The Energist - November 2013

The Energist - November 2013

Welcome to the November 2013 edition of The Energist eJournal!

We're looking back this month, but in a Positive way of course! We're looking back at the 2013 EFT & Energy Conference which took place earlier this month, but also at 15 years of The AMT. That's right, November 2013 marks the 15th birthday of The AMT, which was founded in 1998 by Silvia Hartmann and Chrissie Hardisty. In that time so much has been achieved. Thousands of Practitioners and Trainers have been certified, new techniques and modalities have been created, and, as Silvia Hartmann put it in her eulogy for tapping technique founder Roger Callahan, "oceans of tears have remained uncried".

Here's to the next 15 years!

- Josh Alliston, Editor

In this issue:








The Energist

Events: 2013 EFT & Energy Conference – Report & Photos

2013 GoE Conference Report

On Saturday 9th & Sunday 10th November, Energists from all over the world converged on the Europa Gatwick Hotel, London, to take part in the 2013 EFT & Energy Conference!

The event was a massive success, with feedback from delegates being more positive than we could ever have dreamed. Our line-up of presenters was stellar, the pre- and post-Conference Trainings fun and Energy filled, and the Saturday night party extra special as it was in celebration of The GoE's 15th Birthday.

If you couldn't make it, or if you were there and want to re-live some of the highlights, then read our report which features photos from all of the presentations from the weekend.


News: Happy 15th Birthday, The AMT!

Happy 15th Birthday

November 2013 marks the 15th birthday of The AMT. Founded in 1998 by Silvia Hartmann and Chrissie Hardisty, The GoE has gone on to certify over 3000 Practitioners and Trainers in Classic EFT, Energy EFT, Positive EFT, EMO, Energy Cone, BSFF, Animal Healing, Project Sanctuary, Genius Symbols and much more.

We celebrated this milestone in style, hosting a special Birthday Energy Party at the 2013 EFT & Energy Conference, and you can see pictures from the event and more...


News: Roger Callahan Eulogy

Roger Callahan Eulogy

Celebrations of The GoE's 15th Birthday were muted somewhat with the sad news that Roger Callahan, founding father of Tapping techniques, had passed away. Without Callahan there would be no GOE, so it was fitting that Silvia Hartmann lead a minute silence in her opening speech at this year's Conference.

The speech and minute silence is now available to watch on our website, and is a touching tribute to the man that made it all possible.


Article: Tapping for Children with Positive EFT by Alex Kent

BIG Ted's Guide to Tapping

Alex Kent, author of the brand new Positive EFT children's book BIG Ted's Guide to Tapping, discusses why this revolutionary paradigm shift is ideal for working with children.

Alex writes: In the last couple of years, the classical EFT landscape has been truly transformed and revolutionised by Silvia Hartmann. Before 2011, practitioners were exclusively taught to work with trauma and negative emotions using the limited Subjective Units of Distress SUD scale (10 to zero). This of course makes sense in the adult therapy world where the absence of a problem means job done, but it is my belief that kids need positivity to be happy.

With Silvia Hartmann's books Energy EFT (2012) and Positive EFT (2013) we learn how tapping can be used for so much more than what can measured on the old scale of distress. Now we have the Subjective Units of Experience SUE scale (-10 to +10) which means we can ask "How happy are you?" and get a response of minus 5, rather than asking "How sad are you?" and getting a result of plus 5.

They may seem like similar results, but the difference between tapping your way from 5 to 0 (SUD) or -5 to +10 (SUE) makes all the difference in the world.


Read the Full Article
Discover BIG Ted's Guide to Tapping

Welcome New GoE Members – October 2013

Welcome New Members

We are delighted to welcome and congratulate all our new members and newly qualified Practitioners, who joined The GoE in October 2013.

Please welcome...

Cigdem Akin, Aysenur Akkaya, Necla Ayber, Asli Baltacioglu, Debbie Barber, Béatrice Bardaro, Oya Batikan, Wendy Leanne Beresford, Jacqueline Besseling, Kelly Burch, Lynda Carter, Nurten Colak, Penny Croal, Edeltraud Grace, Meral Guven, Tulin Hascakir, Kamla Jassal, Amy Jokinen, Anne Kaveney, Paula Kennedy, Fatma Kubat, Kym Lawn, Sandra McAuliffe, Hadwiga Micheli, Domenica Papalia, Suheyla PINAR ALPER, Canan Reis Oy, Lauren Rosenberg, Marianne Russell, Romy Schlierf, Hakan Sevimser, Amanda Sharman, Howard Sharman, Buket Sonmez, Gulden Sufraz, Jane Taylor, Caroline Thomas, Nathalie Thorez Dens, Aysen Topalkara, Jane Travis, Handan Yetkin, Emine Yilmaz, Kenneth Breen and Lance Rahn.


EFT Case Story: Using EFT for Pain Relief by Tonny Biilgreen

EFT for Pain Relief

EFT Master Practitioner distance learning student Tonny Biilgreen explains how EFT helped a client gain pain relief from a recent elbow injury, and how a different approach is sometimes needed.

Tonny writes: My client John has this pain problem in his left elbow. A few month ago his elbow was twisted while he was playing a game of football and another player bumped into him. The pain in his elbow comes and goes, sometimes it gets stronger, sometime it almost vanish.

We decide to do some tapping on his elbow pain. After a couple of rounds on stress and EFTeam, he tells me that the pain in his elbow at the present time is about -5 on the SUE scale.


Article: Do A Positive EFT Intro Workshop!

Positive EFT Workshops

We thought this was a fun little item for the journal, but one which makes some very good points. The following is a reprint of a conversation had in the Energists USA group on Facebook, involving GoE Chair Silvia Hartmann, GoE Director Alex Kent, and GoE Trainer Katherine Harris.

--Transcript Begins--

Katherine Harris: Hey there! I'm giving my first intro to EFT workshop this weekend. Two hours long. 

Any tips/ideas/suggestions about how to organize and structure a class to be most useful in a short time with an unknown number of participants? Thanks!

Alex Kent: You could use Positive EFT which is great for groups as an intro.

Katherine Harris: Yes, Thanks. I'm planning on using Positive EFT, but my wonderful manual is for training a trainer and I wondered if anyone had suggestions of what they found most useful in a quick workshop. I don't want to overwhelm them:). 

I just wondered if folks had suggestions from experience. Thanks!

Silvia Hartmann: Don't get involved in the discussion as to whether people have an energy body or not. They do, let's start from there.

Emotions are feedback devices - feel good when energy flow is high, feel bad when energy flow is low.

Keep it really simple and get them started AS SOON AS POSSIBLE on the first round of positive EFT. As soon as you have everyone place their hands on their hearts and take the three deep breaths in and out together, you can guide them through the first round safely.

You can tap on HAPPINESS and make little comments on each point, like whatever that means to you, breathe in deeply, tap under the eye - my HAPPINESS etc. SUE scale, stress chart, positives chart - Bob's your uncle. Really easy!

Make sure you are happy and positive before you start as well, that helps LOL

Also, the Positive EFT book is designed as a handouts manual. If you follow it literally it'll work just fine. You can cover the 1st part/chapter which would be Session 1 in a day training that has 4 sessions, but can perfectly stand alone as an introduction and is more than enough to get people started with EFT.

Katherine Harris: Awesome! Thank you Silvia Hartmann! That's just what I needed!

Silvia Hartmann: How did it go Katherine?

Katherine Harris: The workshop went really well today! Hooray and thanks for all your help!

It was a group of four women 2 therapists and 2 who work with children in state custody. So they all were ready to gain a new tool to help them in their work and lives. They were very open and willing to try to the tapping and I felt like the SUE scale was revolutionary. It is revolutionary!

I was worried I should have fancy PowerPoint and glossy handouts but people were very satisfied with the workshop and the focus on Positive EFT. I have been tapping for years and talking about tapping, but it felt different to be the "leader" and the "expert" but I realized do have years of experience with EFT and I did know the answers to most of their questions so that was eye opening for me and is helping me step more into my role of trainer. People really liked having handouts to bring home!

Thanks again! I'll probably do another one next month!

Silvia Hartmann: Excellent Katherine and thank you for sharing your experience!

This might encourage others to have a go too. I've found personally that with the stress chart and the SUE scale we have a winner, and positives for introductions is perfect, no fear of abreactions or misery ensuing.

Great job and congratulations!

--Transcript Ends--

From "Energists USA" on Facebook, reprinted with permission.


EFT Case Story: Let Your Creativity Shine! by Aisling Killoran

Let Your Creativity Shine

Aisling Killoran of the Accomplish Change Clinic, Dublin, has written a couple of  great case stories using Energy EFT to help clients bounce back.

Aisling writes: I have been working with EFT heart and Soul now since its conception and i have to say, if you trust the process, de-stress and follow the client, the change that happens is magical. Apart from explaining the process of the journey, I have never had to make a suggestion to the client on wording, as the words just flow up and out from the client and in the background the memories just pop up, with out having to go route for them!

It it such a joy and a gift to journey with them to healing and beyond.


News: EFT Master Practitioner Distance Learning – Now with Downloadable Videos

EFT MP - Downloads

Good news if you're planning on booking onto the EFT Master Practitioner distance learning course, it now comes with downloadable video files of the live training with Silvia Hartmann, recorded last year. This is in addition to your DVDs which will be posted out after you order, and means that you can get started on the material straight away.

If you're already enrolled on the course, fear not! You too can download the files right away, just login to and visit your Purchased Downloads section.


News: GoE Christmas Competition – Call for Sponsors!

Xmas 2013 - Call for Sponsors

A new GoE tradition that has become very popular over the last several years is the AMT's Christmas Competition. The competition is not open yet, not until mid-December (don't worry, we'll make another announcement when it is), but we are asking for sponsors for the Competition who are happy to donate a prize.

Previous year's prizes have included 1-1 sessions, books ranging from Matrix Reimprinting by Karl Dawson, to Energy EFT by Silvia Hartmann, and everything in between.

Please get in touch if you have a great prize to offer. We'll happily link back to your website from our competition page.


Our thanks as always goes out to everyone that has submitted an article, news item or case story to this month's edition of The Energist newsletter.

Stay warm and energised this November,


Josh Alliston

P.S. Read back issues of The Energist dating all the way back to 1999 by Clicking Here...

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