO has become the EFTeam, and once again, the feedback from EFT practitioners old and young completely reflects the love EMO practitioners have had of this way of working with people and energy for the last ten years.

In energy work, getting into deep rapport and working together to solve the problem as equals is simply the right thing to do; the modality demands it, and it is really inspiring for both clients and practitioners as well.

The Sixth Sense, The Mindful EFT Protocol and The EFT Body Protocol

Anyone who knows EMO will of course recognise where all these important additions to the practice of EFT as modern energy work are coming from. Basic EMO practically unlocks our Sixth Sense - the sensing of movements in the energy body that have no physical origin. For many EFTers, the Mindful EFT Protocol is the first time they have become consciously aware of energy sensations as they tap the points silently and scan their body to notice how tapping on one point produces all sorts of different body sensations compared to tapping on another. This is such an important breakthrough; for a person to experience the reality of energy *in their own body* is the starting point to a completely different approach to mind/body/spirit health and understanding.

The EFT Body Protocol, which is straight basic EMO with tapping the points, is also extremely important in this context.

It gives EFTers an excellent alternative to the complications of spoken set ups and reminder phrases which is so useful in the treatment of psychosomatic pain, pain in general, illness, recovery, and all those emotions that can't be named or explained in words at all; but it also once again focuses the EFTers on the physical sensations of energy movements and thus helps them learn more about their 6th sense, which is a life skill.

Through the Body Protocol, some features of EMO such as "Secret Therapy" become available too and the EFT practitioners conscious awareness of body movements, body postures, hand gestures etc. becomes heightened as a result as well.

This is a real long term gift that will keep on giving as now also EFTers can begin to track and understand the connections between energy body problems and how these manifest through the physical body and all its many manifestations.

Energy Body Stress & Creating Stress Free EFT Sessions

The final gift of EMO to EFT is the realisation that energy body stress de-stabilises everything and to remove energy body stress first leads to much better and more profound EFT treatments all around.

Firstly, a stressed person is not in a position to describe their problems clearly. In EFT this leads to endless rounds being tapped on "stress talk" instead of getting to the heart of the problem succinctly and in a logical way.

Secondly, to keep the client stress free at all times, by understanding that you "don't stop to treat the stress in the EFT session" but in fact, the stress relief is the treatment in and of itself, EFTers now can build a safe, logical and stress free path into the heart of the problem. As the person is not just de-stressed but energized (going into the + side of the SUE scale), they become more capable, more strong and more powerful, thus putting them into a much better position to face the heart of the problem, even if there are extremely traumatic events involved.

The *strengthening* of the energy system and the *empowering* of the person through the rounds of EFT treatments has a much more powerful, logical and positive person arriving at the heart of the problem, and because of this, even "big problems" can then be addressed elegantly and more stress free than ever before.

In professional EFT sessions, it is not just the client who needs de-stressing; the practitioner has to de-stress too, so that the EFTeam is stress free and operating at maximum capacity. This was previously greatly overlooked and practitioners would be stressed, then reflect their client's stress back, leading to unnecessarily complications in the EFT treatment flow.

I'd like to mention also that as a homework assignment, to tell an EFT client to simply tap on "stress" rather than trying to become their own psychoanalyst by trying to figure out meaningful set ups and opening statements is far more successful and can really help clients gain a valuable life skill as well as something that is easy to do and easy to share with others.

There are many more gifts from EMO that have gone into the new EFT trainings; from working with events to energetic relationships (crucial in work with addictions, weight loss and groups) and from the new aspects model to understanding metaphor and the energy mind.

This really has supercharged EFT and brought it onto a new level.

So, now don't we need EMO any longer?

In the contrary.

EMO is the natural progression for people who love EFT. For some it may take two years, some may take five, some may take ten years, but eventually the very practice of EFT will be raising questions that can't be answered with EFT any longer and you then will need the more fluent and encompassing realms of EMO.

EMO at the advanced level and beyond holds a whole world of energy experience the likes we have never even suspected could exist at all. There are more advanced EMO energy patterns than would fit into a ten volume collection; and it is worth remembering that EMO is primarily an energy research modality that allows an individual person to learn about energy in their own time and in their own way.

There are literally no limits to EMO at all; and it will continue to produce patterns and techniques, some of which can be reverse engineered. EMO can also be the engine that drives a revitalisation and  modernisation of many other energy methods, systems and techniques; as the Germans say, "Alles flutscht besser - mit EMO!" (Everything works better with EMO).

In this case of EFT, I'm delighted to have the next generation EFT practitioners out there now who have found the excitement and joy of EFT as energy work, and are discovering for themselves every day how much more fun, excitement and stress free change can be had when we drop the old limiting paradigms and instead step forward, rev up the engine and work with the energy body in this wonderful new way.

Blessings to all energists, and all who actively work to help people have a better with this life,

Silvia Hartmann

November 27, 2011

EMO Conference 2012

New EFT Master Practitioner Training

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Silvia Hartmann
Information about Silvia Hartmann
President of the Guild of Energists.
Training courses and events with Silvia Hartmann:
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GoE Townhall Meet Up LIVE - News 🌟 Views 🌟 ENERGY! with Silvia Hartmann, Zoe Hobden & Alex Kent
28 Feb 2025 - Online
Silvia Hartmann has the following products in the store:
EMO: Emotions, Energy, Information & Love, 2nd Edition

EMO: Emotions, Energy, Information & Love, 2nd Edition

Posted Nov 3, 2016
Powerful information every person on this Earth needs to hear about. Fifteen years of EMO in theory and practice have taught us so much about energy, how it works with human emotion but also with...
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Energy Dancing I

Energy Dancing I

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Energy Dancing II: The Sacred Horse

Energy Dancing II: The Sacred Horse

Posted Mar 21, 2010
Magic Dancing: Energy Dancing with The Sacred Horse. Experience profound relief, release, de-stress and energize your mind, your body, your energy body with this brilliant NEW self help program...
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Infinite Creativity: The Project Sanctuary Story

Infinite Creativity: The Project Sanctuary Story

Posted Jun 17, 2014
Infinite Creativity: The Project Sanctuary Story by Silvia Hartmann comes 16 years after the original Project Sanctuary manual was released. If you are interested in unlocking your minds full...
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Modern Energy Tapping by Silvia Hartmann

Modern Energy Tapping by Silvia Hartmann

Posted Jan 18, 2018
Following two decades of research with classic tapping, Energy in Motion, Energy EFT and Positive EFT comes Modern Energy Tapping - a system designed from the ground up to get you and your clients...
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Star Matrix by Silvia Hartmann

Star Matrix by Silvia Hartmann

Posted Oct 5, 2021
This is the Star Matrix book by Silvia Hartmann. Purchase through DragonRising to get immediate access to gain your certificate in Star Matrix Foundation.
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The Modern Energist

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Silvia Hartmann has kindly contributed the following titles to the 🏫 GoE Library:
4 Cool Energy Hacks For Procrastination, Anxiety & Self Doubt - Video with Silvia Hartmann

4 Cool Energy Hacks For Procrastination, Anxiety & Self Doubt - Video with...

Posted Oct 2, 2018
Raise energy FAST with these 4 quick and easy techniques to overcome procrastination, anxiety and self doubt presented by Silvia Hartmann: Heart Healing, EMO Energy In Motion, Modern Energy...
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80+ NLP Neurolinguistic Programming Articles With Energy In Mind

80+ NLP Neurolinguistic Programming Articles With Energy In Mind

Posted Apr 24, 2015
NLP Neurolinguistic Programming with energy in mind themed articles by Silvia Hartmann. Includes over eighty articles on subjects including Learning NLP, NLP and Energy, NLP Essays, NLP and...
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Bereavement Healing With Modern Energy - The Immortal Beloved Protocol by Silvia Hartmann

Bereavement Healing With Modern Energy - The Immortal Beloved Protocol by...

Posted Mar 13, 2023
Help people with their bereavement with the Immortal Beloved protocol developed and written by Silvia Hartmann.
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DragonRising Radio Show

DragonRising Radio Show

Posted Jan 8, 2018
DragonRising is the publishing arm of the Guild of Energists and they've released some of the most outstanding and innovative audio products available, including: HypnoSolutions, HypnoDreams,...
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Earth Rise Visualisation Training Audio 2006

Earth Rise Visualisation Training Audio 2006

Posted Jan 23, 2017
Earth Rise is a short energy hypnosis program created by Silvia Hartmann to improve the ability to visualise in internal representations. Use the exercise repeatedly and/or use in conjunction with...
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Easy EFT, Adventures in EFT, The Advanced Patterns of EFT and EFT & NLP - Classic EFT Tapping by Silvia Hartmann

Easy EFT, Adventures in EFT, The Advanced Patterns of EFT and EFT & NLP -...

Posted Oct 22, 2019
Classic EFT Tapping by Silvia Hartmann is a compendium of some of the most important and influential classic EFT books available, including: Easy EFT by Silvia Hartmann -  Introductory guide...
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Elory's Joy Audio Recording 2005

Posted Jan 23, 2017
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EMO BeauTy T Complete

EMO BeauTy T Complete

Posted Jan 19, 2017
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EMO Beauty T Live Recording with Silvia Hartmann

EMO Beauty T Live Recording with Silvia Hartmann

Posted Feb 5, 2020
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Energy EFT Master Practitioner Live Recording with Silvia Hartmann

Energy EFT Master Practitioner Live Recording with Silvia Hartmann

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Energy EFT Presentation by Silvia Hartman

Energy EFT Presentation by Silvia Hartman

Posted Mar 8, 2017
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GoE Energy Protection Course

GoE Energy Protection Course

Posted Feb 3, 2021
Silvia Hartmann's GoE Energy Protection is a free video course on energy/psychic protection for GoE Members to enjoy, be inspired by and stay protected.
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GoE Modern Energy Foundation Course (The Energy Course), 2023 Edition

GoE Modern Energy Foundation Course (The Energy Course), 2023 Edition

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GoE Visibility Course: The Modern Energy Way with Silvia Hartmann

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Posted Feb 23, 2021
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GoE2013 - P01 - Positive Energy with Silvia Hartmann

GoE2013 - P01 - Positive Energy with Silvia Hartmann

Posted Nov 10, 2013
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GoE2013 - P09 - Project Sanctuary - Infinite Creativity with Silvia Hartmann

GoE2013 - P09 - Project Sanctuary - Infinite Creativity with Silvia Hartmann

Posted Nov 10, 2013
Silvia Hartmann presenting on Project Sanctuary - Infinite Creativity at the GoE Energy Conference 2013
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GoE2014 - P01 - Keynote: Soul Matters with Silvia Hartmann

GoE2014 - P01 - Keynote: Soul Matters with Silvia Hartmann

Posted Nov 1, 2014
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GoE2014 - P12 - Marketing for Energists with Silvia Hartmann

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Posted Nov 1, 2016
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GoE2016 - P13 - Energy Constellations – Created by Silvia Hartmann – Presented by Ilka Wandel

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Posted Apr 6, 2018
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Posted Jan 20, 2018
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GoE2021 - P01 - The Miracle Expansion with Silvia Hartmann

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Posted Nov 25, 2021
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GoE2021 - P09 - New Worlds Modern Energy Art Exhibition with Silvia Hartmann

GoE2021 - P09 - New Worlds Modern Energy Art Exhibition with Silvia Hartmann

Posted Nov 25, 2021
Join Silvia Hartmann for a virtual Modern Energy Art Exhibition.
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GoE2021 - P12 -  Closing Plenary: Tapping Into YOUR Miracle Expansion with Silvia Hartmann

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Posted Nov 25, 2021
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GoE2024 - S1 - The Future Of Modern Energy

GoE2024 - S1 - The Future Of Modern Energy

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GoE2024 - S2 - The Future of Modern Energy Therapy

GoE2024 - S2 - The Future of Modern Energy Therapy

Posted Nov 13, 2024
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GoE2024 - S3 -  The Future of Modern Energy Training

GoE2024 - S3 - The Future of Modern Energy Training

Posted Nov 13, 2024
In the 'The future of Modern Energy Training' Silvia Hartmann emphasizes the need to create uplifting experiences that enable trainers and students alike to grow and evolve. 
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GoE2024 - S4 - Our Future Starts Now!

GoE2024 - S4 - Our Future Starts Now!

Posted Nov 13, 2024
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How A Child Sex Abuse Survivor Healed 1 MILLION Hearts - Video with Silvia Hartmann

How A Child Sex Abuse Survivor Healed 1 MILLION Hearts - Video with Silvia...

Posted Oct 9, 2018
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How I Escaped The Trauma Cult (And You Can Too, If You Want To!)

How I Escaped The Trauma Cult (And You Can Too, If You Want To!)

Posted Jul 8, 2024
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MindMillion 2005 by Silvia Hartmann - Complete Text

MindMillion 2005 by Silvia Hartmann - Complete Text

Posted Feb 10, 2017
MindMillion by Silvia Hartmann - Complete book has been added to the Library. In this extraordinary book, you will find the tried and tested remedies, techniques, tools and most of all, the...
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MindMillion Articles 2005 - 2012

MindMillion Articles 2005 - 2012

Posted Jan 22, 2012
MindMillion articles on business success from the energy perspective (pre-Energy EFT/Positive EFT) 2005 - 2012. Includes over seventy articles.
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MindMillion Exercises by Silvia Hartmann: The 60 Second Wealth Creators

MindMillion Exercises by Silvia Hartmann: The 60 Second Wealth Creators

Posted Apr 15, 2023
Welcome to MindMillion by Silvia Hartmann: 365 modern energy exercises for wealth, money, abundance in its widest metaphorical sense, to de-stress, re-focus and improve energy flow fast. Each...
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Mirror Charm Sanctuary - Evolving Metaphors Masterclass

Mirror Charm Sanctuary - Evolving Metaphors Masterclass

Posted Nov 24, 2022
For members of the Guild of Energists, Silvia Hartmann has gifted you a special members-only practitioner master class in evolving metaphors in sanctuary. It’s beautiful and advanced Modern...
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Modern Energy 101 - The Modern Energy Chart In A Nutshell - Video by Silvia Hartmann

Modern Energy 101 - The Modern Energy Chart In A Nutshell - Video by Silvia...

Posted Oct 23, 2018
Never heard of Modern Energy? Check out this 5 min intro that might just change your life! Here is how to do "emotional wellness" "emotional intelligence" and how to get from stress to success in...
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Modern Energy Tapping Presentation with Silvia Hartman

Modern Energy Tapping Presentation with Silvia Hartman

Posted Apr 16, 2018
27 minute video of author Silvia Hartmann presenting on Modern Energy Tapping at the GoE Positive Energy Day which took place at Sedgwick Park UK in 2014.
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NLP & Classic EFT Special Report 1999-2009

NLP & Classic EFT Special Report 1999-2009

Posted Feb 25, 2017
Classic EFT & NLP is a special report by Silvia Hartmann for NLP Practitioners on how to use Classic EFT, which covers how to use Classic EFT to enhance NLP abilities in the self; how to use...
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Power Affirmations Special Report 2008

Power Affirmations Special Report 2008

Posted Feb 26, 2017
Power Affirmations - 21st Century Magic Spells That Change Reality - 2008 Special Report by Silvia Hartmann, full text.
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Project Sanctuary III 1996-2002

Project Sanctuary III 1996-2002

Posted Jan 27, 2017
Silvia Hartmann's groundbreaking Project Sanctuary. Third edition 2002, published 2003. Complete text.  Project Sanctuary is a unique set of processes using intention, energy and metaphor,...
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Project Sanctuary: First Sanctuary with Silvia Hartmann

Project Sanctuary: First Sanctuary with Silvia Hartmann

Posted Mar 12, 2018
Project Sanctuary is easy, and fun. In this straightforward, friendly 14 minute free meditation, GoE President Silvia Hartmann guides you through the process of setting up a "first Sanctuary". Use...
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Sandra Hillawi: Wishing Silvia Hartmann A Fabulous Retirement

Sandra Hillawi: Wishing Silvia Hartmann A Fabulous Retirement

Posted Nov 19, 2024
Wishing Silvia Hartmann a fabulous retirement!
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Sex In Sanctuary

Sex In Sanctuary

Posted Jun 19, 2018
Special Report by Silvia Hartmann for all members to read free in the library, however prior knowledge of SuperMind, Infinite Creativity and Project Sanctuary is advised. Need to read Infinite...
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Star Matrix Summit 2020

Star Matrix Summit 2020

Posted Feb 18, 2021
We're delighted to make the complete inaugural Star Matrix Summit available to members to enjoy. In this video series, Silvia Hartmann interviews key members on their own personal breakthroughs...
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Sunday Live with Silvia Hartmann

Sunday Live with Silvia Hartmann

Posted Feb 25, 2020
Watch the complete collection of live streams with GoE President Silvia Hartmann including energy exercises and latest news from the GoE.
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The Energist - Vol 2014.1.1 - Voyager

The Energist - Vol 2014.1.1 - Voyager

Posted Jun 1, 2014
Summer 2014 edition of The Energist magazine.
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The Energist - Vol 2014.1.2 - Conference Special

The Energist - Vol 2014.1.2 - Conference Special

Posted Oct 1, 2014
Autumn 2014 edition of The Energist magazine.
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The Energist - Vol 2015.2.1 - New Beginnings

The Energist - Vol 2015.2.1 - New Beginnings

Posted Jan 21, 2015
Winter 2015 edition of The Energist magazine.
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The Energist - Vol 2015.2.2 - Project Sanctuary

The Energist - Vol 2015.2.2 - Project Sanctuary

Posted Apr 9, 2015
Spring 2015 edition of The Energist magazine.
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The Energist - Vol 2015.2.3 - It

The Energist - Vol 2015.2.3 - It's OUR Time to Shine

Posted Jul 27, 2015
Summer 2015 edition of The Energist magazine.
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The Energist - Vol 2015.2.4 - Harvesting From The Tree of Lights

The Energist - Vol 2015.2.4 - Harvesting From The Tree of Lights

Posted Sep 1, 2015
Autumn 2015 edition of The Energist magazine.
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The Energist - Vol 2016.3.1 - Energy EFT Foundation

The Energist - Vol 2016.3.1 - Energy EFT Foundation

Posted Mar 19, 2016
Spring 2016 edition of The Energist magazine.
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The Energist - Vol 2017.4.1 - The Best Year Ever!

The Energist - Vol 2017.4.1 - The Best Year Ever!

Posted Feb 1, 2017
Spring 2017 edition of The Energist magazine.
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The Energist - Vol 2017.4.2 - The Energy of Learning

The Energist - Vol 2017.4.2 - The Energy of Learning

Posted May 26, 2017
Summer 2017 edition of The Energist magazine.
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The Energist - Vol 2018.5.1 - The Power of the Positives

The Energist - Vol 2018.5.1 - The Power of the Positives

Posted Feb 20, 2018
Winter 2018 edition of The Energist magazine. Available to read online on smart phones, tablets and in browsers, plus also the option to download as an Adobe PDF file for printing out at home or...
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The Golden Horse & Other Fairy Tales by Silvia Hartmann

The Golden Horse & Other Fairy Tales by Silvia Hartmann

Posted Nov 15, 2022
Created by Master Story Teller Silvia Hartmann For Magical Children Aged 9 - 99, The Golden Horse is an anthology of absolutely original, highly creative stories told in traditional fairy tale...
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The Grumble Gnome Fairy Tale by Silvia Hartmann

The Grumble Gnome Fairy Tale by Silvia Hartmann

Posted Dec 23, 2022
A great traditional fairy tale to enjoy for the magical child within, or the magical child in your life in Silvia Hartmann's unique energy writing style. 
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The Magician by Silvia Hartmann

The Magician by Silvia Hartmann

Posted Jun 1, 2023
The Magician - 28 Lessons In Magic; a novel by Silvia Hartmann.
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The Orb of Prosperity by Silvia Hartmann

The Orb of Prosperity by Silvia Hartmann

Posted Feb 9, 2022
This Modern Energy Meditation is for anyone who wants to connect with the energy of prosperity, whatever that means to you. Inspired during the Energy Show "The Spirit of Prosperity," here is...
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The Real Secret How To Become A Millionaire - Video with Silvia Hartmann

The Real Secret How To Become A Millionaire - Video with Silvia Hartmann

Posted Oct 16, 2018
Do you want to be a millionaire? Check out these amazing Top 5 Tips from GoE president Silvia Hartmann
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The Star Matrix Story with Silvia Hartmann

The Star Matrix Story with Silvia Hartmann

Posted Oct 23, 2019
What is Star Matrix? Where did it come from? Why is Star Matrix so important for the people of the 21st Century? Why do we need to escape the brainwashing of the Trauma Trap? What are Star Events,...
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Video Clips From - Modern Energy Foundation 1 - Your Happiness Matters: Introduction to Modern Energy with Silvia Hartmann

Video Clips From - Modern Energy Foundation 1 - Your Happiness Matters:...

Posted Nov 6, 2018
Video clips from Silvia Hartmann's Modern Energy Foundation  online course: Unit 1: Why Your Happiness Matters - An Introduction to Modern Energy These are made available to you to watch...
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Zauberwelt by Silvia Hartmann - Auf Deutsch/German Language Edition 2004

Zauberwelt by Silvia Hartmann - Auf Deutsch/German Language Edition 2004

Posted Jan 13, 2017
Zauberwelt is an introduction to the magical world of modern energy. In this charming book, Silvia Hartmann explains in simple words and simple examples how different our world looks when we...
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Zauberwelt English Language Edition Translated by Silvia Hartmann 2004

Zauberwelt English Language Edition Translated by Silvia Hartmann 2004

Posted Jan 13, 2017
Zauberwelt is an introduction to the magical world of modern energy. In this charming book which has been translated from the original German language edition, Silvia Hartmann explains in simple...
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Contact details and membership information for Silvia Hartmann:

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