Star Matrix For Child Sex Abuse Survivors: Start Your Own Book Of Stars Today!

Star Matrix For Child Sex Abuse Survivors: Start Your Own Book Of Stars Today!

Over the years I have been working with abuse survivors and PTSD sufferers, I have come to appreciate the urgent need of reconnecting people with their high positive memories to stabilise their energy systems and counterbalance the "trauma labyrinth." In 2020, I finally decided to make this official and created Star Matrix - the high energy, positive alternative to the endless quest for trauma. You can start with your own Book of Stars today. Read on.

Star Matrix For Child Sex Abuse Survivors: Start Your Own Book Of Stars Today!

We go through life, and we have a variety of experiences. Contrary to public opinion, we don't just have TRAUMA in our lives. Trauma events are actually rare in comparison, but just like the few radical terrorists in a population of a million perfectly good citizens, trauma has been given all the attention - and this has proven to be extremely unhealthy, especially in the long run.

The absolute and myopic focus on TRAUMA as the only explanation for why people have problems in life has literally guided us all down the wrong path in the Western World, and has caused a myriad of truly damaging side effects that have increased stress, caused all manner of secondary problems to come into being, and has offered no solution at all for the day to day management of emotional disturbances.

The total and EXCLUSIVE focus on only trauma, and more trauma, with a side order of trauma, has also produced a totally skewed picture of what human beings are, how they work, and has structurally prevented useful knowledge to be found and to be used to help people lead better and happier lives.

So, and in short, trauma events are only one type of events a human being experiences in life.

There are other, equally important events. For example, there are the Guiding Stars - incomplete positive events that "chain" a person to try and repeat the experience. All fetishes, philias, and unhealthy addictions are based not on trauma, but on Guiding Stars, and these problems cannot be solved at all or ever whilst staring at the trauma, and not even being aware that such things as Guiding Stars exist in the first place.

There are other classes of events that also play their part in why people do the things they do, and if you are interested in this, please read Events Psychology, my last and final attempt to bring some rhyme, reason and rationality into "psychology" before I gave up on that altogether and created the new field of Modern Energy instead, free of the Chinese whispers of the past. Love and logic. Finally. But I digress.

The most important events of them all have had literally no attention whatsoever, yet they are absolutely central to the functioning of a normal human being.

  • These are the true Star Events - the highest, most profound, most amazing, most positive experiences in a person's lifetime.

I did a study with plane crash survivors just past the turn of the millennium, and was struck by the repeated reports of "the life flashing before your eyes" at the moment of perceived death.

When I questioned people more closely about these sequences of memories, I discovered this: What flashed was NOT trauma. Not a single trauma memory "flashed before their eyes." Not a one. All that flashed where the HIGH POSITIVE MEMORIES of their lifetime - all that remained, was the memory of LOVE.


It blew me away and set me on the path that led to where we are now.

What if by endlessly and EXCLUSIVELY focusing on trauma, we all trampled down the wrong path, and in the wrong direction?

What if by endlessly and EXCLUSIVELY focusing our attention only on trauma, we missed out on the most important "lessons" of life??

What if by endlessly and EXCLUSIVELY focusing on trauma, we created literal, physical train tracks in the brain that led to trauma and more trauma - instead of leading in the exact opposite direction, into Star Memories and more Star Memories instead?

And then, there was this:

  • What would happen if we deliberately and, for a time, EXCLUSIVELY, focused on our Star Memories instead?

Well now.

That's an interesting question.

Indeed, it is a question that immediately took me to considering a person's self concept, self construct, conscious idea of the self.

What if we were to build a self concept not based on trauma events, not based on our shortcomings and failures, but instead, on our Star Events, our highest possible aspects?

Well - if we did that, created a self concept built on our Star Memories, that self concept would be ... the Star Matrix.

The Star Matrix would offer an alternative view on who you are, when all is said and done.

The Star Matrix would give us a totally different way to arrange the memories of our lifetimes, and learn totally different lessons about what life can be, and what we can actually do, feel, and experience as a human being here on Earth.

In even attempting to connect with the Star Memories of our own lifetimes, our real and ONLY "treasures and riches," the ONLY memories we remember when our life flashes before our eyes, we have to build new connections in the physical brain.

We would have to travel paths of thought we have never consciously attempted to travel before.

Our thinking about ourselves and our place in this world would have to change.

Our self concepts would have to change. They can't not.

Yes, and that's Star Matrix in a nutshell.

Take your attention off all the trauma for a CHANGE.

Direct your conscious attention to the high positive experiences of your life.

Recover your Star Memories.

Find the connections between them.

Explore the true wisdom, your personal, experienced, lived Star Wisdom that is encapsulated in these high positive memories.

Access skills, talents and abilities that your aspect have displayed for real.

Create brand new shiny connections in your physical brain, and of course, in your living energy body.

And whilst all of that is going on, notice how the focus on your own high positive memories lifts your mood, empowers your energy body, changes your emotional states for the better.

That, and so, so much more!

At this point, many start to scream, "But you're only brushing all the trauma under the carpet! You need to pull the roots of the trauma, dig in the trauma, only that will heal you!"

This is the exact brain washing, brain washed response from a hundred years of that Freudian nightmare we've all been living in.

People have been digging in trauma for sometimes 50 years or more, 3x a week, and where did that ever get them?

Into enlightenment? Or just more trauma?

That's the "trauma trap" right there.

The reason why your life isn't working is because of trauma.

You need to dig into the trauma in order to release the trauma.

Your life still isn't working?

Aha! We haven't found the right trauma yet. We have to dig deeper!

And so it goes on and on and on and on.

In the meantime, all that exclusive focus on trauma depletes the energy system, makes therefore the owner of said energy system ever more emotionally unstable and stressed, and there is no end in sight, ever, because as soon as one trauma is released, the next pops up, and the next and the next and the next ...

It's endless.

There has to be a stop to it, there has to be a different way. A better way, a new approach.

Star Matrix is the answer to this.


Recovering Positive Memories

The first thing the trauma entrained will say when asked about positive memories is that they have NONE. None at all. Their entire childhood was misery, and because of that, their adolescence was misery as well, followed by misery in young adulthood, and so on, right up to this very moment, here and now, when a thoroughly miserable person sits there, entirely convinced that their entire life was nothing but misery.

This response is because of the "trauma train tracks in the brain," and most of the time, it really needs a major Star Event, such as "having your life flash before your eyes" as the plane ditches towards the ocean, to "change their minds."

The fact is, however, that if you don't accept that answer, that there was never, ever, anything positive at all in their miserable lives, and you keep asking, "Perhaps you had a moment with nature ... or with an animal ... that was wonderful, beautiful ..." you can see people wrinkling their brows, and they're really thinking about it, and eventually, a memory will come to them.

"Well, I guess there was that time ... after a party ... the sun came up over the hills and it was so beautiful ..."

Right! Whoohoo! We have a positive memory! It can be done!!!

Now here is an very important thing about positive memories.

  • Positive memories are energy rich, information rich, uplifting - and they are very, very clear.

Unlike a shattered trauma memory that has been dug and scraped and twisted in a thousand therapy sessions and ten thousand nightmares since it happened, a Star Memory is clear, resonant, strong. Colourful. All the six senses are there - what we saw, heard, felt physically, what we scented, tasted, and how that made us feel inside.

  • It is super easy to "remember" a Star Memory.

It is easy to talk about it in exquisite detail, to walk around in the memory, enter right into it, observe the aspect of that time, or inhabit the aspect.

The whole "remembering" thing is totally under conscious control, it is a wonderful experience for the person, wakes them up, raises their energy, and the act of remembering something with brilliant clarity is finally learned in the process of deliberately remembering and talking about Star Memories.

All the skills we need to eventually also be able to deal with trauma memories correctly need to be learned with positive memories first.

When a person knows how to handle positive memories, they are in a much, much better position to deal with any other type of memory.

That's a simple, structural fact; so even if we can't persuade people right now that focusing on Star Memories is actually healing, I am 100% going to make the case to prepare people properly and give them skills and tools they need to be able to walk consciously into some sort of trauma hell. At the moment, people are sent there naked and afraid; with the experience of Star Matrix, they can walk into those memories in a metaphorical space suit and rescue aspects without getting burned in the process.

You want to take charge of your memories, understand how they work, how you work when you access them?

Practice with Star Memories.

This will give you the skills you need to go forward.

Your own Star Memories will also empower you, free you, give you additional information, strength, and become an enormous treasure chest of resources, inspiration, personal power, hope, and the base for a brand new, sparkling self concept.

It's time for Star Matrix thinking to begin!

The Book of Stars

Essential for and central to Star Matrix is your personal Book Of Stars.

This is a beautiful notebook of your choice in which you will write down your Star Memories as you recover them.

I recommend the following format for the entries.

  1. The Number

  2. The Title

  3. Short description, keywords, (optional sketches)

  4. The year when this happened

  5. The age of the aspect who had the Star Event.

For example:

No. 1 = Sunset Stars Over The Ancient Forest

Leaning against a massive oak tree, looking over the valley forest, seeing the first stars of the night sparkling with the sky banded orange, purple and midnight blue.

1971 – Age 12

The Number helps us make connections between memories later on, and they are also important to help us consciously realise just how many amazingly good experiences we've already had so far, especially once the Book of Stars goes over 100 entries.


The Title allows us to consciously say what the experience was in essence.


The Description is a memory aid for later, when there are many, many Star Memories in the Book of Stars.

The Sketch is optional, but many people absolutely love to draw a simple sketch of the MOMENT, what the aspect saw, or a sketch of the aspect inside the moment when the Star Event happened. Sadly, very many people are totally reversed to drawing, had it beaten out of them in school, but I highly encourage to give it a go. A simple map, a stick figure, it really helps to activate and engage the non-language parts of the brain and the energy system.

The Year is there to place the Star Memory into a wider context, as all people alive at that time would share the year, even if their cultural notation is different.


The Age of the aspect is the personal place in time and space on the person's timeline. It can also be used later to find “holes” in the timeline of Star Memories that want to be further investigated, and link together sequences of Star Events for big AHA! Moments of a personal nature.


Conscious Awareness

The Book of Stars is all about conscious awareness and intellectual understanding of our Star Events, and how these have shaped our lives far, far more profoundly than any trauma ever could.

The dates, titles, descriptions, age, numbers are all designed to really help us integrate the Star Memories in consciousness.

Conscious awareness of our treasures and riches is of the essence!

I always tell the story of the man who had been given a million dollars, which had been placed in his bank account, but nobody told him this so he didn't consciously know it.

As a result, he continued to behave like a homeless man and froze to death one night under a railway bridge in a snow storm.

Without conscious awareness of what there really is, we have no chance to build a reality based conscious construct (self concept) of who we really are.

We cannot use the resources we don't know we have.

We need to “take stock” of what's really been happening so we can understand where we are, as well as what has to happen next.


Proof Positive

When we get into low energy states of stress, anxiety, anger, fear or depression, we lose access to our inner resources.

The Book of Stars is proof positive that you didn't imagine all the amazing experiences, that there really was love in your life, that you really are strong and resilient, and far more magical in every way than you have given yourself credit for.

:Low energy aspects can turn to the Book of Stars and find inspiration, wisdom, guidance and strength simply by reviewing some of the entries.

And when someone comes along and tells us we are worthless and count for nothing, we can place our hands on our own Book of Stars and simply smile at such a preposterous notion.


The Book of Stars As A Power Object

Filled with beautiful, powerful, high positive memories, the Book of Stars is of course a power object in its own right.

In moments of crisis, we can hold our Book of Stars to our heart, and let the power of our Star Aspects and our Star People stabilise us, inspire us, and lift us.

It's a beautiful thing.


Start YOUR Book of Stars TODAY.

Do not delay.

The sooner you start, the better.

The more Star Memories you recover and inscribe in your Book of Stars, the more powerfully inspirational the whole thing will become, and the more benefits you will gain from this in your personal life, right here, right now.

Especially if you are still involved in all sorts of trauma based therapies, you need your Book of Stars as a counterbalance to all that endless negativity.

The Book of Stars will help your energy system stay strong, and it will give you that missing FOUNDATION upon which you can build a better future.

Silvia Hartmann, 22.2.2020

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Silvia Hartmann
Information about Silvia Hartmann
President of the Guild of Energists.
Training courses and events with Silvia Hartmann:
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GoE Townhall Meet Up LIVE - News 🌟 Views 🌟 ENERGY! with Silvia Hartmann, Zoe Hobden & Alex Kent
31 Jan 2025 - Online
Silvia Hartmann has the following products in the store:
EMO: Emotions, Energy, Information & Love, 2nd Edition

EMO: Emotions, Energy, Information & Love, 2nd Edition

Posted Nov 3, 2016
Powerful information every person on this Earth needs to hear about. Fifteen years of EMO in theory and practice have taught us so much about energy, how it works with human emotion but also with...
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Energy Dancing I

Energy Dancing I

Posted Mar 23, 2010
Energy Dancing is a completely natural and intuitive way to increase energy flow throughout the body. This causes emotions to change for the better, as well as being a very fast method to...
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Energy Dancing II: The Sacred Horse

Energy Dancing II: The Sacred Horse

Posted Mar 21, 2010
Magic Dancing: Energy Dancing with The Sacred Horse. Experience profound relief, release, de-stress and energize your mind, your body, your energy body with this brilliant NEW self help program...
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Infinite Creativity: The Project Sanctuary Story

Infinite Creativity: The Project Sanctuary Story

Posted Jun 17, 2014
Infinite Creativity: The Project Sanctuary Story by Silvia Hartmann comes 16 years after the original Project Sanctuary manual was released. If you are interested in unlocking your minds full...
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Modern Energy Tapping by Silvia Hartmann

Modern Energy Tapping by Silvia Hartmann

Posted Jan 18, 2018
Following two decades of research with classic tapping, Energy in Motion, Energy EFT and Positive EFT comes Modern Energy Tapping - a system designed from the ground up to get you and your clients...
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Star Matrix by Silvia Hartmann

Star Matrix by Silvia Hartmann

Posted Oct 5, 2021
This is the Star Matrix book by Silvia Hartmann. Purchase through DragonRising to get immediate access to gain your certificate in Star Matrix Foundation.
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The Modern Energist

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Posted Feb 1, 2018
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The Power of The Positives (2023): Beyond Positive Psychology, Positive Thinking & Positive Vibes

The Power of The Positives (2023): Beyond Positive Psychology, Positive...

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The Power of The Positives SPECIAL REPORT (2017): Unlocking The Extraordinary Power Of Positive Energy In Modern Energy Work

The Power of The Positives SPECIAL REPORT (2017): Unlocking The Extraordinary...

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Trillion Dollar Stress Solution

Trillion Dollar Stress Solution

Posted Oct 3, 2017
The Trillion Dollar Stress Solution: MODERN Stress Management - From Stress To Success. Very rarely, a book comes along that has the power to change the way we see the world. Silvia Hartmann's...
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Silvia Hartmann has kindly contributed the following titles to the 🏫 GoE Library:
4 Cool Energy Hacks For Procrastination, Anxiety & Self Doubt - Video with Silvia Hartmann

4 Cool Energy Hacks For Procrastination, Anxiety & Self Doubt - Video with...

Posted Oct 2, 2018
Raise energy FAST with these 4 quick and easy techniques to overcome procrastination, anxiety and self doubt presented by Silvia Hartmann: Heart Healing, EMO Energy In Motion, Modern Energy...
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80+ NLP Neurolinguistic Programming Articles With Energy In Mind

80+ NLP Neurolinguistic Programming Articles With Energy In Mind

Posted Apr 24, 2015
NLP Neurolinguistic Programming with energy in mind themed articles by Silvia Hartmann. Includes over eighty articles on subjects including Learning NLP, NLP and Energy, NLP Essays, NLP and...
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Bereavement Healing With Modern Energy - The Immortal Beloved Protocol by Silvia Hartmann

Bereavement Healing With Modern Energy - The Immortal Beloved Protocol by...

Posted Mar 13, 2023
Help people with their bereavement with the Immortal Beloved protocol developed and written by Silvia Hartmann.
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DragonRising Radio Show

DragonRising Radio Show

Posted Jan 8, 2018
DragonRising is the publishing arm of the Guild of Energists and they've released some of the most outstanding and innovative audio products available, including: HypnoSolutions, HypnoDreams,...
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Earth Rise Visualisation Training Audio 2006

Earth Rise Visualisation Training Audio 2006

Posted Jan 23, 2017
Earth Rise is a short energy hypnosis program created by Silvia Hartmann to improve the ability to visualise in internal representations. Use the exercise repeatedly and/or use in conjunction with...
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Easy EFT, Adventures in EFT, The Advanced Patterns of EFT and EFT & NLP - Classic EFT Tapping by Silvia Hartmann

Easy EFT, Adventures in EFT, The Advanced Patterns of EFT and EFT & NLP -...

Posted Oct 22, 2019
Classic EFT Tapping by Silvia Hartmann is a compendium of some of the most important and influential classic EFT books available, including: Easy EFT by Silvia Hartmann -  Introductory guide...
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Elory's Joy Audio Recording 2005

Posted Jan 23, 2017
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EMO BeauTy T Complete

EMO BeauTy T Complete

Posted Jan 19, 2017
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EMO Beauty T Live Recording with Silvia Hartmann

EMO Beauty T Live Recording with Silvia Hartmann

Posted Feb 5, 2020
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Energy EFT Master Practitioner Live Recording with Silvia Hartmann

Energy EFT Master Practitioner Live Recording with Silvia Hartmann

Posted Nov 26, 2019
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Energy EFT Presentation by Silvia Hartman

Energy EFT Presentation by Silvia Hartman

Posted Mar 8, 2017
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GoE Energy Protection Course

GoE Energy Protection Course

Posted Feb 3, 2021
Silvia Hartmann's GoE Energy Protection is a free video course on energy/psychic protection for GoE Members to enjoy, be inspired by and stay protected.
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GoE Modern Energy Foundation Course (The Energy Course), 2023 Edition

GoE Modern Energy Foundation Course (The Energy Course), 2023 Edition

Posted Nov 3, 2022
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GoE Visibility Course: The Modern Energy Way with Silvia Hartmann

GoE Visibility Course: The Modern Energy Way with Silvia Hartmann

Posted Feb 23, 2021
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GoE2013 - P01 - Positive Energy with Silvia Hartmann

GoE2013 - P01 - Positive Energy with Silvia Hartmann

Posted Nov 10, 2013
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GoE2013 - P09 - Project Sanctuary - Infinite Creativity with Silvia Hartmann

GoE2013 - P09 - Project Sanctuary - Infinite Creativity with Silvia Hartmann

Posted Nov 10, 2013
Silvia Hartmann presenting on Project Sanctuary - Infinite Creativity at the GoE Energy Conference 2013
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GoE2014 - P01 - Keynote: Soul Matters with Silvia Hartmann

GoE2014 - P01 - Keynote: Soul Matters with Silvia Hartmann

Posted Nov 1, 2014
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GoE2014 - P12 - Marketing for Energists with Silvia Hartmann

GoE2014 - P12 - Marketing for Energists with Silvia Hartmann

Posted May 4, 2017
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GoE2016 - P01 - Keynote: We Love Energy with Silvia Hartmann

GoE2016 - P01 - Keynote: We Love Energy with Silvia Hartmann

Posted Nov 1, 2016
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GoE2016 - P13 - Energy Constellations – Created by Silvia Hartmann – Presented by Ilka Wandel

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Posted Apr 6, 2018
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GoE2017 - P01 - The Love Challenge with Silvia Hartmann

GoE2017 - P01 - The Love Challenge with Silvia Hartmann

Posted Jan 20, 2018
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GoE2021 - P01 - The Miracle Expansion with Silvia Hartmann

GoE2021 - P01 - The Miracle Expansion with Silvia Hartmann

Posted Nov 25, 2021
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GoE2021 - P09 - New Worlds Modern Energy Art Exhibition with Silvia Hartmann

GoE2021 - P09 - New Worlds Modern Energy Art Exhibition with Silvia Hartmann

Posted Nov 25, 2021
Join Silvia Hartmann for a virtual Modern Energy Art Exhibition.
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GoE2021 - P12 -  Closing Plenary: Tapping Into YOUR Miracle Expansion with Silvia Hartmann

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Posted Nov 25, 2021
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GoE2024 - S1 - The Future Of Modern Energy

GoE2024 - S1 - The Future Of Modern Energy

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GoE2024 - S2 - The Future of Modern Energy Therapy

GoE2024 - S2 - The Future of Modern Energy Therapy

Posted Nov 13, 2024
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GoE2024 - S3 -  The Future of Modern Energy Training

GoE2024 - S3 - The Future of Modern Energy Training

Posted Nov 13, 2024
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GoE2024 - S4 - Our Future Starts Now!

GoE2024 - S4 - Our Future Starts Now!

Posted Nov 13, 2024
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How A Child Sex Abuse Survivor Healed 1 MILLION Hearts - Video with Silvia Hartmann

How A Child Sex Abuse Survivor Healed 1 MILLION Hearts - Video with Silvia...

Posted Oct 9, 2018
The extrordinary story how a distraught child sex abuse survivor triggered a chain of events that has helped to heal a million broken hearts - so far! - Video with GoE president Silvia Hartmann
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How I Escaped The Trauma Cult (And You Can Too, If You Want To!)

How I Escaped The Trauma Cult (And You Can Too, If You Want To!)

Posted Jul 8, 2024
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MindMillion 2005 by Silvia Hartmann - Complete Text

MindMillion 2005 by Silvia Hartmann - Complete Text

Posted Feb 10, 2017
MindMillion by Silvia Hartmann - Complete book has been added to the Library. In this extraordinary book, you will find the tried and tested remedies, techniques, tools and most of all, the...
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MindMillion Articles 2005 - 2012

MindMillion Articles 2005 - 2012

Posted Jan 22, 2012
MindMillion articles on business success from the energy perspective (pre-Energy EFT/Positive EFT) 2005 - 2012. Includes over seventy articles.
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MindMillion Exercises by Silvia Hartmann: The 60 Second Wealth Creators

MindMillion Exercises by Silvia Hartmann: The 60 Second Wealth Creators

Posted Apr 15, 2023
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Mirror Charm Sanctuary - Evolving Metaphors Masterclass

Mirror Charm Sanctuary - Evolving Metaphors Masterclass

Posted Nov 24, 2022
For members of the Guild of Energists, Silvia Hartmann has gifted you a special members-only practitioner master class in evolving metaphors in sanctuary. It’s beautiful and advanced Modern...
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Modern Energy 101 - The Modern Energy Chart In A Nutshell - Video by Silvia Hartmann

Modern Energy 101 - The Modern Energy Chart In A Nutshell - Video by Silvia...

Posted Oct 23, 2018
Never heard of Modern Energy? Check out this 5 min intro that might just change your life! Here is how to do "emotional wellness" "emotional intelligence" and how to get from stress to success in...
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Modern Energy Tapping Presentation with Silvia Hartman

Modern Energy Tapping Presentation with Silvia Hartman

Posted Apr 16, 2018
27 minute video of author Silvia Hartmann presenting on Modern Energy Tapping at the GoE Positive Energy Day which took place at Sedgwick Park UK in 2014.
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NLP & Classic EFT Special Report 1999-2009

NLP & Classic EFT Special Report 1999-2009

Posted Feb 25, 2017
Classic EFT & NLP is a special report by Silvia Hartmann for NLP Practitioners on how to use Classic EFT, which covers how to use Classic EFT to enhance NLP abilities in the self; how to use...
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Power Affirmations Special Report 2008

Power Affirmations Special Report 2008

Posted Feb 26, 2017
Power Affirmations - 21st Century Magic Spells That Change Reality - 2008 Special Report by Silvia Hartmann, full text.
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Project Sanctuary III 1996-2002

Project Sanctuary III 1996-2002

Posted Jan 27, 2017
Silvia Hartmann's groundbreaking Project Sanctuary. Third edition 2002, published 2003. Complete text.  Project Sanctuary is a unique set of processes using intention, energy and metaphor,...
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Project Sanctuary: First Sanctuary with Silvia Hartmann

Project Sanctuary: First Sanctuary with Silvia Hartmann

Posted Mar 12, 2018
Project Sanctuary is easy, and fun. In this straightforward, friendly 14 minute free meditation, GoE President Silvia Hartmann guides you through the process of setting up a "first Sanctuary". Use...
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Sandra Hillawi: Wishing Silvia Hartmann A Fabulous Retirement

Sandra Hillawi: Wishing Silvia Hartmann A Fabulous Retirement

Posted Nov 19, 2024
Wishing Silvia Hartmann a fabulous retirement!
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Sex In Sanctuary

Sex In Sanctuary

Posted Jun 19, 2018
Special Report by Silvia Hartmann for all members to read free in the library, however prior knowledge of SuperMind, Infinite Creativity and Project Sanctuary is advised. Need to read Infinite...
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Star Matrix Summit 2020

Star Matrix Summit 2020

Posted Feb 18, 2021
We're delighted to make the complete inaugural Star Matrix Summit available to members to enjoy. In this video series, Silvia Hartmann interviews key members on their own personal breakthroughs...
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Sunday Live with Silvia Hartmann

Sunday Live with Silvia Hartmann

Posted Feb 25, 2020
Watch the complete collection of live streams with GoE President Silvia Hartmann including energy exercises and latest news from the GoE.
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The Energist - Vol 2014.1.1 - Voyager

The Energist - Vol 2014.1.1 - Voyager

Posted Jun 1, 2014
Summer 2014 edition of The Energist magazine.
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The Energist - Vol 2014.1.2 - Conference Special

The Energist - Vol 2014.1.2 - Conference Special

Posted Oct 1, 2014
Autumn 2014 edition of The Energist magazine.
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The Energist - Vol 2015.2.1 - New Beginnings

The Energist - Vol 2015.2.1 - New Beginnings

Posted Jan 21, 2015
Winter 2015 edition of The Energist magazine.
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The Energist - Vol 2015.2.2 - Project Sanctuary

The Energist - Vol 2015.2.2 - Project Sanctuary

Posted Apr 9, 2015
Spring 2015 edition of The Energist magazine.
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The Energist - Vol 2015.2.3 - It

The Energist - Vol 2015.2.3 - It's OUR Time to Shine

Posted Jul 27, 2015
Summer 2015 edition of The Energist magazine.
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The Energist - Vol 2015.2.4 - Harvesting From The Tree of Lights

The Energist - Vol 2015.2.4 - Harvesting From The Tree of Lights

Posted Sep 1, 2015
Autumn 2015 edition of The Energist magazine.
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The Energist - Vol 2016.3.1 - Energy EFT Foundation

The Energist - Vol 2016.3.1 - Energy EFT Foundation

Posted Mar 19, 2016
Spring 2016 edition of The Energist magazine.
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The Energist - Vol 2017.4.1 - The Best Year Ever!

The Energist - Vol 2017.4.1 - The Best Year Ever!

Posted Feb 1, 2017
Spring 2017 edition of The Energist magazine.
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The Energist - Vol 2017.4.2 - The Energy of Learning

The Energist - Vol 2017.4.2 - The Energy of Learning

Posted May 26, 2017
Summer 2017 edition of The Energist magazine.
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The Energist - Vol 2018.5.1 - The Power of the Positives

The Energist - Vol 2018.5.1 - The Power of the Positives

Posted Feb 20, 2018
Winter 2018 edition of The Energist magazine. Available to read online on smart phones, tablets and in browsers, plus also the option to download as an Adobe PDF file for printing out at home or...
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The Golden Horse & Other Fairy Tales by Silvia Hartmann

The Golden Horse & Other Fairy Tales by Silvia Hartmann

Posted Nov 15, 2022
Created by Master Story Teller Silvia Hartmann For Magical Children Aged 9 - 99, The Golden Horse is an anthology of absolutely original, highly creative stories told in traditional fairy tale...
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The Grumble Gnome Fairy Tale by Silvia Hartmann

The Grumble Gnome Fairy Tale by Silvia Hartmann

Posted Dec 23, 2022
A great traditional fairy tale to enjoy for the magical child within, or the magical child in your life in Silvia Hartmann's unique energy writing style. 
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The Magician by Silvia Hartmann

The Magician by Silvia Hartmann

Posted Jun 1, 2023
The Magician - 28 Lessons In Magic; a novel by Silvia Hartmann.
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The Orb of Prosperity by Silvia Hartmann

The Orb of Prosperity by Silvia Hartmann

Posted Feb 9, 2022
This Modern Energy Meditation is for anyone who wants to connect with the energy of prosperity, whatever that means to you. Inspired during the Energy Show "The Spirit of Prosperity," here is...
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The Real Secret How To Become A Millionaire - Video with Silvia Hartmann

The Real Secret How To Become A Millionaire - Video with Silvia Hartmann

Posted Oct 16, 2018
Do you want to be a millionaire? Check out these amazing Top 5 Tips from GoE president Silvia Hartmann
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The Star Matrix Story with Silvia Hartmann

The Star Matrix Story with Silvia Hartmann

Posted Oct 23, 2019
What is Star Matrix? Where did it come from? Why is Star Matrix so important for the people of the 21st Century? Why do we need to escape the brainwashing of the Trauma Trap? What are Star Events,...
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Video Clips From - Modern Energy Foundation 1 - Your Happiness Matters: Introduction to Modern Energy with Silvia Hartmann

Video Clips From - Modern Energy Foundation 1 - Your Happiness Matters:...

Posted Nov 6, 2018
Video clips from Silvia Hartmann's Modern Energy Foundation  online course: Unit 1: Why Your Happiness Matters - An Introduction to Modern Energy These are made available to you to watch...
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Zauberwelt by Silvia Hartmann - Auf Deutsch/German Language Edition 2004

Zauberwelt by Silvia Hartmann - Auf Deutsch/German Language Edition 2004

Posted Jan 13, 2017
Zauberwelt is an introduction to the magical world of modern energy. In this charming book, Silvia Hartmann explains in simple words and simple examples how different our world looks when we...
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Zauberwelt English Language Edition Translated by Silvia Hartmann 2004

Zauberwelt English Language Edition Translated by Silvia Hartmann 2004

Posted Jan 13, 2017
Zauberwelt is an introduction to the magical world of modern energy. In this charming book which has been translated from the original German language edition, Silvia Hartmann explains in simple...
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