The Science Delusion
Silvia Hartmann
“Science doesn't offer anyone delusions of being special, eternal, or loved by the universe. Real science correlates data and makes predictions." - Professor Dave, YouTube.
"Wow." - Silvia Hartmann
Hello and welcome back, my dear fellow beloved shining being from all times, all spaces, and all multiple dimensions. It is I, Silvia, the creator of Modern Energy, coming to you live from beautiful Eastbourne by the sea.
Yes, every so often you have plans for the day, and then you come across a quote, and all of a sudden, you think to yourself, "I think I'm going to make a video about this." So, welcome, and settle in. Let's have a look at what we've got here.
The Science Delusion Quote From Prof Dave
Sometimes you hear words, and they flow by like a little river, and then all of a sudden, there it is.
You are shocked wide awake: "What did you just say?" So, I was listening to this gentleman having an absolute diatribe about bad people who want to undermine science and the trust in science, and he said the following, which I wrote down very carefully on my notepad:
"Science doesn't offer anyone delusions of being special, eternal, or loved by the universe. Real science correlates data and makes predictions."
I thought, "Wow, this is amazing. This is amazing. This is like the exact opposite of what I always tell people what my work is all about." You couldn't get more opposite in this first sentence than you possibly could.
Wow! Just wow. Science doesn't offer anyone delusions, delusions of being special, eternal, or loved by the universe??? This is so interesting, and it's also really very unscientific because there's a huge presupposition inherent in this, that it is a delusion of being special.
The Delusion Of Being Special?
So, let's start with that, the delusion of being special.
If we just go to the basics here , with the hordes of sperm swimming towards the egg cell, "Yay, I want to get there first!" and just one of them does.
And then this amazing thing happens, the moment of conception when from these two separate things, the egg cell and the sperm cell, this completely new and different being, creature, whatever you want to call it, emerges.
What are the chances?
But anyway, this being emerges.
The moment of conception, this starburst of entry into this whole thing that's going on here, which I call the Grand Universal Procession. This thing that's going on outside of us, around us, within us, this crazy thing, it's just incomprehensible. So, I call it the Grand Universal Procession because it moves forward and everything is in it, and then all of a sudden, this new being is in it too, like you or I or any single one of these 8 billion people on the planet today, every single one being special.
Now, in all time spent and all time still to come, there will never be another being like that at the moment of conception. There'll never be another being exactly like that. Even if that being that comes into being is part of a twin set or sextuplets for that matter, each one is completely unique.
This so right from the moment of conception already, but then with every single experience this being has, it becomes more and more and more unique because its life experiences are unlike any other being that has ever been and that will ever be.
So yeah, special and unique, and it's mindblowing just how special and unique each one of us actually is.
So, I don't see that being special is a delusion.
I would be saying that's data, that's a fact.
It is a fact that every person is indeed special, unique; no one else has ever been where you have been, and nobody has ever or will ever do the things you do.
This is important to me as part of Modern Energy, to say to people, because you are special, because you are unique, you are the gift that only you would have to give.
The way that translates to me is that we can all paint pictures. Every one of us can paint pictures, all the eight billion of us, and not one of them is going to be the same. Every one of us can write a story or a poem, and not one of them is going to be exactly the same as anybody else's. You are special, and you really do have it within you to give the gift to humanity, to your surroundings, to yourself, to the Grand Universal Procession, the gift that only you would have to give, in all time spent and all times yet to come.
So, I would consider that to be a fact, a simple fact, and definitely not any kind of delusion. Yes, you're special in my world.
Welcome to my world, a world where I see that and see it like that. Definitely, you're special, welcome to the Grand Universal Procession. I don't know how long you've been here, but you were welcomed to the Grand Universal Procession at the moment of your conception.
I think that's a fact.
The Delusion Of Being Eternal?
Then we have the second delusion, according to Prof Dave, that we are eternal.
Our friend here comes from a world of just five senses, strictly the materialistic reductionist paradigm, the mind/body duality. Here, there is no such thing as the human spirit or love or generally speaking, emotions. This wonderful idea that if we take the emotions out of the equation and do unemotional science, if that would be any fun at all, but the idea being that if we took the emotions away, just focus on five senses, not all six that we have (because the sixth sense is our emotions), then we can somehow describe the totality of the universe.
It is truly delusional that you can describe the universe based on just five senses of human beings who have six and are driven by their emotions, their sixth sense reactions all through their lives, especially scientists.
This gentleman here, Professor Dave on YouTube, was ranting for an hour and a half about another YouTuber who had challenged the science and who had said that in his opinion, science is just another religion with high priests and sacred knowledge and top down authority.
This made Professor Dave extremely angry, and he accused this heretic of all sorts of things.
I wrote down some of the insults, like being stupid, being a charlatan, being a peddler, crackpot, purveyor of pseudo-science, everything under the sun.
Professor Dave was very, very angry. And this is exactly why scientists go wrong.
Why do some scientists falsify things, why is that happening? It's an emotional thing; they need the acclaim, they fight against each other, they stop people they don't like from getting promotions.
All of this is human and natural, but it's not included in that five-sense materialistic paradigm.
I have the question, how can you ever do clean science if you don't understand emotion and how your emotions are playing into whatever it is that you're doing in that scientific context?
Yes, I would say that unless you understand emotions, you can't do clean science. You'll be very likely to have a student bring in a great idea, and you get very angry and shout at them and say, "I'm not having this idea anywhere near anybody because it would undermine the work that I've been doing for the last 25 years!" which is what happened to me. I'm still not entirely over that.
What we are investigating here is the concept of being eternal.
Now, without the sixth sense, without the emotions, without understanding the positive experiences, those moments when people really do have enlightenment experiences and gain a sense of that immortality, gain a sense of their own soul, gain a sense of the eternal, of course, there is no eternal.
That's like saying that to those who can't hear the music, the people who are dancing are clearly fools, and that's exactly what's happening here.
The idea that humans are not confined to one lifetime, that they do have an immortal soul, that they are, in fact, in their deepest essence, eternal, is a human experience that has been had by people for as long as they have been people. I posit that the Neanderthals had those experiences, and we don't know how far back that goes, that there is a real sense of this eternity.
So, is that a delusion? Are all the people who had that personal experience, are they all deluded? And that's not just all the many millions among the current 8 billion here right now; it's more than that, a vast cohort across hundreds of thousands of years of human ancestry where people had that experience of knowing that they are eternal.
Now, from a scientific standpoint, I'd say we should investigate that, we should research that, correlate data, and make predictions perhaps rather than just ignoring it and sticking our heads in this five-sensory sand and trying to live life in a world where there is no such thing as emotions, first love, enlightenment experiences and dark nights of the soul and everything else in between.
While I'm talking about this personal experience of being eternal, where do all the great ideas in science come from? Where do they come from? Do they come from bean counters, or do they come from a moment of high inspiration that one person has somewhere along the line? Those rare scientists who had a genius idea, had their Eureka moment where they dance naked in the street; that's ta star event, a star event that leads a human being to understand and to know more than they previously did.
Yes, I should think all the great breakthroughs in science are from that same place where the experience of eternal comes from.
I don't want to convince anybody at all; just check it out for yourself, look in your own star memories, talk to other people, look at the experience of people across time, collect data, correlate data, make predictions, yes – that would be good science at last.
Loved By The Universe?
Thus, we come to the third part of that sentence: "loved by the universe."
This notion, once again, I could trace back to the experience of being eternal. I could take that right back to the incredible grace that we are here at all, each one of us, playing a part in the great Universal Procession. When considering all the other sperm and eggs out there that tried but did not succeed, it's clear that being given the chance to exist here is, in itself, a grace—a grace one might equate with being loved by the universe.
However, we can approach this from another angle by correlating more data and making predictions.
There are countless studies from various perspectives—some from spiritual universities that naturally aim to support such findings, and others from materialistic reductionists attempting to debunk them. Yet, the undeniable fact is that individuals who believe they are loved by the universe—or by God, in whatever form they perceive—tend to live longer, heal faster, be more productive, achieve greater success in life, and enjoy better relationships.
Choose Your Delusion
Looking at the data, it's clear that those considered "deluded" in their belief of being loved by the universe lead better lives. They might even be better scientists, yielding superior results, more likely to have groundbreaking ideas, and leave a significant legacy. It's a fascinating insight when you ponder it.
So, science does not necessarily exclude the concepts of being special, eternal, or loved by the universe. However, there are individuals, like our friend Professor Dave, who hold a different kind of delusion: one where they believe they are nothing special, just ordinary, replaceable, unimportant, mere rubbish; stumbling flesh robots on their way to becoming maggot fodder; transient flesh destined to be forgotten by time, not loved by the universe, which they see as indifferent to human life, joy, or procreation. This is a view of a cold, heartless universe.
Comparing these "delusions," one clearly fosters a happier, more connected, and fulfilling life, especially as one ages, while the other leads to sadness, depression, and an increasingly bleak outlook with age.
Believing you are nothing but "flotsam," not immortal, and unloved by the universe is soul-destroying. While free will's extent can be debated, we can consciously choose our perspective.
One might prefer to live in a world where one feels special, eternal, and loved rather than in a metaphorical dilapidated bunker of despair and misery.
Therefore, I invite you, everyone listening, to join me in this "delusion" if you will, or better yet, see it as the creation of a more positive reality matrix.
I invite you to recognize yourself as special, eternal, and indeed loved by the universe, a truth you feel within.
For the future, I advocate for a science that embraces these realities—let us correlate data, make predictions, and re-evaluate models and presuppositions that haven't served us well. Science has accomplished remarkable feats, but there are areas where it falls lamentably short, particularly in enhancing human happiness and health.
I gave a speech in 2011 titled "The Third Field," where I firmly placed Modern Energy within the Mind-Body-Spirit triad. It's time for a real science of emotion, energy, and love. Without this, humanity risks reverting to barbarism, and denying emotions or lived experiences as irrelevant is not the way forward.
I am 100% in favour of challenging, questioning, and debating these concepts at any time and place.
I am fortunate to have the lived experiences of real human beings as my guide, helping to navigate towards a reasonable, rational, and logical theory and practice of Modern Energy. I hope my work inspires others to progress and make our human journey in this real universe a bit easier and much more enjoyable.
I hope you've enjoyed this discussion. Please join me in sending blessings to our friend Professor Dave, wishing him love and an enlightening moment that will make him feel more at home and special within the Grand Universal Procession.
Thank you for listening.
Lots of love, and goodbye for now.
Silvia Hartmann
Jan 30, 2024