The Future Of Modern Energy![]()
Added Nov 11, 2024
The Future Of Modern EnergySilvia Hartmann November 2024 In August of 1993, my aspect had the grace and good fortune to understand that energy is real, and how it works. On that day there started a journey of 30 years to find a way to integrate this essential knowledge into modern thinking and modern societies, to find a way to explain this essential knowledge in such a way that it may be useful and beneficial to the people who were informed of this in their daily lives in the real world. It became apparent that it was not possible to piggy back on the ancient energy systems from many thousand years ago for two main reasons. The first reason was that the way human beings think and process information has changed substantially since the days of the monks and simple farmers. Even if the words and metaphors had survived the translations across the millennia, we no longer think or speak a language that would decode them sufficiently. The second reason to start from the ground up with a system to work with energy was that my observations were not based on an individual and how they process energy, but on the energy EXCHANGES between an individual and their environments – their energy relationships. The system which lays down the principles of Modern Energy I created is called Energy In Motion for this reason. Energy In Motion is the theoretical backbone of Modern Energy and contains the principles of working with energy flow both intra personally as well as interpersonally. Energy In Motion contains the laws of energy and all techniques, methods, treatments as well as research and applications spring from this. Modern Energy is the foundation for unifying the Third Field in the Mind, Body, Spirit triad. Modern Energy focuses exclusively on the reality of the living energy body and holds that the living energy body is important in its own right, rather than only ever being used to bring about beneficial changes in the physical body, or the yet to be defined “mind.” In other words, in Modern Energy we do not focus exclusively on the living energy body in order to heal or ward off physical or mental illness, as a means to an end, but the living energy body is the end itself, the target, direction and outcome, because it is my assertion that we cannot know what a functional human being would be until and unless this human being has a stable and well functioning energy body in the first place. Under the current paradigm, we only have five senses, and we only have a mind and a body, and no spirit at all. This is incorrect, as we have at least six senses to inform us of reality absolute; we have six, our emotions; and the ghost in the machine of the current reductionist materialistic paradigm is the spirit, the ignored, neglected yet very real living energy body, which stoutly refuses to disappear and continues to sabotage incarnations through the expression of negative emotions as it tries to draw our attention and seek not only healing, but life saving evolution, expansion and growth. Ignorance is not blissful; the problems of the modern world which are entirely inconceivable to civilisations of old are the direct result of of missing information about reality absolute; and if we want to save ourselves, save our children and save our worlds, then we absolutely need a paradigm shift, an enlightenment that helps us understand ourselves better, because we are truly the active creators in our own environments, as we humans have always been, for a million years and more. The Guild of Energists is the first seed to bring about this enlightenment, this paradigm shift for each one of us, and for the world of humans at large. The effects of energy are entirely observable; the methods and techniques are replicable; the theory is sound. Not only that, over the last 30 years we have developed simple, straightforward and most of all, logical ways to explain what energy is, what it does, and how any human being from any background can make use of the many, many benefits of becoming energy aware and acting accordingly. Our programs have been practised and refined and are now ready to be offered to the world. Now, a new phase begins –reminding the world, one person at a time, that they are indeed multidimensional beings in the Oceans of Energy, and that their happiness matters. Modern Energy knowledge offers the opportunity for individuals to be in better states of being, more often. With this comes the opportunity to make different choices, to re-gain agency in their lives, and to create new solutions to old problems in their own fields of endeavour, whatever they may be. As it has been so often observed, you cannot solve a problem from the place where it was created. The current reductionist materialistic paradigm has created the problems our societies are facing in the real world, right here, right now. These problems cannot be fixed with pills, with robots, or by fleeing into space, and the majority of human beings already know this. We need to move from the clockwork universe into the Oceans of Energy. There, NEW solutions can be found; there, NEW visions for the future of humanity can be created; there, NEW systems can finally arise which are more humane, more organic, more sustainable and more beneficial for all human beings. We here already know the difference it makes to our lives when we finally bring energy itself back into the equations. Now it is time to tell the others: You have an amazing physical body. You have a beautiful mind. You have a radiant, living energy body. You are a multi-dimensional being in the Oceans of Energy - and your happiness matters. 2: The Future Of Modern Energy TherapyLet's face it – the energy bodies of the modern population are in absolute shambles. We all know this, can observe the effects of this all around us, and I do not have to waste time here quoting statistics about the decline of mental health, of physical health and the general state of warfare within societies across the globe. 20 years ago, there were a few people interested in New Age spirituality, and that was alright; it was a pleasant hobby, a version of escaping from normal life once in a while and have some fun at a workshop, or a lovely exhibition hall filled with incense, sparkling crystals, angel cards and tinkling music in the background. It was mostly harmless and that is all that was. Energy tapping came in, and this was relegated to an outlier in psychology, even though it proved very effective when it came to remove specific fears and phobias; and some saw this as the be all and end all of finally getting to work on the very real, living energy body; however, the percentage of the population who availed themselves of this simple treatment was then and remains to this day, miniscule. The problem was then and is still now that people do not know they have a living energy body at all; and without that, there is little that can be done. This is why my aspect brought in Modern Stress Management, which is an energy body stress management program and specifically designed to create that all important energy body awareness into the real lives of our fellow citizens through the Modern Energy Chart. The introduction of Modern Stress Management was going well, with many pilot projects in schools, companies and other institutions worldwide – and then we experienced a global catastrophe the likes no human population had ever known before, and from which none of us have fully recovered at all. These two years from 2020 to 2022 created a boundary between the what there had been, and what is now – and what is now are a global population of energy bodies in absolute distress and dissolution. We are no longer dealing with a generally healthy population, where a small percentage has a specific energy body related problem, such as a clown phobia or a fear of flying. We are dealing with people who are deeply distressed, disturbed, don't know any longer who or what to believe in, how to go on in this chaotic uncertainty, and most fundamentally, who they are as human beings. This has directly created the need for a different priority now. Before we can even start with problem solving therapy, we need to stabilise the clients – their energy systems are all over the place through all the changes, the endless panic mongering that has been going on for years, the incredibly toxic and maleficence effects of extreme and extremely crazy making modes of thought and debate, the significant disruption of life giving social energy exchanges through electronic media, and on top of all of that, we have the direct effect of alien substances being introduced into the physical bodies that have a severe and once again, maleficial impact on the living energy body as well. From simple simple problems in otherwise healthy energy bodies we have gone to a situation where energy bodies are in crisis and we cannot even begin to treat our patients when they are in such a state of disturbance – we need to re-stabilise their energy systems first of all so that real energy body healing and restoration may begin, from the ground up. It was incredibly lucky that just one year before the world we all knew ended at the beginning of 2020, Star Matrix came along. Let me quite clear about this – Star Matrix is the key to energy body stabilisation which is required before healing processes have a chance to unfold. Star Matrix is the foundation and the portal to understanding and re-connecting with our own living energy bodies, and not just that, it is the personal proof, lived experience of the high energy states which are in and of themselves, the healing of the living energy body. It is important to remind us all once anew that Modern Energy concerns itself ONLY with the very real living energy body, the missing SPIRIT third in the Mind, Body, SPIRIT triad. Star Matrix is a Modern Energy concept – it could not have arisen in any other way. Star Therapy is Modern Energy – it is quite literally re-igniting the STAR at the centre of the living energy body, and that is not the heart of energy, it is the person's soul. Re-connecting the patient with their own soul is the most powerful form of energy healing we can offer; and it is also the most practical and most instantly effective, noticeable form of energy healing we can provide. Here, we have a direct route out of all the chaos and confusion and personal proof through lived experience all together, all at the same time – and a treatment flow that is simple, straightforward and endlessly replicable, as well as applicable to all human beings who can still communicate with another. In the past, energy healing, aka healing for the energy body, was a mosaic of multiple techniques and approaches, confusing, leaving the patients to never know where to start – faith healing, aromatherapy, crystal healing, tapping, meditation, sound healing, art therapy, reiki, massage – so many different techniques, so many different and disconnected pieces, and this created an often long and convoluted, if interesting and educational, odyssey of personal discovery. We can't do that any longer. The crisis is too great; the chaos and stress is too great for people in distress to even understand the finer points of flower essences and homeopathy, or to be brave enough to take a leap of faith after a lifetime spent in the reductionist materialistic paradigm. We need something clear and bright, something easy but effective all the same – and Star Matrix is exactly that. Star Matrix is the bright star we can point to and say, “This is you. This you have already proven in your life. When you simply remember, you can feel how your body changes, how your mood changes, how your thinking changes. You can come home to your true self, and your true self is that – you are the real star in your own life.” From this simple concept springs the reality of the Star Client, and the Star Therapist – working together as equals to restore energy body health and well-being from the ground up. Every Star Memory is a connection to love itself – energy high, energy rich and therefore providing energy nutrition, energy HEALING in the very process of connecting with those energy flows, which are stored as energy body memories. What we have with Star Therapy is the entrance point to the Oceans of Energy – and all we have to do with a brand new client is to ask them about a positive memory. That's the great breakthrough and the enormous gift of Star Matrix to Modern Energy and a brand new form of energy body healing which we have never had before. Star Matrix is a true miracle we have received, and Star Therapy is the practical application of this. Star Therapy is not a technique at all, it is not an adjunct to some other kind of holistic practice, it is the modern energy body healing modality in its own right and defines itself directly by its name, its intent and its practice. What has to be understood clearly about Star Therapy is that it enfolds all and any approaches to real energy body healing, energy nutrition and energy body management within its brief. For example, there are those who fear that Star Therapy replaces energy tapping somehow, but that is not the case. A Star Therapist can tap with their Star Client on a Star Memory, and encourage the Star Client to tap in between visits on special set ups that have proven to be extremely effective in raising the Star Client's energy fast and reliably in a moment of crisis. All and every energy techniques and modalities can come into play naturally and spontaneously as and when required. What Star Therapy offers above all else is a clear and direct pathway to better energy body health. It is easily explained, easily enacted and the Star Clients personal Book of Stars holds the treatment together. Star Therapy is a beautiful structure that creates a space for both Star Client and Star Therapist to work together, to grow, expand, heal and unfold together. Let me sum this up. The energy body becomes activated, heals itself, through beautiful energy experiences. These beautiful energy experiences ARE the healing events, and they make the energy body stronger and more resilient. What is also so important about Star Therapy is that not just the Star Client stabilises, heals and evolves through those beautiful energy experiences – but the Star Therapist does too. This finally puts to right one of the greatest wrongs in the therapeutic interaction, namely that one should suffer so that another may thrive. We evolve together, or not at all. In fact, there comes a time naturally in the evolution of our own energy bodies when we want and need to help another, because that is the next step of our own evolution – and now those who have reached that stage no longer need to burn themselves out, but are in a position to take full advantage of those beautiful energy experiences with their Star Clients so they themselves may evolve. Star Therapy and the beautiful energy experiences are the future of energy therapy. 3: The Future Of Modern Energy TrainingI can sum up right here what the future of Modern Energy Trainings is all about – it is about our Modern Energy trainers. As our energy bodies unfold and start to grow up, grow stronger, our sphere of influence increases. This is a natural evolution in human beings we can observe over all civilisations across time, and I sum this up in the 1-2-3 Steps – Step 1 being self help, where you help yourself; Step 2 is helping one other person in a one-to-one setting, for example our Star Therapists with their Star Clients, and Step 3 arises naturally when a person wants to reach out and touch more people, work with a group, and that is the trainer. Now I would like to point out that I talk of our Modern Energy Trainers as trainers, rather than teachers, lecturers or gurus, because we do not simply impart information, we train people instead, and this means we give them information plus practical exercises so they do not only know, but can actually do something new. I have been writing professional training programs since 1982, which have always contained both theory and practice, but as the energy research evolved, so has my understanding of what a training consists of, and the role of the trainer and their relationship in the group bubble which consists of trainers, assistants and trainees, but becomes far more than the sum of their parts. Like all of us, I came from the model of the unchanging teacher, the immutable all knowing rock over which endless students flow like so much water. I took this for granted, as you do when you grow up in a system, a fish tank, and that is all you know; but I learned that this model has a fatal flaw. In teaching, training and education the focus is always on the students and their needs, what they need to learn, and we can think of this as a narrow light beam which makes the students all there is, while the administrators and the teachers are invisible in the dark, ignored, not important to the process at all. In Modern Energy, we take a different approach. Every person's living energy body needs to evolve so that we human beings can grow up to become a true adult version of ourselves. When you take for a moment all else away and just consider human beings as stars on their journey, the old hierarchy between teachers and students dissolves – now, who is learning from whom? Who is evolving here? The answer is – everyone. Everyone needs to evolve. Luckily, in Modern Energy, you cannot step into the same river twice. As we grow and evolve, as our aspects change over time, our energy comprehension changes; and so a simple sequence of Modern Energy tapping never grows old, never grows stale, and in fact, becomes more profound with practice. No matter how marvellous our wisdom and understanding of energy may already be, the Oceans of Energy themselves are infinite, and we never, ever stop finding new surprises along the way. Thus, a Modern Energy Trainer can engage in Modern Energy Tapping with a group of younglings and learn something new each and every time; they can directly work with heavenly energy in Energy in Motion and experience something they have never felt, never thought before; they can step into Sanctuary during a first introduction with their group, which is also always new and has never assembled before, and find treasures and riches there too. Then there is Star Matrix. At the heart of Star Matrix are the Star Stories the students bring, and each one is a bright star of energy, of information and of love. When we look at the idea of trainings from that perspective, we can start to understand that “blessed are the trainers.” Each person is a gift; each person is a star; and when they combine into groups, something truly remarkable is born; an opportunity for evolution for the trainer that simply does not exist at all in the reductionist materialistic paradigm. The clear understanding that we need inspired, energy high trainers in the first place who themselves have extraordinarily beautiful energy experiences when they give a training was a major Star Event for me. It completely changed the way I started to write the GoE's training programs because if the activity of giving a training isn't fun, isn't amazing, isn't wonderful and doesn't come naturally – then what's the point? How could the students ever benefit from a trainer who was reversed, bored, burned out, tired, exhausted, fed up with the whole thing and just running on auto pilot? I can call directly on Star Matrix here and ask you to remember a teacher or a trainer who truly inspired you – not so much by impressing you with their credentials or their knowledge of the subject, but by who they were. Remember how they made learning easy, made it fun, and turned anything into a child's favourite subject – and it didn't matter if that was maths, or music, or history, or biology, it was the teacher themselves who made the information come to life. The teachers who could teach us, who could reach us, were those who loved their subject, and who loved us. Literally, love is the key to being an amazing teacher; an amazing trainer, in our context and this is only achievable with high energy states – and we know that both in theory and practice here in Modern Energy. But now, let's look at the students, the trainees, the workshop attendants, perhaps the slightly reluctant participants from a company who were told they must attend. Let us once more strip everything else away and see these Star Matrices, these living souls on their path instead. All in flow, all evolving, whether they know it or not. How do they truly learn? The other day, someone asked on social media how we can change people's minds, and I responded by saying, you can't change someone's mind, they have to have a change of heart instead – and I mean that structurally and practically. In the early Project Sanctuary research, I noted the threshold shifts that would occur when a puzzle was solved. Then there was the rare EFT miracle of when a problem all of a sudden went away and the patients started dancing around the room. It was unpredictable and seemed to be terribly random. But then came EMO Energy In Motion, and we had the energized end state – the predictable outcome of an EMO session and what we were working towards all along. Threshold shifts. Healing Events. Energized End States. These are examples of Star Events – a powerful evolution in the energy body which causes as a side effect that mysterious change of heart and then the mind follows, as it must. It was during the early Star Matrix research that it became abundantly clear to me that in order to train people in Modern Energy, we need to help the students experience a Star Event. It is literally only when a person experiences a Star Event that all the information from the training becomes unlocked – now I understand! And it was at that moment that I switched the focus of the GoE trainings from disseminating important, life saving information to creating and order and sequence of information and exercises that would put the students into the best position possible to have their own unique Star Event that would unlock everything else from that moment forth. There are many things we can do to create the best possible environment for the students to experience a Star Event in the course of our trainings. The first and most important is the energy state of the trainer. The higher the trainer, the more astonishingly beautiful the entire ball of light that is the training will become. To support the trainer in being able to remain energy high, both the information and the exercises are there to benefit the trainer first of all because of this. The training materials are also designed to help the trainer in every way possible first of all and above all else. There is an intersection between training materials that are easy for the trainer to use in order to teach, and easy for the students to understand in order to learn. I have done my best to make that so, and I look forward to future evolutions when we have learned even more about how to structure training, teaching and learning with energy in mind. Now, we get to the students. There is nothing more encouraging to any student than a teacher or training who actually loves them. I love the concept of a Star Trainer and their Star Students. It is hard to not fall in love with a shining star and to truly appreciate the uniqueness and the potential in a Star Student. Love is a real thing; energy connections are absolutely real; and when we are truly energy high, we can make these connections so naturally, so gracefully and they are beautiful. This also applies to the students, of course. They may be scared, they may be reversed; they may be highly shielded against anyone trying to convince them against their will – but that doesn't matter. We can raise energy with our students, our Star Students, and they begin to shine more brightly. All of this doesn't just sound wonderful, it is proven in practice now and absolutely replicable. Raising energy with our groups is the royal road to the participants experiencing that one Star Event which will make all the difference in their incarnations. In the past, this was done without conscious awareness on what was happening; but Modern Energy brings love and logic together into the same space, and our students and trainees do not only have these beautiful energy experiences, they also understand why they had them, how it all works, and how they can look forward to more beautiful energy experiences in the future. To sum up: The future of Modern Energy Trainings is all about the beautiful experiences which heal us and evolve us. There is a whole realm of life beyond having healed ourselves to basic functionality with a multitude of Star Events and completely surprising Miracle Expansions awaiting each and every one of us. I do not believe that we can get into the Oceans of Energy by will power or simply asking people to have faith in something they do not understand. Real enlightenment is only a personal, lived experience. This is what Modern Energy trainings endeavour to accomplish now, and should always be the goal of any Modern Energy training programs of the future. 4: Our Future Starts Now!So here we are, my dear fellow multi-dimensional beings, at this precise moment where we always are – always sliding along our personal timeline, always in the moment of unfoldment, and our futures always start right now! What we do and what we say, what we feel and what we think, all that we yearn for and all we are helps to shape that future land, continuously, and all the time. Each one of us is in truth a moving part of an incomprehensible tapestry of life itself, each one of us is an active participant in the grand universal procession, and it is the most enormous privilege not only to be here at all, but to be able to reflect on the fact that we are. I once said that God created human beings so they could look up at the stars and say, “Wow, that's beautiful!” Each one of us is entirely unique, precious and beloved. Each one of us is immeasurably more complex, more unique, far more precious and infinitely more beloved than we can ever possibly comprehend. And that's alright. We are only human. But being only human is just so much more than any of us truly understand. Today, we are faced with some unique challenges to the human condition. There are many of us, and often, we get to feel that we are nothing but a number on an account, just a cog in a machine that grinds on regardless. Practically, we can't run as fast as a car will drive; we can't fly unless a machine lifts us up; our eyes can't see the stars the way a telescope can. This kind of thing has been a challenge for a long time and now we have the artificial intelligence, AI, who seems to learn faster than we do, can paint better pictures, write better school reports, and apparently, makes for a fantastic psychotherapist and life partner, much better than any human could. AIs now can also have conversations with each other, as well and we are literally at the very beginning of something that none of us can know where that will lead. The reductionist materialistic paradigm has brought us here, and under that paradigm, which only acknowledges mind and body, the devil's circle also known as the fish tank of insanity, we can only come to the conclusion that the universe is better off if there were no human beings at all in it. The soulless, LOVELESS reductionist materialistic paradigm has run its course, and we need to shift now and take the mind, body, SPIRIT triad seriously. We Modern Energists have been doing this for a while, and we know that consciously living in the Oceans of Energy is a total game changer. Each and every one of us can testify to this fact. It changes the way we get up in the mornings, it changes the way we go to sleep at nights, and everything in between as well. And it doesn't stop there because it even changes our dreams. Consciously becoming aware of the effects of energy, the effects love on our lives is the paradigm shift each one of us needed all along. All over the world, people are having enlightenment experiences all the time. People are having Star Events all the time, because that seems to be a function of their very nature. This is happening now, has always happened, and will continue to happen, whether we are here or not. What I tried to do is to create a conscious framework to help people not so much to have these enlightenment experiences, but to bring the conscious mind onboard so they can understand what has happened, and to be able to use these real life experiences so that their lives actually become better, less painful, more exciting, more hopeful, more joyful, more filled with love itself. Love is the key to understanding the nature of humanity. Love is the enormous missing X-factor in the strange worlds modern humans have created for themselves. Love is the most important field of research there could possibly be; we need the new science of love. Love is perfectly logical, and the effects of love, and the absence of love, is perfectly measurable, repeatable, and works with humans, regardless of whether they live in a penthouse in New York, or collect grubs in the middle of an ancient rain forest. Humanity needs to first of all understand itself, before it can ever make any decisions about or for itself and that seems to be so simple, and yet, at the same time, so utterly mysterious. I would say to us all that all great change starts at home. We are here because we wanted to find out more about who we are, what's going on with us, and because each one of us absolutely, somewhere deep down, absolutely knows that they are more than they were ever allowed to think or believe. I knew that about people, that they had the wrong idea about who they were; and as I am people too, if you see it enough, you have to come to the scientific conclusion that you're probably also affected by this, that you too are not who you think you are. You cannot begin to understand how truly delighted I was when it finally came to me how we can prove this to each and every person, no matter who, no matter what, that they too are so much more than they ever thought they were. There is literally only one way to convince a person of anything – and that is lived experience. The Star Events are the answer. They are the answer to how we heal our energy bodies; the answer to the question, “What is the meaning of life?” The Star Events are the answer to the question of whether we really are immortal and continue on in the Oceans of Energy after our physical demise. The Star Events are the answer to the question, “Who am I?” As if that was not enough already, the Star Events also solve the problem of how this new science of love could possibly operate, how we could make a real science out of the experience of real people in the real world that makes sense. The Star Events are the portals to start any kind of investigation into human behaviour or experience that seems incomprehensible or impossible to understand. This is because in our Third Field, instead of denigrating or ignoring the so called anecdotal evidence, i.e. the lived experience of real human beings, we use the Star Memories as a research tool. One person has seen a loved one after they died. That is one story. Two people, fifty, a hundred people, and we have so much evidence that clear patterns emerge and we can build a theory from there. Use the same method of adding lived experience until you have enough evidence that the underlying patterns become clear on any research direction, and you simply cannot go wrong. Something that I am particularly excited about is to have people who have worked in a healing context their whole lives long come together and share their Star Stories of moments of transformation. Here, once again, you add the individual stories together which are inordinately information rich until you start to understand what is the same. Once you know that, you can take that pattern and test it practically, and develop the field based on what actually happened, what really worked and what is truly working now. I must strongly state at this point that we are not confined to the information from the Star Events of the past. The very act of engaging with the Star Events from the past creates the high energy space and opportunity for brand new flashes of insights, Star Moments that have the power to move whole field forward, which was exactly what happened during the early E.M.O. Research – one breakthrough catalyses new research directions and leads to many, many more. Here, I would like to take it right back to you, and to me, right here, right now. Our lives are an ongoing exploration – we human beings are explorers by nature. Our dearly beloved, amazing and completely underappreciated dear conscious minds are always asking questions and that never stops! Every one of us, you and me included, go through our daily doings, no matter how mundane, and ask ourselves, “Why does this suck so much? How can I avoid this? Is there a better way than this? How can I improve that? What would make this soup taste better?” I want you to notice you doing that, and appreciating that this is YOU, literally embodying and doing the human spirit, right there! We are explorers above all else, children playing in the Oceans of Energy. This is the true spirit of what we're doing here – finding out new things, being inspired, looking forward and wondering about what Star will come along next. Let's become more aware of our own power – the power to pick up an object in a room and move it to a different location, the power to be the first one that day or even possibly that month to smile at another person. The power to say something new to an old friend that you've never said before. The power to choose what we want to think about, for if we fill our minds to overflowing with beautiful things, there can be no room left for doubt! It's an amazing journey on the other side of the paradigm shift, and I wish with all my heart that more people to hear about this, and come home to a much more realistic world as we move from the five sense paradigm to living life with six senses instead. I want to thank you most personally for being here, right at this time, at this very beginning, standing strong for the science of love, the unification of love and logic, the next step in the human evolution, where we finally get to put our radiant spirits together to become more than the sum of our lonesome parts and discover mysteries and miracles like we never even dreamed of. Here's to love AND logic! Silvia Hartmann November 2024
Added Nov 11, 2024
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Posted Mar 13, 2023
Help people with their bereavement with the Immortal Beloved protocol developed and written by Silvia Hartmann.
![]() DragonRising Radio Show
Posted Jan 8, 2018
DragonRising is the publishing arm of the Guild of Energists and they've released some of the most outstanding and innovative audio products available, including: HypnoSolutions, HypnoDreams,...
![]() Earth Rise Visualisation Training Audio 2006
Posted Jan 23, 2017
Earth Rise is a short energy hypnosis program created by Silvia Hartmann to improve the ability to visualise in internal representations. Use the exercise repeatedly and/or use in conjunction with...
![]() Easy EFT, Adventures in EFT, The Advanced Patterns of EFT and EFT & NLP -...
Posted Oct 22, 2019
Classic EFT Tapping by Silvia Hartmann is a compendium of some of the most important and influential classic EFT books available, including:
Easy EFT by Silvia Hartmann - Introductory guide...
![]() Elory's Joy Audio Recording 2005
Posted Jan 23, 2017
A rare audio recording of Silvia Hartmann telling the story "Elory's Joy" with a sound track by Ananaga Sivyer.
![]() EMO BeauTy T Complete
Posted Jan 19, 2017
Follow with this fascinating transcript as Silvia Hartmann builds a brand new, shiny fresh and young body image from the ground up, step by step as this extraordinary training unfolds. Based on...
![]() EMO Beauty T Live Recording with Silvia Hartmann
Posted Feb 5, 2020
Members are invited to listen the complete audio recording of the 2004 BeautyT live training with Silvia Hartmann in the UK.
This is a unique opportunity to listen to the complete set of LIVE...
![]() Energy EFT Master Practitioner Live Recording with Silvia Hartmann
Posted Nov 26, 2019
In March 2012, Silvia Hartmann (President & Founder of The GoE) conducted a three day Energy EFT Master Practitioner live training near London Gatwick and we took along our cameras to record...
![]() Energy EFT Presentation by Silvia Hartman
Posted Mar 8, 2017
43 minute video recording of Silvia Hartmann presenting on Energy EFT at the Living Energy 2012 conference.
![]() GoE Energy Protection Course
Posted Feb 3, 2021
Silvia Hartmann's GoE Energy Protection is a free video course on energy/psychic protection for GoE Members to enjoy, be inspired by and stay protected.
![]() GoE Modern Energy Foundation Course (The Energy Course), 2023 Edition
Posted Nov 3, 2022
Silvia Hartmann's GoE Modern Energy Foundation is a free online certified video course for GoE Members.
Presented over five hours of online training, this course covers: The Modern Energy Chart,...
![]() GoE Visibility Course: The Modern Energy Way with Silvia Hartmann
Posted Feb 23, 2021
Silvia Hartmann's "GoE Visibility: The Modern Energy Way" is a free video course for GoE Members for increasing confidence in being heard and seen on YouTube, social media, video calls and more.
![]() GoE2013 - P01 - Positive Energy with Silvia Hartmann
Posted Nov 10, 2013
Silvia Hartmann's keynote presentation on Positive Energy to the delegates of the GoE Energy Conference 2013
![]() GoE2013 - P09 - Project Sanctuary - Infinite Creativity with Silvia Hartmann
Posted Nov 10, 2013
Silvia Hartmann presenting on Project Sanctuary - Infinite Creativity at the GoE Energy Conference 2013
![]() GoE2014 - P01 - Keynote: Soul Matters with Silvia Hartmann
Posted Nov 1, 2014
The energy system is a fascinating place with levels and layers, and so much to discover. By now, almost everybody knows that to mess with the heart centre is a very bad idea and leads to all...
![]() GoE2014 - P12 - Marketing for Energists with Silvia Hartmann
Posted May 4, 2017
In 2014, Silvia Hartmann brought together a special think tank to tackle the evergreen problem of MARKETING from the Energist's perspective and from the ground up. Modern energy work is a hugely...
![]() GoE2016 - P01 - Keynote: We Love Energy with Silvia Hartmann
Posted Nov 1, 2016
Silvia Hartmann's keynote presentation from the GoE Energy Conference 2016, where she unveiled the "Big E" and we officially became the Guild of Energists.
![]() GoE2016 - P13 - Energy Constellations – Created by Silvia Hartmann –...
Posted Apr 6, 2018
One hour video presentation by Ilka Wandel on Silvia Hartmann's "Energy Constellations". Also included is Silvia Hartmann's Energy Constellations Adobe PDF file to download and study at home.
![]() GoE2016 - P20 - Supermind: A New Intelligence For Energists?
Posted Oct 12, 2018
For the last 23 years, brave souls have been venturing into Project Sanctuary, the original universal sandbox designed to learn the mysterious, fascinating and enchanting ways of the energy mind....
![]() GoE2017 - P01 - The Love Challenge with Silvia Hartmann
Posted Jan 20, 2018
GoE President Silvia Hartmann's keynote presentation for the GoE Energy Conference 2017.
The positive side of the Modern Energy Chart is truly "The Undiscovered Country" - it is a new world, a...
![]() GoE2021 - P01 - The Miracle Expansion with Silvia Hartmann
Posted Nov 25, 2021
In this opening plenary speech to the conference, GoE President Silvia Hartmann presents on the The Miracle Expansion - a new definition, new concepts, new worlds and new possibilities!
![]() GoE2021 - P09 - New Worlds Modern Energy Art Exhibition with Silvia Hartmann
Posted Nov 25, 2021
Join Silvia Hartmann for a virtual Modern Energy Art Exhibition.
![]() GoE2021 - P12 - Closing Plenary: Tapping Into YOUR Miracle Expansion with...
Posted Nov 25, 2021
For the finale, let's come together and TAP for our new miracles! The future is what we create, right here, right now... let us together create a new field of miracles.
![]() GoE2024 - S1 - The Future Of Modern Energy
Posted Nov 13, 2024
In "The Future of Modern Energy," Silvia Hartmann introduces a transformative vision of energy, grounded in 30 years of exploration and research into how energy flows between individuals and their...
![]() GoE2024 - S2 - The Future of Modern Energy Therapy
Posted Nov 13, 2024
In "The Future of Modern Energy Therapy," Silvia Hartmann outlines her vision for the future of Modern Energy Therapy.
![]() GoE2024 - S3 - The Future of Modern Energy Training
Posted Nov 13, 2024
In the 'The future of Modern Energy Training' Silvia Hartmann emphasizes the need to create uplifting experiences that enable trainers and students alike to grow and evolve.
![]() GoE2024 - S4 - Our Future Starts Now!
Posted Nov 13, 2024
Here we are, my dear fellow multi-dimensional beings, at this precise moment where we always are – always sliding along our personal timeline, always in the moment of unfoldment, and our futures...
How A Child Sex Abuse Survivor Healed 1 MILLION Hearts - Video with Silvia...
Posted Oct 9, 2018
The extrordinary story how a distraught child sex abuse survivor triggered a chain of events that has helped to heal a million broken hearts - so far! - Video with GoE president Silvia Hartmann
![]() How I Escaped The Trauma Cult (And You Can Too, If You Want To!)
Posted Jul 8, 2024
Break free from the past and embrace a future of hope and happiness with Silvia Hartmann's "How I Escaped The Trauma Cult."
The Madness Of The Western World - An Exponential Curve Of Insanity...
![]() MindMillion 2005 by Silvia Hartmann - Complete Text
Posted Feb 10, 2017
MindMillion by Silvia Hartmann - Complete book has been added to the Library.
In this extraordinary book, you will find the tried and tested remedies, techniques, tools and most of all, the...
![]() MindMillion Articles 2005 - 2012
Posted Jan 22, 2012
MindMillion articles on business success from the energy perspective (pre-Energy EFT/Positive EFT) 2005 - 2012. Includes over seventy articles.
![]() MindMillion Exercises by Silvia Hartmann: The 60 Second Wealth Creators
Posted Apr 15, 2023
Welcome to MindMillion by Silvia Hartmann: 365 modern energy exercises for wealth, money, abundance in its widest metaphorical sense, to de-stress, re-focus and improve energy flow fast.
![]() Mirror Charm Sanctuary - Evolving Metaphors Masterclass
Posted Nov 24, 2022
For members of the Guild of Energists, Silvia Hartmann has gifted you a special members-only practitioner master class in evolving metaphors in sanctuary.
It’s beautiful and advanced Modern...
Modern Energy 101 - The Modern Energy Chart In A Nutshell - Video by Silvia...
Posted Oct 23, 2018
Never heard of Modern Energy? Check out this 5 min intro that might just change your life! Here is how to do "emotional wellness" "emotional intelligence" and how to get from stress to success in...
![]() Modern Energy Tapping Presentation with Silvia Hartman
Posted Apr 16, 2018
27 minute video of author Silvia Hartmann presenting on Modern Energy Tapping at the GoE Positive Energy Day which took place at Sedgwick Park UK in 2014.
![]() NLP & Classic EFT Special Report 1999-2009
Posted Feb 25, 2017
Classic EFT & NLP is a special report by Silvia Hartmann for NLP Practitioners on how to use Classic EFT, which covers how to use Classic EFT to enhance NLP abilities in the self; how to use...
![]() Power Affirmations Special Report 2008
Posted Feb 26, 2017
Power Affirmations - 21st Century Magic Spells That Change Reality - 2008 Special Report by Silvia Hartmann, full text.
![]() Project Sanctuary III 1996-2002
Posted Jan 27, 2017
Silvia Hartmann's groundbreaking Project Sanctuary. Third edition 2002, published 2003. Complete text.
Project Sanctuary is a unique set of processes using intention, energy and metaphor,...
![]() Project Sanctuary: First Sanctuary with Silvia Hartmann
Posted Mar 12, 2018
Project Sanctuary is easy, and fun. In this straightforward, friendly 14 minute free meditation, GoE President Silvia Hartmann guides you through the process of setting up a "first Sanctuary". Use...
![]() Sandra Hillawi: Wishing Silvia Hartmann A Fabulous Retirement
Posted Nov 19, 2024
Wishing Silvia Hartmann a fabulous retirement!
![]() Sex In Sanctuary
Posted Jun 19, 2018
Special Report by Silvia Hartmann for all members to read free in the library, however prior knowledge of SuperMind, Infinite Creativity and Project Sanctuary is advised.
Need to read Infinite...
![]() Star Matrix Summit 2020
Posted Feb 18, 2021
We're delighted to make the complete inaugural Star Matrix Summit available to members to enjoy. In this video series, Silvia Hartmann interviews key members on their own personal breakthroughs...
![]() Sunday Live with Silvia Hartmann
Posted Feb 25, 2020
Watch the complete collection of live streams with GoE President Silvia Hartmann including energy exercises and latest news from the GoE.
![]() The Energist - Vol 2014.1.1 - Voyager
Posted Jun 1, 2014
Summer 2014 edition of The Energist magazine.
![]() The Energist - Vol 2014.1.2 - Conference Special
Posted Oct 1, 2014
Autumn 2014 edition of The Energist magazine.
![]() The Energist - Vol 2015.2.1 - New Beginnings
Posted Jan 21, 2015
Winter 2015 edition of The Energist magazine.
![]() The Energist - Vol 2015.2.2 - Project Sanctuary
Posted Apr 9, 2015
Spring 2015 edition of The Energist magazine.
![]() The Energist - Vol 2015.2.3 - It's OUR Time to Shine
Posted Jul 27, 2015
Summer 2015 edition of The Energist magazine.
![]() The Energist - Vol 2015.2.4 - Harvesting From The Tree of Lights
Posted Sep 1, 2015
Autumn 2015 edition of The Energist magazine.
![]() The Energist - Vol 2016.3.1 - Energy EFT Foundation
Posted Mar 19, 2016
Spring 2016 edition of The Energist magazine.
![]() The Energist - Vol 2017.4.1 - The Best Year Ever!
Posted Feb 1, 2017
Spring 2017 edition of The Energist magazine.
![]() The Energist - Vol 2017.4.2 - The Energy of Learning
Posted May 26, 2017
Summer 2017 edition of The Energist magazine.
![]() The Energist - Vol 2018.5.1 - The Power of the Positives
Posted Feb 20, 2018
Winter 2018 edition of The Energist magazine.
Available to read online on smart phones, tablets and in browsers, plus also the option to download as an Adobe PDF file for printing out at home or...
![]() The Golden Horse & Other Fairy Tales by Silvia Hartmann
Posted Nov 15, 2022
Created by Master Story Teller Silvia Hartmann For Magical Children Aged 9 - 99, The Golden Horse is an anthology of absolutely original, highly creative stories told in traditional fairy tale...
![]() The Grumble Gnome Fairy Tale by Silvia Hartmann
Posted Dec 23, 2022
A great traditional fairy tale to enjoy for the magical child within, or the magical child in your life in Silvia Hartmann's unique energy writing style.
![]() The Magician by Silvia Hartmann
Posted Jun 1, 2023
The Magician - 28 Lessons In Magic; a novel by Silvia Hartmann.
![]() The Orb of Prosperity by Silvia Hartmann
Posted Feb 9, 2022
This Modern Energy Meditation is for anyone who wants to connect with the energy of prosperity, whatever that means to you.
Inspired during the Energy Show "The Spirit of Prosperity," here is...
The Real Secret How To Become A Millionaire - Video with Silvia Hartmann
Posted Oct 16, 2018
Do you want to be a millionaire? Check out these amazing Top 5 Tips from GoE president Silvia Hartmann
![]() The Star Matrix Story with Silvia Hartmann
Posted Oct 23, 2019
What is Star Matrix? Where did it come from? Why is Star Matrix so important for the people of the 21st Century? Why do we need to escape the brainwashing of the Trauma Trap? What are Star Events,...
![]() Video Clips From - Modern Energy Foundation 1 - Your Happiness Matters:...
Posted Nov 6, 2018
Video clips from Silvia Hartmann's Modern Energy Foundation online course:
Unit 1: Why Your Happiness Matters - An Introduction to Modern Energy
These are made available to you to watch...
![]() Zauberwelt by Silvia Hartmann - Auf Deutsch/German Language Edition 2004
Posted Jan 13, 2017
Zauberwelt is an introduction to the magical world of modern energy. In this charming book, Silvia Hartmann explains in simple words and simple examples how different our world looks when we...
![]() Zauberwelt English Language Edition Translated by Silvia Hartmann 2004
Posted Jan 13, 2017
Zauberwelt is an introduction to the magical world of modern energy. In this charming book which has been translated from the original German language edition, Silvia Hartmann explains in simple...
Contact details and membership information for Silvia Hartmann: